Wednesday, February 28, 2024

46 BC the year of 15th months or 445 days

Leap year

Thank be to the gods

Or Pope Gregory

Who finalized the Calendar

As we know it today

Instead of the one above

With all those feast days

The Romans enjoyed 

A good feat

With their vomitorium's

The modern anoxeria

Is jealous they actually 

Made rooms just for them

They binge

And they purge

To keep their lifeless

Unattractive bodies

That no one wants

Not even themselves.

Anyways this is the month

And the day

Of all days

And a feast day

Gregory got all the months

Down to a 30-31 

Ratio of happy months

And then February

Came along 

During one of his colds

And he cut it down

To size of only 28 days


But then every four years

Unless it is divisible 

By 100 or 400

Which is why 

Some missed thier birthday

In 2000

The big twenty first century

And they had to wait 

Another four years.

Anyways I was not born

On February 29

Which comes along

Every four to eight years

But Jimmy insists

On not only taking

His penis out of his pants

In an open court room

But also that at six

He became my father

When in fact 

It is my sisters birthday

We keep in memorium.

But according to him

I am only 13 and half years old

Poor thing laying there 

Not having gotten past

Five or just one 

Jimmy wise

How many people

Really belive they only age

Every four years?

Well, Jimmy wont allow me

To have any grown up things

In fact he has throw away 

All of our dolls and toys

He was told not to

And my mother promised me

But then she never kept 

Her word 

Not even to her favorite son

Which was not Jimmy

One should be 14

Come tomorrow

But hey now that I have

Gotten to menopause

I am expected to have what?

No coming out party

I will eunuch the first guy

Who thinks he is going 

To pop my bubble

In jimmies case

I will just chop off his head.

Pop goes your weasel!

Now the tradition

Is that one is to propose

For years people

Would gather together

To see me pop the question

To the same poor fool

Who was just sitting there

Not knowing anything 

About anything at all.

They kept bringing him back

Just so I could then see him

Go off with another girl

Instead of waiting for me

To be old enough

Which is why Jimmy

Always laughs his head

Right off his shoulders

Because it is just so silly

That I am ever going 

To be old enough

And young enough 

At the same time.

Well Jimmy

What is the difference

Between 13 and 14?

For you information

When I was 14 

Going on 16

I might not have been

Under my mothers thumb

Nor my fathers roof

Too bad for that other 

Little one 

But she is not going

To be pleased

If she does wake up

And you have not completely

Decimated the world

My poor old little guy

Is probably not even alive

I would not know

Since it has been since

The 21st century

Since I have been allowed

Well, sleep well tonight

It will not be March

Until the next day

No money in your bank

Til the next day

Perhaps you wont wake up

At all.

If there was still a god

Who can count on his

People and angels

To do what is right

Kill him!

And make it count

This time

Not like all those other ones....

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