Friday, June 17, 2022

Lets great this straight

 You wanted to have all three executive members on the same spot at the same time with  men's with guns!

And then what, to have the military move in and take over with causalities in order to free the hostages?

Protecting America is a different story when told from a different angle.

We have a threefold back up plan instituted by the founding fathers.

Three branches of government to ensure the populace does not take over.

That is why the popular vote is not the winning vote for President.

We have a situation that out of control.

A man in the hot seat for taking his rightful place.

A country which then led him into a battle and right or wrong demanded an accurate account.

There was no way a show down would not have occurred.

What we did not know would happen with all of the Hillary protestors is another group would come to town.

This group came with different intentions.

They had motives and means of entrance.

They had already staked out the situation and held the keys to what?

They also had guns, this they did not tell the man at the podium when he urged them to get off his front lawn since they had shown at his door step.

First they went to the Presidents house.

Then they went to the Country's house or the State Capital.

Then they forced their way in and took hostages.

They approached the President without telling him thier intentions.

They threatened the Vice President with a hanging.

They probably had a few words for the lady sitting as the Chair of Congress.

All while the lone Indian chief sits on top looking the opposite direction of the pool.

What were their intentions?

To have their way!

How far were they willing to go?

What would have happened next, if he had!

The three layers of the Exucutive branch are:

The President in the Oval office.

The Vice President in the West Wing.

The Speaker of the House in the Capital.

If the President had shown up at the capital after both of the other two parties had been taken hostage,

it would have been seen as criminal.

If he had been shot while standing outside, the Military would have swooped in to the situation.

They would have taken over and the would have taken the building with causalities.

Even if it meant the lives of one of the other participants, they only needed to keep one of them alive.

The Speaker was in hiding and the Vice President was with his family just on the other side of the wall.

Whom do you think would have won that day?

The men wanted thier way.

If Pence had gone for the vote, we might have seen Trump put in a mental hospital.

We might have seen a sitting duck have to accept the Presidency himself after swinging the vote.

We might have seen Mrs. Polisi become the first Speaker of the House to become President.

We might have seen all three taken down and then what?

Biden had already been elected and it was only being contested the count.

So it would have been done anyways, him becoming President.

Unless they also had him under guard.

Where was Kamala that day?

Was she there as well, no one mentions it but she would have had a vested interest.

Was this about Hillary?

Was this about Kamala?

Or about Putin!

Or about Obama!

Really, you guys in the media whom I was once member expected the last man standing without a gun to walk into a showdown.

You really believe the Secret Service were going to allow him to leave the White house?

With the Capital under siege?

Or that the military would have wiped all of the siege takers out just for the sake of having had a chance to live out a Hollywood dream?


Get real guys!

There was no way that guy was going to be allowed to go near those men with guns.

Not even if his daughter was being held hostage.

Once it began it was over.

What led up to the situation is another story.

Lets decide now who gets to be on the steps of the gallows as we watch him swing for real.

Because you guys are asking for blood and the end result of this criminal investigation is a hanging.

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