Sunday, June 19, 2022

Princess Pampers-Moose-Pickels-Money

There was once a little girl named Sonja, now known as Ludmilla.

She wanted it all and got very good at getting the guys to give it to her.

She was a runaway daughter of a New Yorker who became a well-known actress.

Her face alone would cause you to wonder of this story.

It all started way before the picture was taken in 1977 at Jonestown.

Jones had come to Santa Rosa, a sleepy little town once a booming administration for California.

It became nothing more than a bunch of hothead and drug addicts to dump their own lives.

This is because this religious nut devised a plan to rob the social security of all its valuables.

He got people to come to his religious temple and gather around in singalongs.

He then got them to enlist on the social services they and all that they knew.

Then he got them to hand it over to him and his group.

While Rosa ran around the world depositing his embezzlement he had moved on to South America.

Rosa became pivotal in being caught outside the day they drank Kool aid.

The entire compound including Jones drank and went to sleep forever.

He poisoned their minds, after he poisoned their town, then he poisoned them.

His rewards were a bunch of French Guinanians both African and white laying around.

A Senator had heard about the run away daughter and her daughter.

Another child had escaped from being permently removed from her own relatives.

They showed up for a confrontation and only meant to bring home the Americans.

Instead a shoot out occurred and everyone went down, the Senator and the Jonestown people.

The picture had  made headlines, good man there moved all those starving people into his compound.

He had found a place in South America to live with his people in peace and harmony.

He sat surrounded by his white followers while the Africans stood in the background.

But she marched forward and sat down on top of his leg, the little black African orphan.

She was Princess Pampers-moose-pickels-money

She was a real princess.

She had meet the queen of England and the President of the united states.

She was now going to own his thigh and his group as a dominate personality

She was black and at a time he could have had his leg cut off for allowing her to sit on it.

But he was not in the US and got away with it.

So he thought.

It made the news and comments began to circulate.

They began to remember her and the pampers.

He parents had been young, 12 they said when they got married, really 15.

They had no idea what to do and then this baby came along.

It means Money, was Jimmy Walkers favorite expression. 

Well she had no intention of changing diapers, nor cleaning house.

They got pampers by the yard.

They also were given special rides and special things.

They were special with a black child and a white mama and dad.

He had enough of the little thing.

His wife would not take care of it.

Just sit it there because she had been told she could have his inheritance.

Really it was the girls inheritance who was not his sisters.

He reached out and hung the girl on the moose's antlers.

He could not stand her cries, she could now cry to the moon.

She was taught not to cry but then it was too late.

He hated her and he could not get an inheritance with her anyways.

All over those pickles.

His wife had to get pregnant and demand pickles.

He wanted the family who were related to the Pickles.

A South Carolina tobacco plantation is what he was told.

Instead his stupid wife kept asking for pickels.

Pickles were rich and old money.

He could trade a lot of things for that kind of class.

He had heard from his spying.

His father found out what he was up to and put an end.

He also did the blood work and no the little girl was not his.

She was no princess on any continent.

What was poor Sonja to do!

She had already married an airline guy who was working his way up the ladder.

He made it all the way to top, CEO of the Russian airlines.

She made airline stewardess.

But he wanted her to perform for him and he ended up strangled in bed.

She ran off with this fool because her stepdad said it was easy money.

She went on to a cowboy goof-off who knew how to through those all important rodeos.

Shawn Keshan had put her in a mental institution for thinking the girl was his.

He was off and running to another girl and another one until one day he had so many,

She married Calvi as he called himself and produced a black haired white skin girl.

This proved she was normal and that something fishy had occurred with the other one.

She was free to go if she put the girl up for adoption.

No problem, who wanted the stinky thing anyways.

Off she went with guy named Christian , a German computer

Only to have Silicon valley erupt and no way was he going to get a job.

Back she ran to her Shawn 

He was now in DC.

Her mother and stepfather found out that the wrong family he was with 

were hooked into the old coast.

They were not politicians but could provide

A few scams and scandals.

Watergate was a park were they played

It was on the water front with a park, a library, a post office and a huge building.

It was the parking lot  he enjoyed the most.

But first he needed her to play some games for him with the other little girl.

See his mother was named Camille and so was this little girl.

He was going to switch them at some point.

What he had not told her, was he was a mutant with no skin color.

His white dad did all the work up front and kept him out of trouble.

She did all the work in the back.

Her husband got elected Mayor of DC 

After the stunts they pulled in this building.

No one knows for sure what he was up to, but after the break in he was yanked.

She ended up falling back on one more guy and one more until she landed the big one.

But her daughter got left behind,  in Jonestown.

The one was removed after awhile.

Only the little Princess was left demanding her way.

On the day in question when things went wrong one more time.

She was stirring the Kool-Aid 

One  minute

And the next she was gone.

How she did it 

No one knows

But she vanished

Into thin air.

Little Princess with the black face 

That matched grandmas white one

But made her way to the wrong family 

And stayed stalking them

Instead of taking her rightful place

Among the New Yorkers 

Who would have loved who scamming grandparents

And swindling parents.

Now she is demanding she is Barack's daughter

She does what she wants

And has her own personal slave

The same girl who escaped Jonestown to warn the world.

Wonder where all that money went?

Follow the Money!

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