Friday, June 10, 2022

I was there that day on the Capital

 I had been there that day when I had seen a bunch of people suddenly arrive and merge towards the capitol steps yelling.

I was there when they brandished things in their hands and looked as if they were going to storm inside.

I was there as I ran in down towards the booth where the old phone to the emergency services was located.

I was there as I told a passing black car that someone was already up on the third floor breaking a window and gaining access to the floors above security.

Tell them to take cover I said as they went by to those inside and look you need to call whom ever responds they are breaking inside.

I was there as I sat tazered having spasms with  my spinal cord injury as the group that had materialized dispersed and disappeared.

I had witnessed just a few years earlier when Hillary had not been given into by Trump her group gather around the capital and allow themselves entrance into the capital through side doors and upper windows.

I had gone on a walkthrough afterwards to see the destruction of papers on the floor and several of the paintings were being rehung but no harm done it was just a friendly female group who were disgruntled.

They had been meet inside and then treated to tea and told to go home, it had been handled.

I had also been on the Capital as a child when eruptions took place, I remember the garbage trucks lining the White House street and refusing to move.

I recall as a young reporter covering a number of events when things had gone wrong and had even been inside a few bank robberies.

And as a National parks summer hir-ee had been instructed on group gathering and whatnot.

But hey, these guys had things in their hand and were on the attack and then they were not.

It happens when some one blows the whistle to fast, another day.

Next time.

I was trying not to shout as I sat there frustrated, a former criminologist who had a bad auto accident and now had seizures.

A former elected government official who had been frog marched out of the Capital because the staff did not know who was with me was not nice.

I had several people around me and they were in the habit of kicking and biting me, stealing my wallet, hitting  me on the head and jabbing me with needles.

My fear of HIV grew more each day as death lingered from their abuse.

Most of them were already convcited and court ordered to stay away.

I was there that day as the news vans arrived to find out what has happening and just a few were left around the bike cycle racks.

I was there the day the tall blond stood over me and asked me who I was to her?

Who was I to Caroline?

She looks the same, did she give up her job to becoe a defender of the Capital because of what she had seen that day? 

She got injured in the attack and almost lost her life.

She got to get in front of congress and give her report.

Who was I to her?

I had already lost my life and was only trying to reclaim my identity.

Some were assuming I could just walk back in and sit down where I had left off.

I knew the same people who had gone after my parents and grandparents were now third generation were in town, three generations of criminals from the old Germnay  pre soviets and associating with wild motercycle groups and white supremists.

I was worried and responded to a threat percieved from experience.

I was there the day they staged a prequel, a what if, lets see what they can do scenario.

My first response to the January 6 was "so they did come back".

My second was "please President, dont walk in to thier crowd" because I dont think they came for you but themselves.

(Themselves and the Pittzembargers, Bartmettlers, Gillettes, and Galliotos who continue to harrass policitians and media and celebrities for no real reason but are also present on these occasions. )

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