Saturday, February 10, 2024

I must be dreaming

Floating through the air
I must be dreaming
Again of heaven

It was said
I was heaven sent
In the early days

My birth gave my family
The rights to things
That they should have had 

Anyways but some refuse
To provide unless
An obvious heir is apparent

I was also said 
To have been born
In heaven....

My mother made
No misunderstanding
That she despised me

The day I was born
Was the day she died
And went to hell

She had to finally
Confess to being an adult
To have actually had sex

With her own husband
To have to allow
Her parents to receive

Thier due 
And as for those grandparents!
She had a bad childhood

She was an only child.
Nobody undestood
She expected to be 

Given everything
She never wanted to share
Therefore she made everyone

Else share
By giving away 
Thier most precious things.

After all the fuss
About that other thing
Which was not even 

A real baby
She was only six months
Pregnant when it came out 

Not born and not alive
A dead nothing
Just a blob

A waste of time
And she had to have
A trail where she got 

To be convicted
But did not go to jail
Only the girls

Who were unwed
Went to prison
For having an abortion

The married ladies
With doctors 
Got infanticide

On their paperwork
And sent to a hospital
Where they learned 

To take care of themselves
So they would not have
It happen again

Lossing a fetus
Because of neglect
As it was thought at the time.

She also had to have 
All sorts of special things
She was an only child

Who got her parents 
In trouble
If she did not get 

What she wanted.
And then I came along
And it was all over.

We spent the rest of our lives
Attempting to not reconceal
She hated me for being born

And I could not comprehend
Why everyone allowed her to misbehave
Having brain cancer

Did not really answer
The questions of  her cruelty
Why would she?

Then there are those 
Other memories
Such as being put in an oven

By Betty Adelhead
Who claimed she did not know
After all she was retarded

Another infant
Has just been found
Dead with burns

I can recall
Those red things lighting up
And the incredible heat

As I had been trained 
Not to cry
Frustrated at the suffering

Then waking up 
In a hospital
With my burns 

It was not the first time
Nor the last time
My mother could not go

That far for some reason
She was perhaps afraid
Of finally going to jail

For real
Which is why I fought
For her not to be locked up

I understood she hated me
But also she could not take
That final step

But others did it for her.
Jimmy buried me more than once
And throw me off of things

I almost drowned 
So many times
Which is why my wise father

Taught me to swim
In infancy not jimmy
Why my grandfather

Also saw to my learning
To crawl and stand 
And hide and run

All the things
A small child 
Should not need to know

All because
I should not have been born
According to the rest of them

Somehow I had caused
Chaos to erupt
Since it meant

My relatives were
Now going to be given 
Thier way in their own lives.

As long as I lived
They could not do what
They wanted 

Which was to eliminate
Them from the earth
These Germans 

Will stop at nothing
Such as Betty 
Who keeps showing

Herself as an adult
Instead of a child
When I was born

She did not have tits
Yet nor pubic hair
She was not even there

After she kept showing up
When my mother would awake
With her firmly grasping

Her belly like an octopus
She had to walk
Into the police station

With the retarded child
Firmly attached to her body
Which is why her family

Sent her to Europe
To get away from these people
She went into labor

In Paris 
She tried to get a ferry
To England

So I would be born 
Speaking English
Instead they put her 

On one of those new things
A jet plane
Which flew from Paris France

Over Russia 
Towards California
Where we living in Perris California

We never made it.
Somewhere over Siberia
She went into a full scream

Brought down the plane
I am told
At some Artic base

Where multiple languages 
Were spoken including English
Then we went back 

To the French property
Now in Baja California
Where she laid down

On the beach
As if I had swum
Out of the water

Towards her
And she had not given birth
I have heard various accounts

But if someone is born
In Route
Then they decide 

Where they want 
Such as France
Where we took off

Or California 
Where we ended 
Or as some have 

Said in Russia itself
Although the place
Might not have been

In Russia
Only in the Artic
But then there is the other

That I was born 
Up there in the clouds

In midheaven
Where the angels
Reside and were watching

Over us all.
Should i list my birth
As heaven

As I was most likely
Born in the sky
While the plane was flying?

Dreaming of clouds
And floating through the air?
With no Betty Adel

Around to disturb my mother
Still complaining that she
Was not yet bleeding

As her older sister 
Had begun to do
Which caused her to get 

Married so young
As she was pregnant
An unwed teenager

All those stories
And none of them right
What Betty is not is my birth mother

Nor my adopted one
Nor even the one
Who did not attempt 

To kill me
On more than one occasion
Even my last accident

I was flown by helicopter
To a hospital
Where for some reason

I was dropped
Onto a gurney
Which was not locked

It went skidding across
The top towards the edge
And then it did go over

The edge til it landed 
Down below
While I hung

Again in midheaven
With a bunch of men
Holding each other

As they tried to keep
Me from going over the edge
I was pronounce 

Dead of arrival
In the elevator

I tried to tell them
That was not true
But then I could not speak

Not til I awoke
In a hallway
With a sheet over my face

I remember Betty 
Trying to tell me about
This birth being done in the sky

We were on a plane
Were she opened the door
One used to be able to do that

And shoved me out of the plane
In that case
The stewardess and others

Saw her as she was going through
With her dream of getting rid of me
As she did on boats

And trains and busses
I had a lot of experiences
In figuring out how 

Not to fall and die
She also shoved me off
A few tall building

And bridges.....
What Betty was not
Was a lovable person

I have a split Ilium
From her tying me down
In a pencil factory

My mother went mad
Dealing with some ones else
Child who should have been drowned

When she was born
No reason to  keep 
That one alive

But then no one does
As they should
When they should

Which is why I keep
Dreaming of my families 
Property by the mar

A shipping mercantile
Family who had inherited
A place by the water

Someone cut down
All the trees 
And ripped up the roses

Destroyed the dock
And tore up the houses
I used to float in the water

And think of floating
In the air
My sister began to ask

Me questions 
That disturbed me
About her life

I had this feeling
That she was going to die
Something I tried to hide

From everyone
But she was guessing
What I was thinking

Betty had gotten older
Gotten her menstrual cycle
Gotten pregnant

Got rid of the baby
And could not get 
A drivers license

Even now she uses 
A false one
Which is why when

She has another accident
No one knows what to do.
Someone arranged for me to have

An auto accident
I should not have survived
Just like the one

My sister had died in
And I was sitting there 
Staring at this retarded woman

Who had been sent instead
Of an honest woman
To bring me some things

From my room
Which I left immaculate
She said it was messy

Which made me want
To hit her and throw her out
On her big ass.

Instead I sat there
With my eyes floating
And blood beginning

To seep through my brain
I have an aneurysm
Which bleeds sometimes

I could feel it flowing
As I passed out again
How many times

Has she stressed me out?
I had a stroke as well
About a year later

Probably after it was 
Discovered I had gone
To the FBI

Again to get help.
No good ever comes
Of seeking authorities

These people just take
Care of them
They say her mother

Killed a KGB agent
Who was after them.
No wonders I sometimes

Dream of floating
Somewhere else
Away from stupid girls

Who did not pass
But believe they are specialists

When all they want
Is for you to eat 
Thier cupcake

They made for you
Or to be given your gifts
Those poor men

Who died in a plane
On their way
To see the Superbowl

Their big dream
Mine is to go back
To France and stay this time

They keep bringing me back
By the way
My mother spoke

French to me 
Thinking i would not understand
Instead I learned the language

Spoken to me
As most babies 
Now I cant speak anything

But this bad English
I was forced to listen
I keep waking up

Dreaming I am in heaven
A little place by the water
Where we were once

A family 
But stolen by a bitch
Who believes her family

Wont be murdered
Once she is dead
Home wreckers

Just to smuggle drugs
Across the border.
Just as betty 

Should wake up
In an oven some day
Such as the ones they use

At the funeral homes
They even want to look
Out at the lighthouse island

What are they imagining
That there is buried treasure?
Those stupid women

Who have no idea
Whom they are dealing
Who only want to keep

Up the trouble they cause
Wont ever get to heaven
Perhaps there is someone

Left in authority
Who can keep from being drugged
And finish the job 

They were assigned
Instead of allowing a woman
To have her car stolen

By a retard
In order i her mind
To be the one who gave 

Birth to a little hieress
Who was going to get the family
Back to where they had started

Instead Betty went around
Screaming as she drove
Looking and seeking

Someone to drive 
Her new now auto into
For the meanness in her heart

Over not being allowed
To just tell people
That she was royal or something

Poor woman who was driving
Lost her life and so did her daughter
But Betty did not care

If she had caused the accident
She just wanted her way
Which is why she now cooks

At the same oven
Where she laid me to rest
As an infant....

Dreaming in my sleep
Of going home to my families place
Without anymore deaths or disasters

Just dreaming in my sleep
Where it all began
While floating through the air

In the heavens
While the jet had to land
But for that moment

We were not in any land
But floating through the barriers
As god had originally intended

There will never be any mercy
Shown to those who care to harm
Just as the dragon

Is floating through the air
On his journey
Through the Lunar New year

Towards another year of hope
And fortune
Without the past catching him

As he weaves and dances
Through the crowds
While floating through the air.....


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