Thursday, June 16, 2022

A trip to Paradise just as a reminder

Paradiso by Dante is considered one of the worlds wonders.

Here find the two most noble familes of the old Roman world put into exile and almost extinguished.

While most people talk about the Inferno because they are consumed with death and destruction, as hell is the road most take in their lives, the pathway towards heaven is lesser known.

It has however as much to be remembered as anything else and even more so to those who might actually be on their own road through heaven not hell.

Paradise was talked about or seen in many different insistences, such as the New World.

It would bring peace from the religious wars and harmony of souls for those seeking solace.

Hawaii and the other Pacific places are often seen as an ideal setting as if drifting on clouds.

But most discuss California or the way west as their own particular destination.

There was a day back in the day in what is now called San Diego.

It had had many names, but this was the one it was going to be stuck.

Many prospectors had come to see if gold was in their veins.

Most just came for a new way of life and anything new was better than old.

One of the true western pioneers was an Agoston Harazthy,  he hailed from Pest.

Hungary is what they called the country and Budapest is the name of the city nowadays.

He was a nobleman who came and struck out in so many different ways, learning every trade imaginable, and becoming the father of the Napa wine industry. 

But first he made to the Old West, Wisconsin and then to through the Desert to San Diego area.

He was the first Sherriff of San Deigo building the first jail and the first escape was a Judge who used his penknife to dig himself free.

He served as city Marshall and later as state assemblyman before he moved to Napa County.

He planted vineyards in a section of the area called Harazthyville now known as Middleton. 

Another newcomer was a man named Wyat Earp.

He was known as a law man and had already made a name for himself.

He set himself up down in Newtown with one more wife.

And enjoyed running the town as a peacekeeper but he also owned the only gambling casino.

There were many law men who came and went but there was a story about the days of the land grabbers.

Most people arrived without a title to the land, now some had already acquired a Spanish, French or Mexican land grant from Mexico City. 

Some arrived by boat and later by train but known them could make the land grabbers go away.

They arrived not by stagecoach but by other cunning methods.

The San Diego River which had a different name when it was the area of the Russian company before they had to move north.

The boat people controlled the waterways in the old west.

Just like Tom Sawyer, they would drift the river which was wide.

They kept people from crossing and often staged robberies.

One of the things that Paradise in California brought was highway robberies in Multilanguage's.

Zorro is another legend of California of land grabbing dishonesty and the ruthless ways of the old.

Pirates at sea, robbers on the highway, so called Indian attacks on the road, made travel dangerous.

The answer seemed to be the railroad and many attempted to create one.

One eventful day there was a special visitor coming to what is known as Old town.

The land rights were at stack of those who had already made their claims in Sacramento.

It seemed as if there was nothing they could do wrong and yet a strong wind suggested a new crowd wanted their way in recreating another San Francisco.

It was nothing new but all they had to do was show up and get a special piece of paper, handed to them by the official himself from Sacramento.

A community of old timers and ranchers or merchants had become aware they needed to be careful.

They hired a man to build a small rail towards the train station newly built.

This way they could around the mountain and away from the harbor area where so many of the robbers hung out and ganged up on innocents.

The man was careful to skirt the natural design of the valley but staying away from the river banks.

They were almost there the group that had comely quietly from their various homesteads.

Most by horse to parked them while they boarded the train in what is now known as Mission valley but was referred to as the gorge.

High spirits and hushed whispers along with some legal tender and their best dress.

They were going to meet an important man, to go to town where they would be seen as the original owners and be greeted by those who knew how to show respect.

They were also expecting violence, they brought along a law man.

He sat up front in the small engine while the engineer quietly let them through the valley.

He made sure not to let off any unnecessary steam nor whistle sound.

And then it came to his ears, the Metalic sound, the whip of the wind and the hisssss.

The church sat just south of the opening of the gorge and around the corner of the old town.

It was a careful location as the early ships had made it here and then stopped to unload.

It was also in view of the valley and the river men now robbers.

It was just a mile short of their objective.

The metal rails he had put in were whipping back and forth behind him.

He suddenly realized and his foot got stuck in the one below him as he brought the engine to a stop.

He had agreed not to stop nor pick up passengers. 

He had spent his own money and time, to no avail.

They had him and he could not go forward nor backwards.

They had pulled up the stacks along the way.

Careful to hide what they were doing.

It was too late; they could not make their objective.

And they were under attack.

Out of nowhere they came the robbers, they had switched places in the barn where the horses and buggies were left with the husbands.

He was caught off guard and the law man walked just far enough away to see what he had sitting behind him.

The children ran for cover knowing how to pull up an underground hiding location.

The women had been made to sit next to the men and where sure to die, a few  made it but would never get thier lives back from these types of villians.

They had the land rights, it was not the women's purses but the men's legal rights they wanted.

They killed them all they could before they could get to town with thier documents.

It would not have mattered much, the offical could only hand out his cards but the locals always have their ways of doing things.

Everything is always available to the hirest bidder or the dirtiest gun.

This is what most left behind in Europe the constant conflux of who owns the land and who the baron robbers are even in Odessa, where the exiled Jewish community turned to piracy and mafia type warfare for their own survival.

Where will the displaced go if they are always followed by the unmerciless?

When will the locals agree to deal fairly with the originals instead of the frauds?


Paradis lost.

Those who were already here lost their rights to the greedy.

The law takes to long to bring back righteous.

Only the souls of the wicked remained to raise hell.

The valley church no longer stands, although a few metal rails are still found on one side.

Under foot are those who never got thier lives.

One feels a dread around here and one still sees ones at deaths doors.

But the sound of a train whistle is never heard on this side ever calling for passengers to Paradise.

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