Saturday, February 24, 2024

I'll cry if I want to

Its my birthday
One years old

Mom got me this tie
For my present
Isn't it adorable?

I cry if I want to
After it is my birthday
I was not even allowed

To say high 
To those cutes in the window
At the Cafe cats 

What is the point 
Of showing me what's
On the other side?

To many problems
Too many suggestions
Not enough control

I could have sworn 
I walked into a war zone
There was that strange 

Trolley station
With nothing but homeless
The only customers

Were Jack and myself
I had to wait so long
To get around the corner

Just one stop
And people standing
On the streets 

As if they were rehearsing
Then the situation 
With the past favorite breakfast place

No more favorite
Couldnt even find
Cafe cats

A chabot 
Was there instead
Ah, after walking 

Up and down
It was kitty corner
Moved to a new location

And old apartment
Weird remembering 
Being a toddler

Inside staring out
While I was watching
The cat population inside

Only had a glimpse
Of the Chinese new year
My old neighborhood

And everyone acts as if 
I am a strnager
An unwanted one at that

I could not even eat 
My face froze
I was attempting 

To shove food inside
When I realized
That the nerve damage

Was worse
Frozen muscles
Mini stroke?

Great just another thing
To worry about
My old family home

Is now a dog park.
I wonder if they found
The body buried underneath?

All old homesteads
Have burials of the first
Inhabitants in California

No wonders 
Nothing is going right
All those old memories

Making me cry
At the oddest moments
And then there are those kids

My family had extras
Until Jimmy made us
His home for good.

Even my own siblings
Would whether play
The game of taking me out

Just so someone else
Can show up instead
Why provide them 

With a chance
Unless that is all they had
Growing up is strangers

Being told it was them
Or no mom
My mother was taken hostage

By people way back
Even had this girl 
Kim Harrison

Tall african girl 
With a white mother
Whose photo used to be up

At the Post office
For robbing banks
When she attended Berkley

Kim would not  leave us alone
She even introduced herself
As family!

When one is native american
And european
With no real issues towards

Slavery or racism
It is an odd thing
To have someone like her

Not get to make us uncomfortable.
Then she went off and joined
The Muslim movement

Just when those guys
Were arriving to learn to fly
In my hometown

Her look alike daughter
A by product 
Is called Najma

Wont stop making me angry
Thinking of the 9/11 
All those people 

Her father killed
And sitting there in front of me
No one will listen

Why else was so left behind
When Kim had to move
To Colorado with all the other

Fleeing Californians
Only to come back
With a white guy

It is like watching
Zelensky making fools
Of everyone 

Handing them flowers
And walking down the street 
He has killed all those children

Because he wont allow
A fellow group 
To have their independence

I am afraid even Trudeau
Was one of those today
Two years anniversary

On my sisters birthday
We always celebrate it
For her even though she is dead

Just so it is a reminder
Of a lost child.
Remember, remember

Cry for me
Valencia has gone up
In flames

As has a block in china.
All those people
Out of a home

Because someone 
Wants to smoke in bed.
My face feels weird

Poor rich millionares
The Russians always hide it 
But they are for the most part

Filthy rich
At least the ones we hear about
Not like in the old days

Those poets 
Would write stories
To break our heart

Only to come to America
And die happy rich guys.
That mother is most likely

Not the real one
Old Soviet habits
Steal a child

And raise it yourself
Then your will be blessed
Maybe she not even recall

The day a lost boy
Wondered into view
Wanting to know why

His family were not here
Or there
Wonder if  uncle John

Ever forgave me
For that thing
I don't know about

Turns out there were 
Alot of lost souls
In my childhood

Besides my dead sister
Only five years old
When her life was snuffed out

Her is another child
So, reminiscence
Of those blond Scandinavians

Afraid to say they were
Russians not Germans

Those horrible days
Of being black listed
Now I am being given

That rude shove 
Just because my cat
Is a Russian Blue

Actually, with his gold eyes
He is probably a 
Chanteuse, French!

I wont be getting close 
To Paris this summer
All the reservations

Are already gone
And I still have not gotten rid
Of my tumors

Multiple ones
Protruding as if I was pregnant
And over 55

Poor mother
Who had to be given
The lifeless body of her son

Whether or not it is hers
She raised him
While the wife just wants

What has the world come to
The Palm trees
Have been blown over

By the storms
A hundred years old
Brought to California

For postcard realestate
Come to sunny california
Where there is a pool in every yard

And Palm trees
Really they are not native
Which is why they don't withstand

Everyone is crying for them
While I see another two old houses
Have been torn down 

Up on old Bankers hill
Hundred years old
And part of the history

Of this town but they dont care
Cry for the Palm trees
But not the houses 

Where families
Lived and breathed
Fought and died.

Good for nothing
While my old downtown
Is a ghost town

Except where they put up
Tall hotels
On top of harbor sand

Just like San Francisco
Everyone moved away from
The safe streets

Because of fire
And found themselves
In the dark

When the big earthquake hit
These people wont even make it out
They will probably all die

In those glass structures
Progress and modernization.
I will cry if I want to

My parents suffered 
The consequences of being the wrong race
And their parents the wrong immigrant group

Little brothers and cousins
All gone and not coming back.
The Torsos should look at the headlines.....


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