Sunday, March 8, 2020

One more death at the place...

I now reside with a lot of other humanity enclosed in a safe site. There are all kinds of issues of turning oneself over to the system and not attempting to go on ones own through a rough situation.
I have my own space, bed and availability to showers, laundry, and food buffet. It is not optimum but it is better than other places.
I tried the hostels of living my full 14 days and then moving as I could afford them, but they increased their prices from the old days when it was more normal to have travelers stay longer than a three day minimum. Most people now jet set with airplanes, hopping from city to city without ever seeing the country they have paid to visit.
In my old days, I traveled on foot and otherwise with friends to see the countryside, and if one liked the place we would stay on for 3-6 months. Sometimes free of charge, these current places are being run by those without business licenses and for the most part employee out of work criminals.
Or at least the girls at the desk give the impression of being convicts on parole, while the maids are clearly illegal immigrants. One does not trust anything at all, not even the food provided at these places and I experienced more drugging or needle marks than was necessary in this type of travel.
I only left the country to go to Mexico City when the Pope came to town. And then the local side hotels were nicer kept, even though bunk beds instead of your own room than the larger better known hostels. In fact, the more famous one, had a situation that took two years to have an arrest made on a man with a baby carriage who kept showing up for no reason. The police finally found body parts in his stroller, meanwhile, a number of pregnant women turned up  missing or lost their babies with no apparent reason.
Myself, was found on a sidewalk face down, and dragged back to the hostel by two foreign tourists. I believe I was examined but could only get the doctor at the hospital a minor examination. I had fibroids which were developing into a large sized pregnancy appearance, which I now have lost most of the extra burden having had radiology. This is one reason I am now in this location, I had to give up my travels as I wanted to go back to my former life but could never get anyone to really connect. I also felt drugged, and was having female problems which included embarrassing bathroom episodes.
No money nor income and still waiting for my disability from an auto accident I should not have survived has left me with no other options. I am still being denied on heresy, what others report instead of the actual medical records. I was pulled out paralyzed and then pronounced dead on arrival. I walk with difficulty and have some speech problems associated with the stroke I had afterwards while living on my own in tiny holes in the wall, since all of my family properties have gone to professional thieves or non relatives moving in on a good thing.
So, this place still has faults, but I am alive, have had some radiology and now perusing physical therapy, exhausting myself at a local pool in the hot water pushing a board since I cant lift my arms. I am working on neurology due to the stroke and seizures I am still experiencing from the serious head trauma I experienced but have no signs of abnormalities in my MRI scans.
There have been two different women who have died for no reason. One woman I had known since we were children out at Ocean beach. Her mother was a nanny, her chosen name was Tina and she was a tarot card reader. Her children lived in Utah as Mormons, and she preferred a different lifestyle. For no reason she began to spit up blood and died of heart failure before the medics could arrive. She had just been in an altercation where her phone was stolen and found it at a bar, with the other woman's picture on it. Really bad Karma, for wanting her device back which was the only way she stayed in contact with her grandson.
The other woman I also recognized, she was the cousin of an old boyfriend from our younger days. Her children always looked at me odd, and she was said to be a drug addict. She reminded me of an older ballerina, with those thighs still in tight form, but with the top half going to mush due to lack of exercise. Her face was pretty and her children polite. I believe she also had a heart attack, being found by her daughter after school was over, just laying in her bed.
The trauma experienced by staff seems to be worse than the rest of us, who stand in line with them waiting for the toilets' and showers. They seemed to not know how to handle it nor the children who wont stop hanging off the chandeliers.
Now another woman has been found outside near the stairs. I had just traveled up those stairs an hour or so earlier, when I heard they were closed. The police and others arrived but it was too late, and really it is a public area, but another heart attack?

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