Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Who is this Zipporah!

Tharbis was not a happy woman.
She had married a Prince of Egypt!
Where the hell was he?

What had he done to be banished?
And who the hell was Zipporah?
What was Midian?

Enough to make a woman cry!
Just imagine being brought
To the Capital of Egypt

Her father was most impressed
She had would bring honor to the family
She was not going back!

Not without at least a prince child of her own.
Being left behind to fend for herself
In a royal court with snakes for friends!

Her family would not be able
To support her in the fashion 
She had become accustomed!

Wonder what it meant to reside in the desert?
And a Priests for a father
Did that make her a priestess?

She could have traveled down the  Red Sea
To find out these questions
But then she would still have another sea

Much better to wait for him.
Then she was going to explain 
To Moses holy hell of an Egyptian Princess

And what her life has become.
Without him, she is lift to mingle 
With the concubines 

Without a husband
She had few choices
One was to remarry

She would have to be certain
Of his death
Those tombs out there on the Nile

Should have her husbands body
Who was this Joseph?
He came from the desert

But they say his father Abraham
Was a very big man
With very much money

His wife Sarah was sought 
By the Pharoah himself.
Then his grandsons came for grain

And they brought gold with them.
The land of Goshen was very green
Fine place for sheep

If one wants to be a sheepdress!
They say originally the land of Ur
Was their homeplace 

Formerly Babylon
The former great empire
That Egypt conquered.

Forty years she has waited
For him to return
Only to find he was coming

With her and her two sons.
More than she could handle
She was found floating face down 

Meanwhile, Moses 
The Prince of Egypt
Had gone to the other side

Of Arabia to find a new life
His journey had taken him through
The Promised land of his forefather

To the very same area 
They were from 
Now called Midian

He went there to know what to do
The idea of getting himself an army
And returning to revisit his rival

His own adopted brother
Considered the son of the Pharoah's sister
Who was herself a coruler

Since the sister was often also the wife
While she sat for him
He would have his own mistress

Hence the marsh baby
Was a welcome gift from the gods.
Now she would be a mother

Instead of just a statue
Sitting there waiting for the officials
To leave and the Pharoah 

Would take his concubines to his chambers
A son was provided for her
And he accepted it 

And then found one of his own
To raise side by side
Two adopted boys

For them to watch over
Who was the true heir?
The Jewish Jospeh

Had saved them all
Second only to the Pharoah himself
He could easily have taken over

His first son was not his
The Priest had given over his daughter
A Priestess life including things

Manasseh was probably the son
Of the Pharoah himself
Hence the reason she was given

To his second in command.
Raised right in front of him
And the natural heir to the throne

Instead she sat there watching
The other boy and wondered 
Who his father was or grandfather

Certainly her brother 
Would have chosen wisely
Perhaps he was going to give them

A test as to whom would rule
Then Tharbis had been given 
To her son and she knew

She would at least get a grandchild
To sit on the throne when she was gone
It all depended now upon who was fertile

The two men had to produce
Sons of their own
What a wise decision 

On her death bed
She was satisfied of her worth
Her death brought about the oppurtunity

Moses was said to have raised his hand
Against her own brother
Said to have buried in the desert

All that buildings
An entire city of tombs
Pyramids is what they are called.

The life of a mother
Who would not know she her reward
Instead Moses was forced to flee

Without his wife 
In order not to be charged 
With attempting to take over the thrown

A sad and weary Pharoah 
Laid down to his gods
While his son took the throne 

By force instead of by design
He had not found the appropriate wife
And panicked in providing evidence

Moses could not return to the land
Until after his rival brother was dead
He was the only one who knew the truth

He had gone back to the land of Ur
To find it gone 
Sunken into the Euphrates

Threw storms and floods
The city was abandoned 
And lost to the wilds

Meanwhile Midean
Was a culture around the area
Also a descendant of Abraham

Midian was provided his own 
Land for which he built 
A nation of wealth

The Priests who called out to the heavens
Were on par with the King or ruler
He was almost more important

His name was Reuel 
Was altered to Jethro
His excellency of prosperity

The people had prospered
Under his duties and the Kings
Now he had many daughters

Worth their weight in gold
They would bring him sons
Who would then become a priestly class

Zipporah was one of his more beautiful
And she could marry the Kings son
Instead she preferred not to be a priestess

But to keep the flocks safe
Just as a Master of the Horses
Was necessary his flocks of sheep

Were very valuable 
For their wool and weaving
As well as for their sacrifice

Much better to have a flock
Then a herd of camels
What would she bring to him?

The son of the Pharaohs daughter
He was a Prince of Egypt
How wonderful 

He had ideas of a rebellion
He would not be a good idea
Better to stay hidden

His brother was determined
To make sure he was not going to rule
Probably a descendant of both Abraham

And the Pharoah himself.
Everyone knew who Joseph 
The Dreamer was to the world

He himself was a diviner
Of the truth of dreams
He was told to keep this one safe

He was going to rid the earth
Of the tyrant now sitting on the throne
Of Egypt

He was happy to marry his daughter
To him and to provide him
With a source of income

His weavings become famous
He would tend to the flocks himself
Then spin the wool

And create great image's
His rugs were good enough
For the Pharoah

But they were sent East
He was not going to have his works
For that man to put his feet uon

His father in law became rich
His wife more beautiful
And two sons were given to him

He had been to China and further
In order to hear their wisdom
Everyone told him he needed to free

His people and after many decades
When his boys were about to reach manhood
He asked his own father in law

If he could approach 
This Jehovah whom he knew little
Instead Jethro told him to go out to the desert

And pray himself to this foreign god
Where his own people would not hear of it
And get angry enough to kill him.

A great ball of fire fell from the sky
During a meteorite passage
Lighting one of the desert bushes

Larger than life
And allowing the whole area 
To be seen from the light

He could even see the other side
Of the Arabian peninsula
On his knees to see if he could 

Approach this god of his own people
An angel saw him 
Getting excited that he had shown

Favor to Jehovah or Yahweh
He called himself
Receiving an answer

He stepped forward from the fire
Speaking in a grand voice
To impress that the message

Was in fact from god above
Whom are you seeking?
Why have you set this on fire?

It came from heaven the fire
Please whom are you?
Well, it all ended good in the end.

Moses was going to go back home
His wife was hasty in her packing
She had many golden items

Whom he father and husband
Had provided her for her to be presented
As the daughter of the Priest Jethro

And the wife of Prince Moses of Egypt
Now she was trying to get them
To do her another honor

While they were journeying
She crept out from their tent
In order to call out herself

To Jehovah her husbands god.
She wanted to exchange her diadem
In exchange for her sons to become 

Princes on earth
She found herself in a windstorm
Whereupon she almost lost her life

She was told her sons would have to be circumcised
Before their journey was to continue
Anger and frustration

She had to care for her sons
As her father should have done for her
They were not happy sons

Adolescence was not a good time
To be told they might not be able
To have children if she made a mistake

Now they could not marry anyone 
Of her people
They would be rejected

It was done!
She began to explain to them
What life in Egypt was going to be like

She did not know of Tharbis
Moses began to get worried
He did not care whom they married

But he was not sure they would survive
Her wrath!
He had assumed she would remarry

Or go back to her people
What if she had not?
She would kill his sons!

He could not have this.
He walked into the night
And prayed for help

He was told if he wanted
Them to not be killed
To not take them with him.

With a heavy heart
They reached the sea of which
He would have to part ways

With his wife
He had secured a boat
For himself to transverse 

Across towards Ethiopia
Where he could find out
If his first wife was still alive.

He told Zipporah 
She would have to stay behind
Until he found out what his quest

Would bring to them.
Enraged for what she had sacrificed
She refused him for once in her life.

As it was the boys needed to heal
Her father was sent for in order 
For her to remain safe while he traveled.

His father in law was a wise man.
He told him simply
To make sure the woman 

Whom he was afraid was dead
Before sending for his daughter
Moses thanked him for understanding

They would stay in the area of sea
Until they heard of his safety
He also sent with him a guard

Stupid of him not to have guessed
That the Prince would already have a wife
But he had remained without sending for her.

They would see what was to happen.
The news was terrible
That came back from Egypt

There was no sign of Tharbis
But the Pharoah was a foul individual
Plagues were sent from Jethro

And others in order to help
Jehovah had found friends
Breaking the Pharoah's hand 

Would bring them the peace they sought
As it was his son in law
Had learned more than astronomy

His sister Mirian frightened
Zipporah who begged her father
To send her to her husband.

She had determined there would be
An eclipse from her own studies of the heavens
She was a naturalist

Sending word to Moses
He found out about Aaron
His brother who was being trained

To become a priest after himself.
Moses had been struck 
With paralysis after he had heard

Of his former wife's death.
His siblings had encouraged him
That he had been not rejected

Now he extended his arms outwards
The parting of the red sea had occured
His people were free

As well as a great crowd
Of whom had not been able to leave
There were going to be forgiveness

On the part of those on the far side
With the information they would have to fight
For thier promised inheritance

Jethro brought his family to him
Wondering what to do for him
They needed to get home soon.

Instead Moses was overwhelmed
By what he realized his life would have been
He was glad of his choice

But he was immediately informed
Of the envy of sister Miriam
She had assumed she would be the great lady

Zipporah was very good 
At her own divination
For which Mirian was an expert

Judges to hear cases 
Were set up for Moses
The priesthood was established

With his brothers Aaron and his sons
Gershom was so handsome
He had caught the eye of a visiting Princess

He wanted nothing to do with this desert
His grandfather was sad
He had gained much wealth

From his son in law
Moses was welcome to his continued support
But his family were not happy

Another line of Abrahams
This would make them equal
To a king 

They could not have this
The boys had to go
Or promise not to become their kings

Zipporah thought long and hard
She had found out about Tharbis
Meet Miriam

The decision was made after the nation
Failed to support Moses
They were going to spend 

A good deal of time
Wandering the desert without question
Zipporah was to return to Midian 

And wait for the end of this journey
Out of the sight of Miriam
Her sons went with her to marry

Asian women not African
Her death came before Moses
Jethro was a  very old man

Some say he had lived 
From Babylon and could have been
A descendant of Adam himself.

He mounted a burial for his daughter
A queen had died waiting for her husbands return
Her sons would go on to the Silk route

Thier inheritance was of wealth
Never seeing their father again.
Moses and Aaron

Were not able to keep
Miriam who had secretly learned 
The black arts through her husband

Moses was completely dependent upon
His new god of Jehovah
His death was required to cover

Over his lack of keeping his own
Sister from bringing ruin upon the people
Aaron handed over his priestly duties

To his own sons
One of whom was the younger son
Of Moses who had decided to become adopted

By his uncle in order to be with his father
His brother Gershom
Became a great man is Asia

The end of Zipporah
Who reigned as a Queen
Without a throne

But was able to bring about
The freedom of those in Egpt
Through her own husband

While her son was a king
History does not speak of them
One a worshipper of Jehovah

And the other a protector
On the east side of the Jordan
Job was probably one of his.

Queen Zipporah
Outwitted Tharbis and Miriam
Her beauty seen still in the woman of the deserts.


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