Friday, February 16, 2024

Less than thirty days ...

There are easier ways
Of dealing with a messy situation
For instance,

Kamala's photo has been removed
From the Social Security office
There sits Biden all smiles

And then that empty space
With a wall mount 
And no Vice President

Wonder what that is about?
In India and the general area
Execution by elephant

Was their capital punishment
Program where upon
An unsuspecting beast

Would be forced to walk
Over a paralyzed person
On the ground

Effectively crushing 
The Individual out of existence
Just as so many 

Of the younger Africans
Have taken advantage
Of a harmless brown skinned female

They just want to be
The Princess
Excuse me!

You are my mamma!
For the last time
I did not have sex

With Barack Obama!
Nor Micheal Jackson
Or Bill Crosby!

Please do not continue
To insult me by opening 
Your eyes wide 

And threatening me.
I worked hard at 
My real career

My mother kept interfering
And keeping me on dopamine

In order to control
Her own circumstances
She already knew 

She had brain cancer
Lying was her advantage
She could do whatever 

She wanted and get away 
With it since she was dying
Now those same children

Who just wanted not to be
Part of the MLK generation
But step on the backs 

Of others 
Especially Indians
Are in positions of power.

Causing me to loose 
My life's dream
And not even able

To defend myself 
Against all the discrimination
And outright violence

Which has occurred against me
I even have Ludmilla's
Black baby girl Richelle

As well as Rebeca Debronai's
Mistake demanding I am their mama
I do not have any daughters.

Nor can I have babies
Still dealing with Uterine Cancer.
Meanwhile I climbed the ranks

Old style
With all the hard jobs
And no Hilton hotel vouchers

I walked, climbed, and swam
My assignments
And occasionally

I was even arrested 
In the Soviet system
Such as when 

I attempted to bring to light
That just like Cokie's 
Three mile island story

I was watching 
A place called
Chernobyl getting ready

To cause worldwide chaos.
No one remembers
My delivery of the newest news

A nuclear plant
In Russia was exploding
With the local inhabitants

Not being warned with sirens
Or anything only to be set upon
By the authorities

Right in front of my camera
I was knocked to the ground
And handcuffed

I have been inside 
A Siberian compound
The only frightening thing

Is that no one knows
Where you are
And yet they do know

They just dont come
Those children were special to me
Navalny was one of them

He took advantage of it.
He was one of the last interveiws
I did in the old days

Of the twentieth century
He was all about how 
He had beat the system

He was now a lawyer
And was going to become
Better than the Capitalist reporter

In front of him.
He had already heard 
Of my demise

They knew ahead of time
That I was insignificant
I was now a nobody.

I was the spelling bee champion
The first girl and the youngest
To shake hands with the President

Poor Nixon did not have a chance
After that nor did his opposite
What was that guys name?

The Russian leader
Between Stalin and Yeltsin?
Nobody remembers 

Do they?
Anyways I got a free trip
To Siberia to a small town

Where I learned to be a good
Pioneer in Soviet Russia
Before someone rescued me

And sent me home to America
Very funny
She was just visiting...

My mother began to sell me
To other women
In order for them to know what

It felt like to be the mother
Of an Indian princess
My sister was the little princess

Who died in 1972
My mother quickly replaced her
With another boy 

And then in 1976 
She was pregnant again
My father was having 

A nervous breakdown
And the baby disappeared
There are a couple of options

For this poor lost boy
Including Navalny
He is not my brother

But just by association
He came under Jimmys
Eye of destruction

He was not very wise
In his choices
And since my mothers 

Death in 2005
His actions got worse
In my mind

Causing things
And doing things
And blaming the wrong ones

As if someone else
Was telling him what to do
There are many who have

Given the impression
That they are something else
Such as dear Candy

Who calls herself a queen
And allows herself to use
The phone to threaten 

Til the persons
Drops dead on the other end
Now he is dead

As well, on a walk
Just going for a walk
I was busy yesterday

Just trying to get my medical records
I know I have a heart condition
And need a pulmonarias

Which the doctor did refer
But they insist they cant take me
They don't like Obama insurance

Just not good enough
Meanwhile a kid 
Who would not stop harassing me

Is now the local anchor for ABC news.
I can see him in my mind
Showing up and making up this story

That he was my kid
Would not stop doing it.
It is embarrassing 

When one is not racist
But still has not had a lover
My husband was white

He is no longer  mine
Due to the constant strain
Of finding one more kid

Wanting to know 
Why his mother was not 
With his black father

Instead of walking around
Local community
There is a dead man

In Davis who was a PHD candidate
Now he is no longer living
All this fuss about 

A nobody
Who might be a real descendant
Of Pocohantas

But is not going to share
That with any white German girl
Nor any African one either.

Besides Demi Moore
Stoled that registration
A long time ago.

She also stooled my dog
Harry and my brother
Whom she still has lunch with

As for my dad
She never did give him back
He died by fire.

That last morphine injection
Which caused another boy
To go on the stands

To defend me 
That it was not my fault
Someone else came in behind me

And provided him one too many
Shots in the arm
His body was covered with burns

Wasn't Demi in Florida
That weekend?
As for the guy 

Who took to many punches
At a politician
Who was also a lawyer

A chauffer
A taxi driver
And the husband

Of an airline stewardess
Who was known to have affairs
She was even Jimmys wife 

He might not be guilty
Of anything but abiding
By his system of justice

Capital punishment
Is different in different countries
Just as is refusing service

Is sometimes construed
A misdemeanor
Frustrated at having

To go for no contest
When I was only guilty
Of receiving something by mail

But then the charges
Had already been dropped
It was just a formality to have me

Appear in court
That stiletto healed blond
Did not get the memo

I was not to be charged
She just wanted to get even
For the black teller

Who had to have me
Walk in to her place
Did nothing wrong

But be in the wrong place
With the wrong skin color.
Still cant get the locals

To allow me to not be
Deprived of my own accommodations
It is so bad now adays

Barbara and Diane
That once you break that glass
One has to live in the shards.

It is less than thirty days
Before the elections 
In Moscow

It is suspicious
The man should become ill
On his daily walk.

It is wrong to blame
The one in power
Instead of agitator

Such as Jimmy
Who has always had it in
For this one in particular

I would never have known
Who Putin was if not for Jimmy.
I have interviewed him as well

Tucker and I was forced to ask
The wrong question
Where upon he got up 

And walked out on me.
Just cant win.
Did you know 

My grandmother
Not jimmies
Was a radio announcer

And she interviewed
The Windsor's on radio
Before the abdication?

She also interviewed 
Eisenhower in the field
Before he returned as a hero

And the Trumans were 
Personal friends whom she played bridge
Was the first television interview

And by a woman not a man.
Don't have hard feelings.
It used to be politicians

Were frightened of the media
Now they own it.
Bidens accuser is being charged

By the CIA for falsifying information
And Trumps is on the stand.
For having sex!

Wonderful new century
Twenty-first was not going
To be the same old one.

The Millennials 
Are not waiting for 
The Baby boomers

To retire to take over
As mine the missing one
Was told to do

They are getting rid
Of grandparents
Sometimes there own

They were promised
And given the impression
That they were all little

Princesses and Princes
Little dictators
Is what they all are

Including Jimmy's
John Juan
Who called me his

Homeless prostitute mother
While he was carrying out
All of my belongings

So he could run a business
Out of my place
Caught on fire

And he did not have insurance
Still waiting for all the Germans
To go back home

Now that the wall has come down
So we can also send packing
All these Hispanic catholic communists

To Spain where they came from
Sorry Leonor
Should not even think

I will be pleased if you also
Want to call me mother
With all my aches and pains

I awoke today
Barely being able to breathe
To find out that one of my none

Brothers has died
Jimmy has tried to kill
Them all

And from afar
Which drove his psychologist
Into a nervous breakdown

He was sure he was 
Really killing people
While sitting in his ass.

Just as I was not sure
What was going on.
Was I having epileptic attacks

With my broken jaw
It is still hard to tell.

I am doing much better
As the expression goes
But still not healed

Of all the atrocious things
That have occured
Guilty by association

With those I still believe
Can make a difference
Even if it is not my way 

Of doing things.
Farewell little brother
You were not mine

But I was forced to accept
Your attentions
My the right one win

Not Lord Jimmy
Nor queen candy
Please god

Do not let us go 
Into darkness
Just because it is election time!


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