Monday, June 13, 2022

Let me tell you a little story 🌃

Once upon a time there was this place called New Amsterdam. 

It was a quiet village on the bay🏞️ with no one else except the geese and the Indians. They were no big deal a few beads and they were happy. 

It was the Swedes who caused the problem. They had to pick a fight and with their defeat word got out!

About the little place where the Brits decided to call home and they made a royal mess. 

Now it is called Manhattan and non-one knows what race you are or where you came from. 

Just plain New Yorkers!

Well, they became known for first.

First everything.

Including electricity.

They have a Radio city 🏙️ hall.

Huge success along soda fountains inside pharmacies.

They have this thing called the Tony's where the best Broadway plays, and musicals get rewarded with a trophy and the best the town had to offer until the next failure.

Last night's fiasco was a bit of a farce. It has been two years of pandemic non nos and a few too many deaths to handle.

They were trying to get it right. But it wasn't right.

Too much time under the bridge. 

Not enough time to prepare for the confusion of yet one more war.

And here we are again setting things straight.

The best talent was sidelined for newcomers to feel welcomed. 

Not a bad idea but some won't be seen again.

Who knew Billy Crystal would be a success as a young kid competing against people such Yul Brynner and Leonard Nemoy who were both Broadway stars?

He actually made it and came back to receive his severance package.

Good job.

Now if that young Comedian ever comes through his last stand-up job the world will breathe again.

Volodymyr Zelensky?

I remember him at some event where I saw him perform while sitting near a young blushing blond who is now the first lady of Ukraine.

I'm not against Vladimir the former Moscow city taxi driver, chauffer, Kremlin lawyer, Olympic athlete and head of security for Gorbachev before the coup and the collapse of the Soviet system.

He has had a number of bad days in his life and yet came out smiling, now he is growling. 

He has his rights to port cities and to defend his people as does the separatist who want independence.

How many Civil wars have Americans lived through?

Good luck to both and perhaps they might commit suicide by hitting the wrong buttons

those little bombs hidden under all those innocent schools and hospitals.

We use cow barns and amusement parks to hide ours.

Look who's talking!

Well maybe we won't have to see Paulsen embarrassed with another catastrophic outfit. 

What were they thinking?

Worst dressed and with that hair.


Hugh delighted as usual but is too big for the job.

Maybe some Shakespeare will bring him down to size?


Really still stuck in the Eighties!

His kids sure don't match but then most people kids don't look like them anymore.

I still don't have any birth children and my one adopted daughter ran away decades ago. 

I still see her and she picks her kids up and walks out.

I was not a bad parent just never at home when she wanted me and she was always in grandmas house somewhere else when I wanted. 

I brought her home from one of those wars over there, she was a Kievien and know she calls herself a Tijuanian and speaks Spanish instead of Russian.

Thanks Mother!

I worked as a journalist in those years but never got W 2 forms and no severance package. 

Now we all have fun watching others make fools of themselves as media with the professional touch.

Another good job gone to the dogs.

Hey who let in the cats!?

Bless you all and another try to get it right this time.

We will miss those lost but nothing is for sure in this world?

Not even the next sunrise.

Did I tell you about two little mirror images called Aurora and Dawne?

Only one rose the week before Christmas and the other one is still waiting to awaken.

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