Sunday, March 22, 2020

life post michelle

Michelle was presented as the best first lady ever.  Jacquelyn came in next to nothing with her French training and fancy ways.
Michelle was a real woman and had experienced real hardships. She even got a ride through Chicago train station as so many other travelers on a motorized cart instead of a carriage.

What kind of world is it to see her and her family go royal on America while the rest of her people want to be treated as princesses as well.
Should America have sacrificed so much for equality only to have superiority hit us in the face?
The  young girls are having babies and want to be queens. They don't have husbands, jobs nor education.
Michelle claim of poverty and a Harvard education compared to the rest is disturbing,
is this all America gets from working at evening things out? Ignoring some but it is now the right time according to the same wasp group?
Are they doing us a favor or are the young misinformed about over 50 non child  bearing women's roles in the real world?

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