Friday, February 9, 2024

Here kitty, kitty

My dream kitty
Has been born
Or created

No dirty kitty litter
Nor being bit because
It is hungry as soon as I get home.

It has four paws
And one head
Everything in between

Is mechanical
It wont even scratch fleas!
Just walk around

And climb
And jump
Without ever causing

Alarm or allergies.
Here Kitty 
Come here 

And allow me to play
With all those nay-sayers.
I wonder how Candace

Will deal with it?
Or Jimmy
Who is mortified

Of cats
He even stoled
A new kitten

Bought for me
When we lived 
At the Crystal Pier cottages

He carried it screaming
To the end of the pier
And dropped it in.

The next day
It washed up
Quite, quite dead

A new kitten
Not even had a chance 
At a life at all.

Which is what 
He has had for me
Found out if he wanted

That little piece of property
He would have to marry 
A ninety year old woman

My great- great grandmother
Inherited it when she was young
She had visited it

When she was young.
Then came back
When she was old enough

To marry her husband
Meanwhile, three more generations
Had been born and raised

As the rightful heirs
To the place.
Instead this Munich 

Born bastard
Just wants to have it
But has done nothing

But allow it to go 
Into disrepair
While destroying 

All those dreams
Of five generations
Of women

And kept me from
Knowing that I will also 
Be an old lady

Before he will allow 
Me to get married
Already past 55

Instead of five
When he discovered
How easy it was

To get his way
Without telling others
What he was really going to do.

This weekend 
He will probably
Not be at home

In Chula Vista
Neither will John G
Be available 

Attempting to get him
To answer the door
Will be near impossible

The Superbowl
Is Sunday afternoon
Once a acknowledged

Event by my family
Has become worse 
Than an eyesore.

Forty niners
From San Francisco
Will be playing 

Against the Chiefs
Gold diggers
Versus Indians

The rightful owners
To the land
Wonder which team

Will win?
Don't head west

But to Las Vegas
Hey honey 
Got to go out

For some ice cream
From John sometime
In the next 24hours

Wont be back 
Till midnight
As he slithers 

Down to Vegas
To see his favorite
Arousal up close

And personal
While Jimmy
Will be handing out

Free tickets in the parking lot
He gets them from people
Who don't even know

They have tickets
And then shows favoritism.
Poor Candace

Sitting there waiting
For her ice cream!
Did I tell you

That I found 
Sugar free Hersheys candies?
Just another day at the beach...

Are you back yet?
With the ice cream?

Depends upon
Who wins Candy
As to whether or not

He will remember
Oh by the way
He put another mortage

On your house
Those damn tickets
Are very expensive

If you don't steal them...
Why don't you join him
And get a Vegas divorce?


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