Thursday, March 12, 2020

Their names are Dulce and America and they are muslim terrorists who smile at you as they determine how much you are worth before they sale you to thier extremists friends

Dulce means sweat or Caramel and America means I'm from Mexico and I am here to rob you.
They are conversos thrown out of Spain as Muslims and unlike a true Arab of the old Nobel knight days, they are terrorists.
They are here to kill you once they are done with your wallet, your purse, your possessions and you life.
They are given the right by the Catholic church to stay as obvious villain's, selling drugs to the others inside and outside making the girls into prostitutes.
They lie kissing each other on the mouth and other places as they laugh at you and the establishment.
They think of themselves as communists, good Latinos out to get even with the United States.
They have come a long way, with their fancy ways, and their clothes they keep picking up for nothing, they have too much money and spend it on the themselves. They also don't go to work nor to church. They have a stolen dog they march around in his carriage as they lie to everyone, smiling as they do, examining what is left of normalcy.
They don't do is get tossed out because they have everyone hooked on their lifestyle of easy street from Mexico. Not immigrants who walked from Central America or the old style country who arrived in the back of a truck. They came across in American clothes claiming they have no place to go but have instead disappeared and always have conversations on their expensive phones, not the Obama ones. They don't qualify for the Obama phone nor food stamps nor welfare. But they live rich anyways.
They also have everyone hooked on the cigarettes', sold out of backpacks at half the counter price. They make sure everyone is connected, 3- 5 dollars a pack. The guys cant be making much of an income but they do it and then show up on the street corner counting big wads of money and selling electronics or just their little girls vagina to the next available man.
What they don't do is collect the required tax for the cigarettes' which is a requirement. 3 dollars per pack, which is why the stores sell them for 8 dollars a pack and act as if they are robbing the customer.
Where the free cigarettes' come from is anyone's guess, out of a warehouse perhaps or off the back of a movie set or even one of the many navy ships in port.
They clearly are not paying for them in the first place, nor covering the taxation nor doing anything but seeing whom they can get hooked into their game of getting even with the US.
Instead of a wall, why don't we just shoot them on the street corners as they come by with the Catholic wares of extreme terrorism since all they want is our life and not our souls which they have already condemned?
My mother for instance opened her door and heart to a woman named Teresa who married her impotent non son. Jimmy had gone through a string of blond and black girls. But the first Muslim Latino, she threw everything of fine out of the door and brought everyone of her family including little America across the border illegally.
Then tricking us into visiting a city where they were supposed to be arrested, pushed her into a car, called an ambulance and then complained because there was a bill to pay. Meanwhile, Teresa was living in a fancy house in San Diego while her sons newest wife was working at a fancy bank.
Never getting anything back at all, one of her brothers made politician, another a fancy horse jockey at the Del Mar race track and another one down in Ensenada opening the safe in the office and selling every piece of furniture he can in order to pay back the fancy Americans who come to his country.
Baja and California were never owned by Mexico and never far of any war between the US and any other country. Texas lost a battle at the Alamo but now own most of the land, while Alaska was sold by the Russians, and the French sold Louisiana, it took gun terrorists such as Pancho Villa and the Bear Flag revolt to show hostilities towards others after claiming they had crawled on their hand and knees from Mexico city itself and not from across the border where no one lived until after World War 1 or 2.
Such hostilities of a bunch of rejects from Catholic Spain, welcoming all the Muslim terrorist's and claiming to be communist's even though the Russians don't visit them at all. Where did they come from and where do they want to go once they are done robbing California and America? To Spain or England and sit down on their thrones of powers with their imaginations of being born princesses instead of whores like Teresa never good enough for anything but a drug dealer such as Jimmy?

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