Saturday, February 17, 2024

The next election, I will be voting for a Kennedy!

The only guy in the race
Who has not been to prison
Nor in court on charges

The only one without 
Any worries
He is only the nephew

Of one of the few Presidents
Who was assassinated in office
And the son of a candidate

Who was gunned down
Before he could be elected
He is also the last of the old guard

No one might like his
Stance on immunization
Nor his families wealth

After all it said they 
Are nothing more than
A bootlegger.

Bringing in alcohol
When it was prohibited.
But then it was not guns

Nor drugs
And his grandfather
Became an  Ambassador

So they cant be that bad.
Best of luck 
Bobbie Junior.

Anyways at least
He is not suspected 
Of being a CIA operative.

Unlike Navalny
Come on guys
Who are we kidding

We are Americans
We expect the worse
From the other guy

This guy smells
I mean he smells
He probably doesn't 

Even have a Birth Certificate!
Really born in the United States of America
Faking his Russian heritage!

His family is supposed to be
From Chernobyl
After the meltdown

They had to leave
How do we know
They are actually from this area?

There are no records left!
Anyways this guys father
Was a lieutenant colonel? 

In the Russian Military
This wife's father 
Boris was one of those scientist

Is that how they spell

In Russia?
Same guy or just 
The opposite in Russia?

Her stepfather works
For the Gospian
His daughter is at Stanford!

And he went to Yale.
He also was a Millionaire
And a convict

He incited riots
On multiple times
He spent half his adult life

Under arrest or in prison
He is one of those ugly things
Called a lawyer

He ran for Mayor of Moscow
And President of Russia
He was even kicked out

Of his own political party!
And he has an Oscar!
For a movie about his life

As a rioter 
Who causes people
To refuse to obey the law

Who wants the death
Of the leader of the country
And has allowed himself

To be used by everyone
Including the CIA
In order to undermine

The Great Bear
Who has still not been
Brought down

And put in chains
To be lead around
Where the public 

Can taunt it with sticks
And throw rotten apples
At it.

Or has this been done
Under the disguise
Of an "opposition" leader

The poor guy has not been
Able to get the public
To elect him 

So he goes around
Making the other guys life

He has books written on him
Only Ten Million dollars
Is all he is leaving his wife and children

For a Yale Graduate 
That is not much.
Born in 1976

The Bicentennial in America
Also the year the Russians
Were already on the West Coast.

His family had to flee 
Due to the accident
They are now Basket Weavers

We have those in this country
We call them inidans.
Not to be respected

Those untrustworthy
Native Americans
Who cant do anything

But weave straw!
At least the slaves of Egypt
Made bricks out of straw

And built the parymids
Unlike my people
Who are said to have walked

All the way from the Altai Mountains
In Siberia
Not clever at all.

Just had better 
Astronomy observatories
And calendars

And irrigation
As well as cultivation 
Of food items

Now found in Europe
They call it the Colombian exchange
The Europeans

Stooled the maize corn grain
The tomato, the Potatoe
Chocolate and pumpkins

As well as pheasants
Called turkeys
Among other things

We got in exchange
Measles and chickenpox
Killing off most of the population.

What a beautiful life 
This guy lead
Got those free housing vouchers

Was feed by the locals
Got to go to a big city
College and earned a law degree

Then he went to work 
For a big capitalist company
Before he got his feet wet

Meet this beauty 
On his vacation to Turkey
Then had a beautiful wedding

And two beautiful children
A boy and a girl
Who are now in American universities

Probably on public aid
As the children of a political convict.
Really what did he do ?

Just threw rotten eggs
At a guy with a similar

Only surviving child
Of a couple 
Whose city was besieged

By Hitler himself
Had to go to an ordinary
College where he got a law degree

While his grandfather
Was just a cook.
Forced to marry an airline stewardess

Adopted a girl 
Two of them in fact
While he worked for his country.

He went from taxi driver
To Deputy Mayor 

Which he did win the election
And then President
When he was elected

As an unknown.
His wife has left him
For a younger man

While his daughters
Married above themselves
Miserable lives they lead

In Europe 
Not thier home countires
Rich beyond the means

And never go home at all.
Nor do they have children.
His books are mocked

He does have documentaries
About his life
But most of it is after his election.

He does not have an Oscar
Nor was he allowed a Noble either
His work on saving the world

From a Pandemic 
Brought on by too much
Credit card spending 

Traveling around the world
By airlines without bothering
To protect the local inhabitants

From their little germs
Till something mutated
Just as Jimmy is a mutant

Leading the whole world 
To surrender to this one virus.
What has this guy done

To deserve being murdered?
Nothing actually.
But I am not blaming 

His wife for that last interview
Which left him in  24hours
To weak to walk or breathe.

It was the environment
That killed him.
Not some mystery needle

One of the extras 
Of the camera crew
Just happened to have on them.

No one should blame
His family for living 
After this in heaps of money

Instead of as matyrs.
His wife will probably
Not remarry

Just have lovers.
While his kids might even
Get to marry

And have kids.
Unlike myself
Denied the right to bred

Kept from every normal
Because jimmy just wants

To stick his dick on my head.
Even now they wont give me

So I will look old before my time.
I'm sorry I do feel sorry he died.
I am not happy he is dead.

But my former colleagues
Have forgotten 
It is not our jobs

To decide who gets elected
And who has no rights
In this country 

Because they have become
Genocide is what it is called.

Was not allowed a public
Funeral nor burial

A private funeral for his family
Well, we are about to celebrate
Presidents day

It is called that due to the fact
That nobody knows who
George Washington 

Or Thomas Jefferson
May this guy named 
Alexei be given 

His full funeral 
And then be done
With it.

Quite frankly 
I don't believe the other guy
Is stupid enough to kill him

But he is going to be blamed.
Well, Navalny's family
Have already become rich

They don't need any more donations.
A lifetime of ease 
Just because dad was over six feet

And good looking
With a dumb blond for a wife.
I would like a DNA match

I would like to know
He was not born 
Somewhere else

I would like to know
The freedom of the people
Will not be hindered

In their progress
In his country
As my people no longer matter

In this country
Because they don't have
The correct skin color.

Let the people
Have their right to vote
For their own choice

Regardless of what
The media think of them.
Wonder what my uncle

Jennings would think
Of the current situation?
Perhaps his death will not be in vane....


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