Saturday, March 28, 2020

Quarantine Day 4

Day 4

Life under civil rule not military rule.

Lies are told to all of us and many health workers have no nurse training and even more believe they are someone else child. They proceed as if they are helping you when in fact they are causing problems. How long have my test results been thrown away or redirected because some non relative wanted to control my medical treatment.

I woke up on day 2 to a room which is now my cell. I am not allowed to leave the place, it has its own bathroom and a television. It also had a coffee machine but not enough pods. There are no housekeepers here. One takes care of oneself in the bathroom and cleans up in the room but there is no vacuum nor change of sheets or towels.

No contact at all with anyone at all and there are phone calls. The county calls every day to make sure everyone is doing okay and there is nothing to complain about. The nurse calls every day to make sure there is no difficulties and takes down the symptoms. If worse presumably I would be put in ICU.

It is going to take 10 days for the test results. This is not a  picnic nor is it easy not to go stir crazy. I have had an ongoing elevated temperature for a while. I keep going to the doctors who send me home. Some even began to act as if I was crazy. I keep complaining of the same symptoms but there is nothing more they can test me for nor any relief in my symptoms.

Now we wait with a new virus which has everyone uneasy. When was the first case, really? I have been in contact with people from China, with people traveling o and from China and those who continue to claim to be health workers. My mother pretended to have a nursing degree but she had early dementia and never understood reality.

The meals come three times a day. Usually there is a loud knock on the door and a yell. One is not supposed to leave the meal outside nor are we supposed to  keep it inside. We have been stacking the garbage outside since there is no housekeeping. When asked the guy who delivers the meals says he is not allowed to touch anything. It is a different crew. He only delivers the food.

A crew at the entrance with guns who don't take you to the door. A crew that drops you off at the assigned location but does not know anything. No one at the door but an unlocked assigned room. A crew that walks around but does not have contact with you, a security crew which calls in any time anything moves but knows nothing. A crew that delivers food, but not a crew that offers housekeeping nor garbage detail.

By day three my food began to disappear. I took a shower and no breakfast. I waited till noon to call the county instead of the front desk as this had already resulted in negative results. I was simply told I would be brought another meal, I never got breakfast and I noticed after that the door next to me opens every time there is movement outside. The delivers now have to watched carefully if I want to eat. I want it is the one item I could not get out of others as an amenities, bottled water. Tap water and water fountains are not safe, no matter what anyone tells you.

I discovered I had extra coffee in my bags and my bottles of water can make coffee but I am a high caffeine person. 10 cups a day is what I drank when I worked. Four is what I need to keep my head clear. cleaning everything and sanitizing my hands constantly, thinking about how I am going to wash my clothes as I recover the normal things of life.

Day four, I now have to be on watch for the deliveries in order to get my bottles of water along with the food. It is basic fare and no seconds. I am glutton free and cant eat the sandwich bread but there is usually a small salad to eat my lunch meat. Pasta has to be put back out by the door.

The county worker showed herself seeking answers and finding out what is really going on down at our quarantine location. She called the right person and a many in a full yellows outfit, just like the one President Putin wore in his visit to an ICU unit shows up. He has one of long stick claws to pick up the garbage now mounting next to all of our doors.

Whew, cleanup of the food, who thought it out that the garbage had to be picked up!

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