Thursday, June 23, 2022

Summer soltice and little girl dreams

 My family are from various parts of the world.

They all acknowledge the change of seasons.

I have trekked to the north just as Anna to see the Scandinavian sun rise and sunset.

I have sat in the desert waiting for the wind to circulate around my colored sand picture.

I am both Native American which they say came originally from Siberia.

The last of the true shamans were found in the Altai mountians.

I am also Scandinaviana, Copenhagen and St Petersburg.

Russ and Viking and French with a little bit of everything else.

We were nice little girls my sister and I.

Most of the time  one grandparent had one of us.

So mother could handle the day without a meltdown.

But sometimes we got to be together my mirror image and  myself.

We were identical and named for the morning.

I came first, Aurora Borealis just after midnight.

And then came the early rays of Dawne.

Two early risers, and two too  many for one mother.

My mother used to tell my sister that I was her imaginary friend.

I used to explain to her that she was borrowing everything of mine,

My shoes, my dresses, my name and she even had my face.

And then she died, and I was given the one thing I did not want, her kidney.

Little girl dreams.

We all have them.

Some day we are going to grow up 

And we are going to live somewhere and someplace.

Some want to be princesses

Others want to be athletes

And a few even astronauts

Most end up being mothers or wives

Not my sister

Her life ended too early

She was taken away before she was allowed to go to school.

We had a sex stalker after us because of our uniqueness

Stalkers come in many forms.

Admirers, rejected suitors, obsessed fans or just die hard swindler scam artists.

They say they are sick and cant help themselves.

They do more harm than any GI Joe out on patrol

My sister and I did commercials for our familys income.

My mother went crazy before we were born.

She threw away everything she could and then did not want us.

But she was outnumbered or so the men thought.

At some point a blond boy was brought to her to enjoy

He was a horrible pig

Envy knew nothing of his greed

But she took him to her heart because he was white.

She had begun to hate her own family and allowed it seep into her soul

Her hatred developed to the point of no return.

And then one of us did die.

After that it was over for her and her family

We never did know any rest at any time.

The first milk carton missing child.

I came home but other girls keep showing up sayin they are her, such as Martha

The first time a child had to go before congress to explain abduction

And yet the original abductees still ones around claiming to be the real mother.

I have had people such as Stephanie Powers tell me she is my  mother 

Even Peter Falk said I was his daughter.

He was honest about it she was not.

The kinds of people who show up looking for an easy buck

We were robbed and raped

My mother was never the same and her boys left her a long time ago.

While my grandparents and others appeared to be murdered.

One by one they died suddenly

Without cause, a car over a cliff he drove every day

Locked out of the house in a wheelchair in freezing weather

Falling down the stairs she used everyday

The list goes on of the accidents 

And then there was the bullet to the head

And my father was chained down and set on fire.

While my  mothers cancer to a slow toll on her spirit

When did it start?

On summer solstice day when a little prince

Found he could have his way only by killing them all off

And forcing himself on the girl child

My mother had been foolish and others knew it would not be pleasant

Jim was special he came from an affair of the heart

He had a white daddy who was on tv and could do almost anything for him

Except make him into a real prince or a smart president

He made it his business to do what he wanted 

His real mother kept cleaning him up

Now dont do that anymore.

My little spoiled one.

He was a stalker


He got away with it all

There was no one who could stop him.

Many tried such as psychologist who had nervous breakdowns

Or presidents who had to be impeached.

Any woman who got in his way 

He went after her panties and did things.

Most of the women become large

Or loose their husbands in some way

None of them realize it is Jimmy

They know it is him

He is listed as my stalker

I was the youngest to be given a restraining order

It was against someone else

Who is also still allowed to come inside and sit or stand next to me

He has tried to rape me and in front of witnesses

He is viral and has a few children he wont acknowledge

Jimmy is impotent and chemically sterilized

He just wouldn't leave the little girl alone

He still does want he wants

He controls my environment

He makes sure I spend my money his way or no way

He also uses my habitat against me

I have to lock my doors by sunset and cant leave before sunrise

He still finds a way to punish me

I have had my wallet stolen and then drugged so I don't whom I am 

And then branded homeless so no one will help me

I have survived almost everything a woman 

Has thrown at her including multiple attempts at marrying to the wrong type of man

Black African children demanding I am their mommy

Or Violent Redheads who want to know why they thrown away

Sins sins

To sin in the south is to produce a dark colored child

All redhead are from the devil

The list goes on of the types of things I have endured

My boyfriends learn will quick to disappear

Or else

My one  husband never does come home

But show up with another girl on his arm, and another one

As for my medical issues

It is where it gets really good

A stalker who can get inside a individual 

Without the ability to insert himself

All those injections when I was little

Repeated battles with Chicken pox 

Or other childhood diseases.

And then not being allowed to have a  normal female menstration

I was fifteen before they realized someone was giving drugs 

To keep me younger than dating age

He did not want me to have any one but him

And he was going to get his way

Meanwhile a number of girls got pregnant

Not my vagina

But they all were told I was their mom

And they have used extortion on all the men in my life.

Menopause comes to every woman

We all end up regardless if we have had a child or not

At that stage when our ovaries began to have difficulty

Most simply stop flowing

My family are bleeders.

My mother was till flowing at 69

I have had a decade of gynecology attempting to tell me I am weird

I am not going to be gutted out

Instead I have had every type of pelvic exam possible

One does not wonder if it is Jimmy

Every woman in his life knows it is him

Doing his best to make us know how he feels

He has multiple wives and aunties

He treats them good until he wants something

He gets want he wants or else

Now he wants me to never have been pregnant


It is on my medical records

It means never pregnant

I have never lactaided nor been in labor

I cant convince the two hundred applicants

Who show up threatening me because they have it on good authority

They have no birth certificate or evidence

I have evidence not of virginity but of not have given birth

It is not pleasant subject out in the open

But some women need to know how far a man will go

To get inside

He only has to tell the doctor what he wants and he gets it

One more examination

One more opportunity to get her unconscious

And go things to her 

While she is unwilling to comply

I have four tumors in my uterus

I look as if I am expecting

I have had radiology

But I cant get it resolved 

Every time I go anywhere now

I know the California State was right

Jimmy is a sex stalker 

And he is not going to stop

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