Friday, March 27, 2020


Day 1

Quarantine! I have been complaining of respitory problems and flu like symptoms for quite awhile. I always get sent home with not pneumonia.
Now everyone is suspicious of a cough. I have a recurring cough and when it was really bad, a urine infection which caused difficulties.
My breathing is better after going into chlorinated water for my twice weekly push a board across the pool. Broken back and still not able to lift my arms much nor move without pain.
I have been running a low grade fever for awhile and gone to the doctors and emergency room with my complaints. Always, go home it is just respitory problems.

So now I get to get tested just because some people assume my cough does not include me covering my mouth. I have even been called a liar, and I do use hand sanitzer and bottled water. Not that water fountain stuff which is never sure of its purity.

I actually failed the screening, had to go to the clinic in a hired van with a few others who were not six feet apart with a mask on my face.
Waiting in the waiting room and going to and from, check at front desk, check in with nurse, check in with staff and then finally seated in a room of my own. All without the required six feet nor the desired clients, one reason I stopped coming unless I really felt I could not go another day.
They made me wait four hours in a small cubicle with a tight  mask over my face, answering questions and then receiving the pipe cleaner test. It really does go up the nostril and all the way!
I was given meds for my sinus infection and asked questions but told nothing nor got instructions. I found out they had gone and sent someone to collect my belongings. Myself and the other person were now again in a small van with all of our belongings being shuttled across the city.
We were meet at the quarantined location with no information. There were national guards on assignment and then the confused driver had difficulty dealing with drive to the back.
My request was no elevators as I faint in them with my fingers turning black from vertigo. I have developed a couple of neurological issues from my auto accident. Ground floor were the promises of the doctor, nurse and even the guy who checked our paperwork.
The other girl got the third floor assignment and ran upstairs with her stuff while I tried to phone about my fifth floor location. I got an unsatisfactory answer from staff. I attempted to climb to fifth floor and could not do it with my broken back nor my shallow breathing.
Finally, I sat down on the steps and tried to call for help. I had taken the instructions out of the drivers hands. It had phone numbers on the page and I called until someone answered. The county which was handling the quarantined agreed to my request and told me to call back.
Meanwhile, the security guards were upset and called me in as a homeless person. The staff yelled at me to get 6 feet away from him and told me not to take off my mask. The security guys were nervously twitching their fingers around their not threatening arsenal trying to figure out if I was dangerous with a mask on my face.
For once my phone worked for once it worked and for once the battery did not turn off. I was able to call the county official back and receive my new assignment. I still had to climb the stairs with a walking device and force my feet past the openings in order to get around the corner.
The door was open and I had my little window into the world of a pandemic. I did not have my stuff nor any food since breakfast. I asked politely to the staff if it was possible to bring me my luggage.
He said no! It was impossible, they are not allowed to touch anything. An hour later, he knocked on the door, the stuff was in someone's way and was removed, so he brought it to me with my supper,  now cold in a paper box. It contained a very important item, a bottle of water, something that is difficult to acquire in these times.
Finally, I could get my stuff, my clothes and my computer into my hands. I could shower without fear of little kids running into the stall, I could take my time and even spread my stuff out. I could change my clothes and sit in a chair with a cup of coffee. It was close to midnight and I had completed my first day of quarantine for the pandemic that has occurred 100 years after my grandmothers sister and two or three of her brothers died of the Spanish influenza.

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