Sunday, March 1, 2020

My sister and I share the same birthday...

My sister and I were born three years apart and share the same birthday and face. Many thought we were identical twins. I am still not sure with my mothers reputation if she did not freeze one of us and produce the second one when she got tired of the first one.
Anyways, we have the same face or did until she died, leaving me with a lot of questions from other people whom I did not know. Really, they keep telling me of promises I made and don't I remember some thing when it was not me after all.
I was the one sent away, the first born , who visited grandparents and boarding school. She was the one introduced to several types of people and places, staying at home to be schooled.
We share the same birthday, old European style. Gregorian calendar versus Julian. Hers is February 25 and mine is 13 days later on March 9. the difference between the two calendars is 13 days, and I always got treated to two Christmas's and two birthdays.
My parents combined our birthdays in this fashion, choosing the middle weekend to celebrate or even Daylights savings weekend to go to the beach. I prefer Valentines day in February to be my celebration as a romantic. She preferred St Patricks day as a religious individual wanting us to stop at every church along the way. Maybe she knew she was going to heaven first.
Anyways, my grandmother Hazel birthday is the first day of Spring or Spring Equinox on March 19. I often wait til then to have a celebration for all three of us Spring babies.
The funny thing is I keep remembering that I was once called Autumn, and the Fall equinox is September 23. European style of writing 3/9 and 9/23 or 30 is about the same isn't it?
O well, I just celebrate both spring and autumn equinox and get special treats for myself and remember those who have gone ahead of us, waiting for gods time to come on earth.

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