Sunday, June 19, 2022


 A tumble from a bicycle is not the way to go Pr. President.

It is a sad day when the President himself cant even stay on his own bike.

Really what is the world coming to, after all.

You are only 79.

Come on, Biden.

You have had a long career in Washington.

You had just been elected when Watergate broke out.

One of the lucky ones, outside the situation.

Never had to deal with the Post or any of those other annoying issues.

Of course, your wife was killed a week before Christmas.

Did they ever catch the other driver?

A small infant daughter lost.

You had your own problems to handle.

Who cared about a break in and some journalist.

Life included two small boys and learning a new job.

A job you did well.

Here you are all these years later as the President himself.

Fifty year anniversary of the Watergate scandal.

You made it through with a second wife and daughter.

You lost a son and a daughter in law as causalities.

You made history as the first Vice President of an African President.

And again as the first President with an African female Vice President.

You have no place to go after this, unless of course you dont make it out of this last one.

Who upset Mr. Putin?

All because Hillary getting her nose out of joint.

She wanted the popularity vote to swing the Congress.

Everyone ran around Trump yelling at him and the other guy.

And now the other guy has pulled the nice guy out of the ring.

Are you aware that last Easter when most of us could still  not attend services.

That the Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Kuleba

Announced that they had intentions of robbing Russia of its Naval port 

Sevastopol, Crimea was theirs for the taking, and taking they were going to do.

Who threw the first stone?


Either in bluff or jest

They called out the big bad wolf.

We want our property back.

Ukraine left Russia 

And without a fight.

Kiev is the oldest of the Russ

But Crimea and Donbas never belonged to them.

Donbas was industrialized by a Welsh man

Hughes brought fifty thousand people from wales

He built English speaking schools and churches and hospitals

And then Lenin came and took it all away from him

The people remained and their descendants

Donbas are more welsh than Russian

Crimea are the old Scythians.

In March of 2021 Mr. Putin began amassing large military

on the borders of Ukraine and Russia

In regards to the threat made by the Ukrainian minister 

about laying siege to Sevastopol.

Sevastopol was famous for the siege and for Florence Nightingale

It even has namesakes in other places such as California.

What it wasn't was the Ukraine's to demand.

Was that not a declaration of war?

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