Thursday, June 16, 2022

But Ma! "I'm free"!

 What is the world coming to now adays?

The first time an American President is up for charges leading to a possible execution.

Imagine George Washington being executed for crimes as General and then oops, being needed for the first President.

Washington is always full of wonder, such as naming itself after a man no one really knows except at the time he was the right man for the job and did it very well.

Although I still say someone stole a painting off the White house walls, even if they lied and said they had permission and then auctioned it off.

Well, one of the more serious crimes of the United States of America, not Mexico. It is the same title, are you aware, Estados Unidos de Mexico? 

While Mexico is well known for executions of the heads of states and mass shootings and assinations of just about anybody.

America gets a little bit hot when one of their own gets attacked.

Only a few Presidents are known to have been shot at including Lincoln and Reagan.

Both boys claim low heritage and stubbornness in getting the job of President.

How did Aaron Burr get away with challenging someone to a duel?

And in downtown Washington DC?

He died of his wounds I am told, or we might have had a President Burr at some point.

Ronald Reagan made his fame on the Radio during the war years.

He was also an athlete, a beach lifeguard, a model and an actor.

He went into politics in a big way.

Had two wives at a time this was not normal and a handful of kids.

He made it from non-material wealth to become one of the richer families of America.

His wife Nancy refused to live in the old original Governors house in downtown Sacramento.

Nothing wrong with it but a few dozen mice running around and a few too many children about ready to trip down one of those old banisters.

And those silly life-threatening events.

Many people get threats against their lives but it does not make them quit their job or life.

Instead they went on to a landslide election against a Peanut farmer named Jimmy.

Jimmys family were old money but they were a modest family and he had the worst luck.

A smart beautiful wife and a bunch of pirates took over the embassy in Tehran.

The Shah had to be rescued at some point and then allowed medical treatment for cancer.

One of the oldest and richest countries was Persia now Iran.

Iranian hostage situation was horrible and went on for his entire administration.

Only on the day of the shift from one President to the other were they released.

Reagan began his day on a bright day and the release of hostages  alive and fit.

While Jimmy went home to build homes and habitats for the poor.

The Reagans took Washington by storm and altered its makeup.

No more small quaint village neighborhoods.

Everything is now big high-rises and tall apartment buildings.

While the hundred year plus places are pushed aside and the true descendants robbed of them.

This brings us to Jimmy one more time.

Not only did he arrive without welcome.

He entered every fine place he could without letup, even the White house called to complain.

But Mr., President he is not ours!

Our family homes were old and inherited and could not be sold.

We were the proud owners of nothing at all but huge bills and too many false friends.

No rent at all is what everyone wanted.

What they were not offered they took for themselves.

They even left small children and babies at our doorsteps claiming they were ours.

Now all grown up these same little bastards insist they are the true owners and want us to get lost.

Both my parents were evicted from family homes.

They both arrested and then released as there was no evidence.

County clerks don't keep records they discard them, trust me.

Well, here come John Hinckley Jr.

His great great granddaddy established the University of Chicago.

And his other great great fought in the American Revolution.

And the family had money to spend.

He was spoiled and educated.

He had a lust for a certain young lady.

Drop dead!

This one was gay and still is despite having produced babies.


Any ways, he develops an acute psychosis.

He can't stand himself and he just has to shoot someone.

He is said to  have been the one on a fateful day who pulled out a gun.

Reagan was shoot and a number of others in the crowd.

It stopped the country.

Really, the soap operas stars stood around stunned and could not go on with their live performances.

That is why everything is taped nowadays.

Poor Reagan, he jokes he should not have tucked his head.

He had died the boy would have gone to prison.

Instead, Ronald developed Alzheimer's and Hinkley went to an insane asylum.

For Forty-one years, two months and fifteen days, he has spent under observation.

He won his case not to be shot himself along time ago.

And since he did not actually kill the President nor the cop nor the special agent nor the secretary, he did not get executed.

He also wanted to go home to see mummy.

His release was just before the Pandemic hit and he got to live with his mother.

This is something that always drove me mad.

Jimmy wanted to show up to live with mom.

My mothere, not his and he would not leave her alone until one day she just went completely batty.

She even started calling him her son instead of that killer or stalker as he was listed.

See we had a stalker, a sweet innocent young kid who kep showing up every where we went.

But he was not harmless.

Lots of carnage followed him.

Did kittens, schools,  full size dogs.

Swimmers and canoers beware.

He  had a habit of circling underneath them and then they would vanish.

No one could pin anything on him, so he got away.

He was under doctors orders though and spent his time inside many institutions.

At some point the angry young man with all the signs of a serial killer became happy grandpa.

His father Captain Kangaroo was beside himself. 

He did everything a father could do to keep his kid out of trouble including causing trouble for others.

He took care of the boy and the real mother made sure her son was never going to be incarcerated.

He was often convicted, escaped, switched places, and even once executed, but they forgot to plug in the machine.

He got away with everything and has been stalking me forever.

Now I am not allowed to be seen at all much less heard.

He still goes through my garbage and hands stupid little girls lollipops if they will just stick me with a needle.

They will learn that there is no rainbow at the end of the road.

But until then they live an angry life of hate and deceit.

While I have lived mine in fear of him, rape is what he claims, killing him is all I wanted.

He has systematically caused the death of both of my great-grandmothers who were still alive, my grandparents on both sides and my parents.

As well, as my younger sister and the boys he got rid of and then would not leave them alone.

He even threatened to cut off their you know whats if they thought they would reach maturity.

That is why his own father had him made impotent so he would not rape and then be held accountable.

Some parents just don't know where to stop with thier kids.

One family is dealing with the death of a young girl.

She came home from a party and went to sleep never to awaken.

This was not uncommon in the days of the old Jimmy, suicides and overdoses are still held suspicious.

Another Judge has had his life threatened by a man arrested.

I remember the days when  my father was an important man.

He was a learned man with military expertise.

He was threatened often by many and then tied down like an animal and set on fire by this little celebrity bastard who has still not hung for the crime.

Meanwhile, over in Brooklyn, there is a not so young man enjoying his freedom.

He has a cat and a guitar.

He no longer has a wife but might not need one at his age.

He has his freedom from being spied on by the government, his neighbors or doctors.

He gets to do what ever he wants to in the middle of the night.

He can go anywhere he wants to without it being reported.

He can even think out loud of he wants to, it is his right.

He is free from all the abuse that society could throw at him and seems a better person.

Jimmy is still crazy and the world is a worse place for it.

If any of those adopted babies believe for a moment that they are really mine or that they are going to disinherit me or go after anything left standing without a fight, they are wrong.

I have learned a thing or two from Jimmy and Hinckley.

And is not to drop and tuck.

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