Wednesday, June 8, 2022

The day that shook San Francisco down to its roots

 The Great Quake of San Francisco occured in 1907 and altered life forever in the city.

Many who were rich or owners became non owners and poor due to the banks and other nicities.

Many went to either Carmel to reside or to the Bohemia grove known as Howards end according to the last train stop being the name of the local tavern owner but is now called Occidental.

Most just went on with their lives.

As many have done since that day in 1978, when the very ground shook under the San Francisco city hall.

There had already been a number of violence or acts of terrorism at City hall just a block away from the old United Nations building where some world leaders still arrived including the former Queen Elizabeth, Queen mum to this monarch.

There had even been a stand off with a man threatening a gun, only to allow the women and children to leave, he disappeared in the crowd. Or did he?

The moment or State Senator made a name for herself Diane Feinstein was the day she came out of City Hall and announced that the Mayor had been shot dead. 

Mayor George Mosconi was a married man with children, who came from at least three generations of San Franciscans arriving before the quake. 

He was apparently loved and respected by many of the city. He represented the new life of immigrants especially on the West coast to make a home for themselves and sometimes a name.

His name was applied to the Mosconi center while his children finished growing up and going their own way.

While his wife lived on without ever remarrying until yesterday when it was announced she had died of cancer at 91.

What led to his death?

It is still debated among some but most have come to accept the verdict of the "twinkie theory".

A man who also ran for city commission but was gay became so aggravated over an issue that he picked up a gun and walked down the hall and shot both the Mayor and a few others.

His last name was Milke and he has been in prison this whole time.

Wonder if there were any death bed confessions?

Did she do it?

The Mayors wife?

Maybe he got caught having an affair?

Or maybe as a strict Catholic she could not abide by the new freedoms of the gay revolution that swept through San Francisco.

It was one of the early issues as the young Diane stood there making the announcement if it was really the gay man who had done the deed or if he took the blame or if he only shot some of the others in a wild idea of defense having found the Mayor already dead.

We the people, will probably never know the truth. 

The Mayors wife has died and her four children are mourning her and probably she is innocent.

It is just a reflection of the times.

A good Agatha Christie mystery we would find out it was really her after all.

Life went on for Diane, she became Mayor of the city herself, the first female to do so, and as Jewish ethnic minority. She divorced her husband, raised her daughter and remarried. 

And then she ran for Congress.

She is now our oldest Senator and still going strong despite her husbands recent illness with cancer. 

Those old days used to include the Italians from the Fishing village that everyone loves to go to but no one really knows why with the smell and cost.

Alcatraz still summons many from across the world.

Is it for the prison that held Al Capone, the Civil war fort that kept peace in the Wild West during those years, or the Native American occupation?

Well, everyone comes to view it and it never amazes people, this little lighthouse that was built to keep the ships from running aground.

Mosconi says his father was a guard at San Quentin prison the replacement of Alcatraz.

My own Great-great grandfather is listed during the civil war as the mail postmaster of Alcatraz and later the Presidio until his retirement in 1900.

San Francisco society was based on first arrivals and the gold rush. 

Some of them were leftovers of the Spanish and Russian occupation of California under different flags.

Some of them were upper crust society from New York such as the Grants but others gained their prominence and respectability.

This kid whose parents were just Italian immigrants who worked the fishing boats and then went into politics was rubbing shoulders with those whose lives could change the world.

He changed the world in many ways.

For instance he ended closing the very bath houses that had also made San Francisco famous.

The up coming aids epidemic was being talked about and it was seen as a necessity.

Many of the homosexuals this meant an end to their way of life, they could only congregate safely at these types of places.

As it was the AIDs swept the world and is still not curable, a deadly disease that is contagious through sex and contact. 

He probably saved half the world by closing the bath houses since the whole world seems to come through the San Francisco area.

The Peloscis were also known to him, another family that suffered trails, the one sister lost two daughters to an electrical fire while Nancy has also gone on to become a California Senator.

Meanwhile her nephew is now the Governor of California running for his second term, while aunt Nancy has made it as Speaker of the House, as the first woman.

Not a bad group of immigrants to form a community of strong leaders.

It was probably Jimmy who walked in and shot the Mayor.

H was known for such threats, and many of his threats have come true such as the collapse of the Florida condo which killed all of the occupants.

My mother had the habit of doing things for this bastard who is not her son but the son of a Camille Bullocks.

My mother grew a hatred of her radio announcer mother and then set about to destroy her daughter who had already started a journey towards a career as a journalist.

My father was elected Mayor of San Diego the same time as Pete Wilson, who later became the Governor of California.

For awhile, there were two mayor of the city, my father was primarily towards the south were the Indians nations were still located. 

He went crazy for awhile and insisted on helping out at churches as if his soul was on fire, while his children were being picked up and abducted and given up for adoption by a woman who had lead him to believe she could tell the truth.

She could not ever be trusted to tell the truth.

If only the Mac Millan's had been on the case.

The favorite television series based in San Francisco of the commissioner and his social elite wife who solved crimes.

Jimmy just wanted it to be Camille who was the daughter of the Mayor.

He started whining to my mother one more time.

He just wanted.

He just needed.

He just demanded.

She went about destroying herself one more time for the sake of the poor kid she did not give birth.

In fact, he had already had Linda Evans confess to being his mother on television.

But there it was some little story circulating that I was causing problems for the mayors family.

It seems my mother had gone to one of those parties and in a drunken state confessed to having had a bastard of the mayors.

She just could not stop herself and her little harmless stories.

I remember being kicked out f the Catholic church and school system.

I ended up at the Russian Orthodox school and church.

Her lady of her sorrows, the second largest Russian church outside Russia in San Francisco.

Meanwhile, his daddy Captain Kangaroo was suing us one more time for taking his kid out of his institution.

His kid had mental issues and needed to be inside either a mental institution or a juvenile home setting were he could learn to be an adult.

He never did learn to be an adult.

He still shows up stealing little girl panties to show to ice cream parlor places that she does not need to eat.

He has a fetish about ice cream. 

No one is allowed to eat it except him on his daddy's show.

Except we are no longer on his daddy's show the longest running children theater.

His real mother was a childhood education expert in DC.

Another place we had a home from pre-civil war days.

She could not divorce her husband and marry Mr. Keshan, Jimmys dad.

She was married to Mr. Washington who became the first black Mayor of DC in 1975 when Jimmy turned 18 years old.

He could not stand it, he was not going to stand it, he jumped into her lap and demanded she fix it for him.

She gave  up her parents and her boys for him and then he put a pillow over her head because he was done with her. 

He wanted it to be the little Camille who was  the Mayors bastard instead of the Big Camille having had an affair of the heart and produced him.

How sad, he can't abide by his parents love nor except that he was white mutant and could have done anything accept be a big baby his whole life. 

Caused a great big fuss, got everyone kicked out of their homes, killed as many people as he could with his hatred and probably was the real reason for the Mayors death and not a bunch of twinkies unless he was the one eating them inside the City Hall, hiding as he had inside the White house walls when the California President Ford complained.

Lets blame it all on Jimmy instead of Camille after all he is still running around stealing from women and threatening politicians such as Putin if he could get his hand son him.

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