Friday, June 24, 2022

Bonfires- Have we returned to the times of Hitler and his art thieves and robbers of culture?

For centuries bonfires have been lit in times of trouble.

Sometimes these are for others to see our fear or desire to be rescued.

And other times it is out of fear they are lit with things people don't want.

Such as now why don't we all just throw away our Russian things.

Ukraine this Ukraine that

A decade ago people could not pronounce it.

They did not care to pronounce it.

They wanted Russia.

Now they have given up on humanity.

We are seeing a civil war of brothers fighting each other.

All the sad first lady can do is show her wealth

While her husband dresses like the old Cuban communist rebel.

Where is it going to end?

Do the Biden's want us to strip the museums of the Russian icons

The libraries of the Russian  literature

And bring them to their front lawn for a bon fire?


They did throw the first stone

They declared war

Why so much hatred?

They want the Crimea back

They don't want to give up Donbas

They want the world to feel their pain

What next? Moscow itself?

Meanwhile their people are being housed

And accommodated for in the millions

But the few Russian who escaped

Have no place to go to rest

It is all one sided

And even Movistar's are making the  mistake of getting involved

This is not like the end of WWII 

When Jewish people wanted their homeland of Israel

It is a time of need and a time of demand

These people have a right to homes as well

They have a right not to be spit on 

And not to be bumped off of busses

Where did it all go wrong?

Don't tell me again about Putin.

Putin this Putin that

It is all hogwash, you men are just wanting to fight.

And the rest of the world watches 

In horror and mourns 

What we lost in a conflict 

Where at least the enemy was civilized


Lets start bonfires of books and art

Maybe this well make the Zelensky's happy

What about Biden's, are you going to put a stop to hatred?

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