Tuesday, March 10, 2020

envy and jealously

I have never understood the way my mother brought us up. She was raised by an elegant female journalist whose husband was away at war. His father had been one of the first world war I ace pilots, flying out of the desert. He broke his back on a parachute jump over Gibraltar. He spent the rest of the war at the library in Cairo doing research.
His family were LDS or Mormon as they are called. They have this need to know who their ancestors are and where they come from. He knew his family had landed in Canada before the American Revolution and ended up on the wrong side of the border after it was all over. They moved several times from Pennsylvania. His roots take place in such places as Scotland, and North Africa by way of France. They are not African.
My mother had a fixation on Africans, this is not unusual for her generation who wanted to right the wrongs of those before. But she got us all in trouble by adopting people and bringing them home without considering how the others were raised. To take advantage and destroy everything in their way. I am not talking about poor blacks from the south but German born illegals who showed up as well, taking advantage of her nativity.
Now there are over two dozen people who have shown up with their children and some of them with their biological mothers whom they look like. They want to get close to me, they want me to get comfortable with them, they want to know what is in my purse and what I am googling on my phone. They are extortionist, and criminals at the worse level, having meet my mother on trips and kept on showing up around her after it was known she had brain cancer and could or would not say no.
My father on the other hand came from a native American family who were still residing on their property in the east coast. The longest walk did include many of them but the rest just hid in the hills or refused to budge when the rest, including the chief were rounded up. Often calling themselves Dutch after New Amsterdam, they can trace their heritage to the first days at Jamestown.
Some say we are Plymouth colony, but really were already her on both coasts. There were once journals which proved the ships made it around to the other side and some came back on foot or horse to the east to tell of the other coasts with the abundance of fish and few Europeans.
There is of course Europeans in our ancestors. They came from France, Russia and Scandinavia as well as Hungary and Austria. Not all Europeans are German and low brow. Most had a mixed ancestries and not all claim to come from the high kings of Ireland when in fact they are from some orphanage in Berlin or Hong Kong where their parents went as far away as possible to make sure they did not find their way home.
Instead they keep finding themselves on our doorstep.  Even now that most of the homes have been destroyed or are now occupied by illegal residents, Most of them send their envious spouses in to claim a lesbian homosexual relationships so they can run around imaging themselves as Lady Diana's or Meagan's. Both of whom loose their titles as soon as they show their true colors. These criminal guys with mafia ties or just lazy local thieves keep telling their kids and grandchildren all they have to do is show up and act friendly and then they can go meet the president or the queen.
Really, who are these people and why do they think it does not take a real blood test, DNA kit or birth certificate to prove who they are? Instead of being hand walked around claiming a new generation is in their belly when some of us have never had the opportunity to give birth to a child but want our possessions, including the funny animals or cheap dolls we pick out to remind us of grandparents who knew who they were and not a crazy mother who would not let one of her children's inherit a single thing but through it away to the bullies and uglies of the community so she could die with out housing and without an income?

Even so called step family assumes they can have your name and background just for claiming they are relatives when for the most part their is no evidence. My father ended up a sad life after being a crack engineer of whom many advances were made such as bridges and building structures. Roaming around half blind and living with those who just showed up at the door or took his wallet. He did not know who his real child was but had to endure the local police lying to him as well, all do to the criminals being allowed to insist on having their way instead of correcting a situation.
The shear envy of African adults who show up just because they were allowed to approach my family and claim they are Irish or Indian is amazing. I will either have to go to court again and have them sent to prison or just plain kill them as so many of my family have been murdered including myself and my father. We are both doubles, lookalikes with another who died early while we wondered what to do with many of the comments towards us, not dead yet but going to be soon.
Who assumes because they are the wrong skin color they can demand by nodding their chin up and down they get to keep your life without even trying to get a job, go to college or even marry the man who keeps getting them pregnant? No matter what your skin color is, this is a different era and there is no one who can assume anything at all, especially with wide eyes and a dropped jaw!

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