Sunday, February 4, 2024

We are not at war!

The old Mariners
That made Maine 

As far as Japan
With their knowledge
Of the world of whales

Old Moby Dick
He was a sperm whale
Did you know?

One of the better known
Classics of American literature.
All about a man and his spear

Against the big fish
In the sea
Wonder if it was one

That Jonah met
On his voyage
And aborted

Out of his mouth
There is that other thing
That whales do besides spit

They poop
That is right
The also have to detox

As the modern term
Detox out the bad stuff
It washes up on shores

Have you ever walked 
Along a beach
And picked up 

A strange white
Sticky thing?
If it felt like chalk

And rubbed off
On your hands?
It was whale shit.

Is the proper term
It is a prized possession

Just like truffles
Hunted down with 
The usage of large pigs

And then sprinkled 
Lightly on your food
Still tastes like 

Jimmys feet
But it worth 
Thousands of dollars

Those little hard things
Those pigs go crazy over
He who hates pigs

Will eat pig skin
And pigs prize truffles
Anti semitic 

Is our Jimmy
He wont even eat 
At the now famous

Kansas city barbeque
Where they barbeque pig
For travelers to Mexico

The last stop
At the old original train stop
Now a dumpy restaurant

That was used for 
That movie 
With that guy

Top Gun
Anti sematic
All they serve 

Is pig 
We know the Jews
Cant eat it

And therefore
The place caters
To a crowd

Which is not Jewish.
Except for Jimmy
Who just doesnt

See himself as a pig.
Now if one should pick
Up one of those sticky buns

Don't throw it back
There are markets 
For it.

Quite expensive
One might even
Be able to pay for a house

Off just one
It is used for 

Quite expensive
And all that fancy stuff

Channel number 5
For instance
One of the best known

Not cheap perfumes
Has it as a base
To capture all those notes

Of florals and citrus.
For the musky
Man killers

One might not want
To try to catch
A tiger by the toes

Jaguar semen
Is used for those 
Heavier smells

Alluring men in
With the very scent
Of a man killer....

In the world 
Of Politics
And Journalism

There are those 
Moments one wished
They had kept their mouth

Firmly shut.
And then there 
Are the ones

Where a guy 
Just picks up
The wrong thing...

Poor Zelensky
I just did not like 
The guy.

I went to one 
Of his shows
With my mother

Who adored 
Anything gross
With her brain cancer

Could not do anything
About her mental state
But the guy 

Did not impress me
But then he got married
To a beautiful blond

And my mother died
So I had no worries 
Of a repeat performance

Then he went and got elected
And caused a war
With the help of jimmy

Who seemed to be
Interviewing young guys
All on his own

For his perfect world
Where he gets to make the rules
Now it seems 

That even Zelensky
Has become obselete
He is no longer needed

We are not at war
We are just sending
In bombers

To foreign countries
Who have killed our men
We are not at war!

We are also no longer
Concerned about our 
Neighbors plight 

In the Ukrainian area
We have plenty to worry
About down below 

The only country in the world
Without a fenced in border
Millions left

Only to find their way
To our neighborhood
But then Israel 

Is more important
Than the other area
We are a Christian nation

And we must protect
The Holy land
Jerusalem must not be

Destroyed again.
No matter what their 

We must fight and protect.
And we shall
Have a number of

It is afterall
Whaling season

Get out their
And cast your vote!
Biden took South Carolina

His first victory on his way
To being selected 
As the candidate for his party

Nobody thought he could do it
Being so old and all
But the people like him

Give the people 
What they want
Is an old advertisement

For circuses and carnivals.
We now have 
Biden and Trump

One more time
Running against each other
Unless something really bad 

Such as the moon blowing up
There is going to be a repeat

Well, well
Wonders never do cease
As Moby dick

Surfaces out there
Having capsized 
A number of boats

A man killer
Is what he became known
And had to be hunted down

Brought to justice
Only to have our hero
Himself die by his own hands

His fault for bringing
A spear into the fight
Live by the spear

Die by the spear
And die he did
The great Moby hunter

Along with his query.
Put on some musk girls
And go out and get your man

Just don't hunt down
Something smarter 
Everyone knows 

Every good thing
Comes to an end 
One day

Must know 
When not to surface

And what not to wear
Allergic to everything
Except Roses!

Good hunting 
For truffles
And Ambergris

And only the best 
Can afford such luxuries


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