Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Uh huney?

Did you know...
There was a time
And then there were none,

By the way
For those planning
Special outings

There will be no 
Lyft's nor Ubers

Oh my god!
What are we to do?
How will we get around?

When did this occur?
Actually all those years
Ago there were private taxis

But modern world
Everywhere one can get wifi
There are those hired cars....

Well, well
One cant eat 
Cheese this week

A recall due to nasty Lysteria
And don't pet
An animal in Alaska

Those nasty things
Are carrying pox
Pussy like things

Causing illness
And death
As is some sort

Of fungus 
Deadly mold
And then there is 

Bubonic plague
One death has occurred
Anyone in Oregon?

Well keep to yourselves
Better yet don't bother
Visiting California!

Really what is a
Cat to do?

His boss is upset
And he has to wear
Another one of those things

She found a new coat
With a dragon on it.
The year of the dragon

She says with a kiss
Please make it go away!
And don't even bother me

With one of those mini t-shirts
Jimmy got caught
Going to vegas

And without his wife
To bad they could have gotten
A quicky divorce

Well, well
I hear there is a wedding
About to occur

Taylor  Swift
Flew all the way
From Japan

Just to watch 
Her guy walk through
The Superbowl

The Indian Chiefs
Won again
And with a game ending tie

Then over time
Each got a touchdown

But one got three points
And the other six!
Must have been half asleep

By that time
Well into my afternoon 
Nap time.

There it is
Jimmys favorite team
The 49ers

Did not win
Don't bring us back

Not even ones
With those flint heads
We don't want them

Just bring me
Lisas head on a platter
And her best friend

Harmony Smith
You don't remember
Your old girlfriend

Michelle Pfieffer
Before she was a star
Just thirteen and sitting

On the front porch
Next door.
With her belly hanging out

Crying for shame
To her daddy
About not knowing

Any better 
Gave birth right there
In Santa Rosa

A little smith girl
Mormon is what Jimmy 
Claims to be 

He is always getting married
To another pregnant girl
Since he cant do it.

Michelle showed up again
Near Sacramento
Her favorite drama teacher

Had moved 
And she faithfully followed
I caught her wearing 

My graduation dress
Hand stitched 
Due to the complexity

Of its design,
And singing with
My boyfriend

We had already
Toured together
Become legal business partners

But there she is singing
And little Harmony
Not only looks 

Just like her
It has a double chin
Clift chins

Are always suspicious 
To me
It is one thing

To have a wanderer
It is another to find
Out they were not taking

While Lisa weasal
Slide behind me

Harmony approached 
And demanded that 
I was her mother

And she wanted
My inheritiance
These former mormons

Due nothing 
But steal from you
And then throw you out

Not even real
And not going to get away
With it

Notice to the wheeler
Clan as well
Get lost

Better yet
Move to Alaska 
Or Oregon

And dont come back.
My heart is broken
And there is no way

They can repair it.
I did everything right
Even gave him the right

To find another
Only to have Jimmy
Show up

With his limp hanging out
And not giving in about
Stealing my underwear

Fainted when I realized
He had gotten them
Never trust anyone

In the ladies room
Cant put it right
Nor will those horrible

Nightmares go away
Of being walked around
By him

Just to show off
I am now over fifty
And not going to win

Any beauty contests
Poor Katrina
Her wicked mother 

Betty Jaillet
Will never get her reward
In heaven nor earth.

Did you know 
They make 
Sugar free chocolates?

Hershy minis
Whitman samplers
And even See's chocolates

Come sugar free
Honey make sure
It is a flourless chocolate cake

Who am I kidding
No man wants to be 
With someone who has 

A special diet
Gluten free bread and pasta
Fat free creamer

And now sugar free
And nothing but Roses

I am allergic to everything.
Except expresso
Who still  drinks coffee?

Everyone wants tea
Or soda
Anyone want to walk

On the beach?
Don't answer that
Dan or Peter

I am not speaking to you....
Just call me Heroe
Or Jaguar maneater

One last thing
Has anyone ever heard
Marylin and Joe?


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