Saturday, March 21, 2020

stay at home

What does it mean to live in a third world country?
What if the US woke up one morning and found itself under attack?
Stay at home and don't go out!

Those are the words of our Governor and or local mayor. We did wake up one morning and found a nasty virus had crawled into our country. It was once a nice clean country with lots of places to go.
We have had a lot of things go wrong in this country including an attack on NY city.

But to find us being told not to go outside for at least two weeks due to any contact with someone else might give us something that will kill us is not the same. Our own neighbors, friends, associates and others in the general vicinity might be carrying this horrible little germ.

The world survived the Black death or plague. It also went through the Spanish influenza, just 100 years ago.

Now we have something called the coronavirus an upper respitory virus. It causes some to get so sick they don't recover. It is sometimes a simple cold and other times death.

Who thought our world would change that we cant go to the library or the gym. We aren't even supposed to go to church nor any place else. Pick up groceries and go to the doctors or other necessary things. Nothing else, they even put the IRS on hold.

No school either nor business in court. for two weeks we have to stay put. They have closed the borders as well as the airports. There are no valet parking or casinos. There is nothing but pick up at restaurants and lines to get into the store. Starbucks has closed their doors out of fear but others such as Panera are allowing pick up and walk out.

The kids might not go back to school. Do they have to start over? Or just go on with the next year?  Will there be another school year?

The estimate is 56 % for California to catch the disease. This does not mean they will die, but expectations are high. The results from other countries is not pleasant and the US went on too long after the first cases with travel and vacations.

Now what? There is no Ark to get into and bunkers wont help if the wrong person gets in with you.

Oh and the cough! If one coughs then they are being accused of having the disease and not dong anything about it. I have gone to the doctor repeatedly for my cough and again sent home, not pneumonia nor do they think I have a virus. Others are hiding their cough or pretending it is hic-ups.

The conspiracy theories but really the world has been waiting and preparing for this outbreak. There are no longer hide aways in the mountains nor the beaches.

Life is not to different than before suspecting the worse of our neighbors and wishing our enemies had not followed us home. Stuck where my real family has been replaced by a bunch of crazies and convicts who don't deserve to be spared but it is not god who is doing the reaping but our own circumstances and immune system.

So what are you planning to do for Easter or Passover?

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