Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Air Force one is coming!

On a stormy day
With little visibility
To our West coast

During an atmospheric river
It is raining out there
And most of the airports

Are stacked up
Waiting for safe landings
So there will no problem

In the big airbus
Finding a location
To land 

If it can fly past
Denver without stopping
For repairs to its wings

231 feet long
195 feet plus wingspan
64 feet high

It can stay aloft
For at least 14 hours
Before refueling

And we know that 
Can be done in the air.
It has its own operating room

With a doctor included
Then there are those two gallies
One for the President

And one for the Press
Who of course have their own
Section to sit in while flying

Above those pretty mountains
It is the ocean 
One needs to be careful 

It can swallow warships 
What is a little plane going to do?

If it misses the airport
And slides off the runway?
Well, this is not going to happen

After all there have been
No recent catastrophizes
With military trained transport

Has there?
In California during one of these
Atmospheric occurrence?

Back in the good old days
When I flew at least
Along side in my own conveyance

Only special people
Get on board with a press pass
Such as Lindsay Davis

Who had a free ride
Through Michelles 
Residence at 1600 Pennslyvania

Jimmy was always lurking
Around in order to take

The plane hostage or something
He often held a gun 
To the head of the airline stewardess

Which was Ludmilla formerly Putin
On a number of occasions
When she was still living with him

He got board after that
He threw her out of the plane once
We had put on a parachute on her

And he was green with envy
After that he had to be the one
To jump out with the only parachute

Leaving the rest of us 
To figure out how to land the thing
Good thing my grandfather

Was a military pilot
Sorry Demi
He was really mine not yours,

Did I tell you 
That I used to play at the playground
In Brooklyn New York

With Ludmilla?
Her mother was Doris Roberts
And she would visit her from Germany...

Anyways I do hope
Jill is prepared for the worst
These fundraising events

Can get hairy to say the least
And her traveling in high heels
For the events in Los Angles

And San Francisco
Which one are you heading
Towards first?

They both have runways
Near the beach
Maybe the wheels 

Will get stuck 
If the plane misses
And you wont have to swim

Back to land 
With one hand on your husband
Since he has been a bit wobbly

Since his Coronavirus event
It leaves some people
Breath less such as myself

And others it keeps the airflow
From the top level
Causing he feet at the bottom

To have difficulty finding 
Thier way sometimes
He should clear up

As soon as he is no longer
Around things he is allergic
Such as the Press ....

Did you hear about
He got a brand new car

For his birthday
Mr. Putin enjoys a good ride
In a luxurious machine

Bullet proof 
And tamper proof
No one is going to steal it

And all that luxury inside
A  alcohol bar?
Perhaps an expresso bar....

No one grew up 
In my generation
Don't remember those movies

Called Airport?
At least you guys 

Wont have to worry about
Jimmy waltzing out of the toilet
With a parachute ....

Kim, Kim
Seems familiar
My father was a Korean war 

Might have meet his granddaddy
I hope his young daughter

Has flying lessons 
Along with dance ones
And gun training

They don't still go in for that
Bruce Lee stuff
Do they?

Wishing I am not an airline controller
Done, no responsibility today
Except feeding my cat

Happy flying!
My great grandfather made it back
In one of those old red baron types of tin....


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