Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Oops, there goes another one!

Another one hundred year old
Is being torn down
The Friendship Hotel

Was a local establishment
But there are no longer
Any locals

The old truck and pony
Winthers township
With Marshall Winthers

Is long gone
Replaced by the immigrants
Then the hippies

And now it is 
With its rainbow flag

No place for any romantic
Nostalgic ideas
Tear them things down.

Make way for the new!
Across town

What is called 
Little Italy
Was once the original

With a wood ladder company
That my Scandinavians

Called home
Their Cedar street house
Was bulldozed

By some kid calling himself
Juan Barron
Another bastard

Jimmy and Teresa
Went to Reno
And had a chapel wedding

No photos to prove it
Except the one taken
At the Comstock

One of those salon style
Juan was not even 10 years old
And I not considered an adult

Under 21 and a minor
In his eyes
He told her to adopt me

Even though 
We have been through it before
No six year old

Has ever become
The parent of a child
Not even in the bible

Jimmy wont give up
And each wife he takes
He tells to become my mum

Meanwhile the little bastard
Born before their wedding
Decided to make me his mum

And I was not old enough
Nor functional at all.
John Wheat

Has been lying to the locals
And there is nothing I can do about it.
After all the state of California

Issued him a drivers license
With my name on it
And no birth certificate.

Patronymic names
Are based upon
The paternal line

In some cases
The names go all the way
To the Doomsday book

Of 1066
When William the conqueror
Took stock of his conquered

Mine is there without a change
In other places
The name rotates

Upon each generation
Hence Fritz and son
Are added on to the same 

Or Man to distinguish
Or place names

Where a person is from
Alter as they travel
Between Italy to France

To Scotland
But then get altered
At Ellis Island

Where the clerks
Were not high quality
Pentagon staff

But simple English speakers
Who past the civil test
Of the time period.

My maternal line
Came through 
Angel Island

The west coast
Version in the Bay Area
The other island

Besides Alcatraz
Is Angel island
Which was also turned 

Into a Civil war fort.
Therefore my family line
Should have looked 

Like this if they had done it proper:
Herons or Swann's

Instead it is Peterson

All the way down
Because they were 
From Saint Petersburg

The real name is lost
An old one they say...

All those generations
Who have built homes
And dreams

By some little bastard
Who claims to be Mexican

But was plucked
Up by Teresa
When she was with her other husband

In the East
Jordan or Isreal
Was that trip overseas

When my mother 
Had another baby
And she had to go 

Through the usual 
Routine of getting rid
Of the ones 

Already born
In order to accept 
The new one

It did not last 
More than a day
While we sat there

Waiting to be adopted
By our own parents
Who had both 

Been raised as only children
Told all sorts of stories
We had to endure

This novel romantic
Thing of my mothers
While my father

Sat there in frustration
Until he could not go it again
Walked out just when the last one

Was making its appearance
In her tummy
Not again!

I do recall
Sitting there on the steps

Telling the others to behave
Actually I sent out 
The boys to find

The Grandparents
While I waited to see
With my sister

Who was building
Up to a crescendo
Of wrath for our mother

People began to drop off
Thier unwanted babies
Not knowing it was 

A tradition 
With us to be accepted
By a woman 

Who had grown up
With no siblings
Not even the one

Called Judy is hers
Some aunt on the other side
After grandma had fallen

Off the top 
Of the three story home
And had a miscarriage.

Lucky us
Here came grandpa
To lead the tearful one

And the sorrowful one
Down to the waiting taxi
While Teresa 

Thought she would
Grab an toddler
Assuming it was ours

So, she could use
Extortion on us.
And has done so

Through the wrong man
Jimmy is not ours
His name is Bullocks

And Juan or John
Is not mine
How do I make him

Pay me back
For what he has stolen
Generations of dreams?

By putting his sister
Janet Pitts
In jail for the rest of her life....


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