Thursday, February 22, 2024

My life now


Post pandemic 
My life now
Is not better 

But much, much worse
No one wants you to enjoy yourself
And they make it a point

To now exactly how much money
You have 
Even though we are told 

Not to spend it all in one place
To conserve it
And make sure we don't end up

With none at all.
But they don't want you
To go to the free things

Free museums Tuesdays
Nor those free screenings
I visit the Japanese gardens

Too frequently
My grandmother was one of the first
Whites to join the Japanese club

And encourage the women
To keep their culture
As well as for the freedom from camps

But she is a dead person
With no bearing on anything at all
I worked at various charities

Not caring what religion 
As long as they were doing good
And not showing prejudice

Until now
When everyone is complaining
Just because I am a survivor.

I survived being born to a crazy woman
I survived a childhood of trauma
From everyone who just did not like

An Indian walking around
Nor sitting or even standing.
Only good Indian is a dead one.

Which reminds me 
I walked into Jimmys fist one night.
Woke up in a body bag

Had a huge round bruise
Right around my heart
A sharp jab to my heart

It seems to have killed
Navalny a big six foot man
While I survived

Was that gods will?
Or just chance that jimmy 
Is incapable in impotent.

All I did was get invited
To a lunch with the Bidens
Who used to live down the street

From my parents in DC
It was only because the saw me
Not knowing the local anchor

Kimberly does not allow it.
I was the anchor at ABC
Until she waltzed into town

I watched my father die a slow death
Just because she did not want me
In my own hometown.

It would surprise her to know
I also went to Stanford
Where my father also attended

His roommate was Ted Koppel
Not anything important
But today a spoiled bitch

Sat there crying on Mr. Bidens
Lap after her father went back
Instead of staying free of prison

And now Mr. Biden has made me
Not cry but get enraged
How dare he use such language

Towards someone who is only the man
Behind the desk
And not the one out in the field.

Jimmy will be happy
I never argue with those two
After all it was his wife 

Who was driving
When my sister died
Since we lived just down the street.

But that is another story.
Son if I have one
I am sorry to tell you

I insist on an apology
Don't put your job in danger
Just accept that your mother

Is not crazy just exhausted
Politics aside those are feuding words
In the old days he would have 

To put up his pistols
That is the reason one of the better
Known politicians never made president

Aaron Burr
On his way into the Presidents manor
Ended up dying in a duel

But he could not allow those words...
Anyways about your siblings
Honey for the last time

You don't have any.
But grandma siad
I told you not to mention her

After all she had brain cancer
I did try to take care of her
But she took my life instead.

All right, all right
I will tell you
She threw them down the toilet

See, you really did not want to know
But you are old enough now
To take care of yourself

And make the right friends
And chose the correct job
I do, you know.....

My mother stoled something
From me that I have never gotten back
She took some pearls from my silk purse.

When I was a young girl
Still getting ready to go off to college
I had kidney failure

Went through dialysis 
And had to have a transplant
While I was out 

She snuck in and had them removed
I was told she only got two of them
But I heard there might be a few more

In the freezer.
Never eat anything from the freezer
You just don't know what is in there

You were a prototype
She wanted to help someone
With their doctorate

One of the first 
To be developed 
Well without my having to have

You know....
My precious ovary 
Was robbed just so 

She could become a grandmother
After all I was expected to die
Before my 18th birthday.

No Jimmy is not your father
Nor my husband
I did sort of have a signed agreement

With someone who was going to make
Me a woman once I was old enough
Those are old days

And stories you don't want to hear
My mother was crazy
She did something without my permission

And you were the result
I never blamed you for being born
Nor wanted it any other way

It is just that I cant have kids
And you don't have any sisters
Nor aunts.

I am not even sure about those
Uncles, as I am suspicious 
Of my mother and her boys...

So don't ask me again
Those frozen things
Went out the freezer

One day and straight
Down the larger fish bowl
I was upset about it at the time

But now I am so far over
Fifty that even old friends
Walk by frowning 

Just because I am annoyed
And want to speak my piece
Before I have an actual confrontation

Don't worry about me
I have no intention 
Of showing up on your doorstep

Not that you did not show up
When i was least expecting it
My mother usually hid you from me

Or made me think 
Well you don't need to hear this now
There has been another death in the family

And I have no one to speak to
Certainly not the President of the United States
Who has gone to far with his own dialogue

It is a shame
I had hopes for him and his family
But then a crying woman

Will bring down the best of them.
Flying all the way from Russia
When her mother in law

Is being shown her sons body
I guess she already has a  new man
Picked out for herself

Don't let it bother you honey
The man in front of you is only going
To loose his job for those words

But hey is old anyways
And you are still younger...
Alabama son has no idea

What my mother and I went through
Already decades ago
I don't blame her for her brain cancer

Just everything else.
Run along and maybe
You will be lucky enough

To get away from Jimmy
And his fist
While you real father 

That is another story 
Be quiet with me as I mourn
A man I once knew named Joe....

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