Monday, February 26, 2024

There she goes


A long time ago

There was a friendly


Between the USSR

And the USA

Now it is obvious

That neither side 

Is capable of doing

Anything right

Come on

He just wanted to finish

His coffee

When Jimmy had to come

On hot and bothered

Instead the other guy

Got up and started

One of his comic routines

Not knowing who was listening

It sounded as if he was being

Threatened or something

And as it is 

One guy wont back down

And just apologize

And the other guy 

Is sure he saw enough

To draw a conclusion

Of threats against the state.

There is no where I can go

Without remembering 

How many times Jimmy

Has shown up 

Leaving me bruised

And hardened to his plight

One day he is going to be dead

Because I am tired of having

Epileptic attacks

Anyway there was this interview

Where one man was said

To be about to be released

And the other guy went 

For a walk

Turns out the guys

In the know had forgotten

To mention whom

Was on the agenda

Just like Christ

The populace wanted 

To be released Brutus

The killer instead

One killer in Germany

And two Americans

In Russia

For one rich Russian

Held in dissention

Seems fair enough

One in exchange for four

Too bad 

It annoyed someone

Candace does not understand

What I want in life

I was not to be born

Nor allowed to live 

She keeps me subjugated

And causes all sorts

Of alarms

She really believes 

She is a Queen

Who cant be prevented

From having her way.

What did Navalny 

Do to annoy her?

He was just known

To a former international

Foreign correspondent

A female who traveled

Where the need was

And got interviews

Just not allowed.

This guy was just gusty

Enough to believe 

He was going to be

Allowed to get ahead

Of the rest in line

For most those positions

At the top are few

And only few have a spot

Just like American politics

We scream and yell

And then the guy 

Who is booed at

Gets elected

Not expected.

But he was already

In line.

Few Jimmy Carters 

Come along

Allowed in because

Of his families

Southern roots.

Unlike the UK

Where they encourage

Outsiders to give

The Royal Rump

A shock or two

Russia is different

Poor guy.

Just got in the way

Of some American

Killed a day after

He was given the word

It was going to be him

To be released 

Instead of the American

Twin on vacation


Too bad for him.

Maybe Paul can come home

Maybe he has not gotten

In the way of someone

Outside the circle.

If  there were no Jimmies

In the world

It would be a better place

And as for the Candies 

Well, there would be 

Peace and joy

Something she does not allow

Just because

She will put her thumb down

On someone who has the right

To be there

Just was not in line

But then again.

Little Vladimir

Was born before Candy

Older than her

And did something with his life

He was also on hand

Before Jimmy 

Found out about the baby

Who was going to be listed

As the heir

In order to prevent

The grandparents 

From loosing their savings

And the Parents

To go out and live a life

Working and saving

No one needed to pay

The taxes on this little piece

Of property

Jimmy does not want it

He just does not want

Anyone else to have it

And Candy cant understand

That she will not own it

One of those misunderstandings

A family were already the owners

Then the heirs came to visit

In 1888

They came back as a married couple

Had a family and traveled

Only to find out

That every time they went

To church or the store

Someone from the neighborhood

Insisted they were the owners

Such as Chue who still thinks

I am not going to show up

With a knife to make

Him into a woman

So he will no longer

Have a reason 

For refusing the rightful hier

From her property

I waited all of my life

For my grandparents to die

And my parents

As well as a few others

To finally be left the only one

In line and with a will

Everyone else has been

Screaming and killing

My family in order

To just walk in 

On a tiny piece of dirt

With port access

Way back when

In the day

This place could only be

Accessed by boat

Just like alot of places

Back east where a river

Was the way in and out

Not pack horses 

And certainly not by

Plane nor train

Not that they did not have both

At one time

It is still a long walk

From the road

Faster by water

No longer a pier

Nor a port or

Even a boat

Just dirt and sand 

Is all that is left

Of the nutfarm

They raised not animals

But nuts and fruit

To dry and package

For sale in places

That did not have such things

Because they had 

Cows and pigs.

Anyways I am not saying

That even the Bidens

Are attempting to steal

This piece of three walls

And once half a dozen

Small houses

Not big castles

For themselves

By causing problems

For someone else.

They just dont want 

Putin to be the one selected

From a list of possibles

Which is now down 

To almost nothing

As most of the former

Soviet leaders are gone.

After all 

No one blamed 

Ford for having been

The head of the CIA

Before he strolled into 

The White House

Did they?

Nor did they blame

George Bush sr.

For having the same job

No one would expect them

To know everything

Nor be provided

The up to date information

In a prisoner exchange

Now Candy

I have seen you drag

People such as the Brokaw's

Down the stairs

After you drugged them

And stuff them in a car

To find themselves

On the other side of town

Wondering whom they had offended

Just because you did not want

My family from having friends

Now I know the Bidens

Also came to visit us

On the west coast

Remind me 

What did you do to them?

Give them lice or measles?

Or empty their car tank

Of gasoline?

Or just call the authorities

Telling them these people

Were criminals

Just for being invited

To walk around and sit

On a beach

Now that everything else

Has been removed.

War of the  Roses

What was that about?

I wonder if I should die

Before you do 

What do you think

Is going to happen?

The only heirs

Will be those in a will

With instructions to shoot to kill

Anyone else who is on the little piece

Of land.

I know you have been there 

Stealing everything you can

I even walked into your house

Once and saw the wood floor

I had just installed

Under my feet

And the wood stove

I had brought all the way

Back from Amish country

Sitting there installed in the corner

I wont continue

But anyone who goes to college

In California 

Must now this woman

Whose family were born

In Germany thinks

You are funny.

She has made herself queen.

You see.

Anyways I have made a will

In the past and had it properly

Probated by court

It does not include

Your daughter Lisa

Nor your niece Janet

Nor even your boyfriend

Jimmy or any of his family.

The person has been informed

To just burn the whole thing down

And make it uninheritable 

For anyone since it was stolen

From a sweet ninety year old

Woman who did no one harm

Except her life

She made a will 

Which was published

And probated

If the child should die

Then after her last child

Which was my aunt Ella

Who did not die 

Until 2008

Then it will pass on

To the next person

On the list

Outside the immediate family.

Do you have any idea

Who that would be Candy?

I bet you do and have done

Your best to get even.

I have a suggestion

For the lawmakers of this country

Instead of dropping off

Migrants with no way

Of knowing what to do next

Off at transportation locations

With no food or water

Or flying them in planes

Why don't we send them back

To where they came from 

Spain or Portugal

Are the ones responsible

For causing the massive

Homelessness in Mexico

And Latin America

With their communism

And terrorism

They have encouraged

Instead of good Christians

Even Catholic girls

Are expected on their 

Fourteenth birthday

To give up their vaginas

Thier parents hold a big dance

And then cry when the girl 

Is still at home

On the next birthday.

This is why there are so many

Prostitutes such as Teresa and Olivia

Who make up stories about themselves

If we cant get rid of the trouble making

German krauts

Who now have a safe place

To live and work

Then get rid of those other

Communist Spanish speaking ones

This was a Christian country

Built on capitalism

I must assume

That I am under suspicion myself

And might be taken into custody

Just for being born here

And to a family

Who had already arrived

Ahead of all the others

Best to the one who wants 

The thankless job of being an elected official.

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