Saturday, June 11, 2022

You know in Europe they execute their heads of state, not ridicule them into submission because they are not allowed to imprison

 In Europe most of the Monarchs have been executed. 

Such as Bonnie Prince Charlie whom everyone rallied around, but he was executed.

As was King Louis xvi also known as the sun king.  

Throughout history they head of state are usually executed, or exiled.

In America, they are not allowed to imprison a President.

Those who have face impeachment charges have been pardon or acquitted.

Except Andrew Johnson, who was not jailed.

Only our other war hero Ulysses Grant who led the troops to success in the terrible Civil war, and then became President was ever arrested that we know.

He had a habit of racing his horse and buggy through George Town adjacent to the District of Columbia.

The Metropolitan Police of DC decided after the third warning to set an example.

They arrested him, impounded his horse and buggy but did not insist on the jail house but instead had him hoof it home himself. 

They felt satisfied for having done their duty in keeping the streets safe.

Not unlike Scotland Yard who were confused what to do when someone took advantage of Prince Philip driving on his estate.

As for the Queen herself, after driving ambulances through a blitzed London, she is only allowed to drive on her own estates and not on the streets.

I bet she does not even have a driver's license.

Well, this inquisition against Trump as the one against Clinton is all about shaming.

In Clintons case he was shamed about his wife who was so brillant that she was traveling around the world for him as did Eleanor Roosevelt. 

Whose husband is said to have had a mistress despite being in a wheelchair from Polio. 

Eisenhower is also said to have had a mistress driver during his European General days away from his wife.

As for Trump he was just too old, wasn't he to run for President and be taken seriously.

It is hard to have the joy of a win stolen from one.

Hillary is a good person, she stood by her man and then went forward herself with his career over.

It is sad, a verdict was not reached sooner.

I still don't believe they were battling for Trump but against Biden.

Biden had the habit of being first the VP for Barack and then had his VP be Kamala.

Who are both not on the white supremist lists of "I want a selfie".

They did enjoy taking selfies and they did enjoy boasting.

What ignited the flame?

No one knows.

But are we willing to be the first generation to put a President inside a Prison cell?

We have been putting celebrities, movie stars, national sports hero's and even mayors or Governors.

But never the President of the United States.

By the time they get to the point of the convention before they have been vetted and groomed.

No single thing about thier past is not known and their future is supposed to not get out of hand.

Would we have put General Washington in Prison after discovering he had chopped down his fathers Cherry tree?

Fruit trees in the New World were worth more than their weight in gold and a single death could corrupt the rest of the crop or orchards.

Many heads of state count on their own worth when they go forward to argue in our defense or demand in the case of others that they will not be expected to give up their life if things go wrong.

We might not negotiate with the abductors or terrorists if a head of state is taken but they cannot do what they do diplomatically and dogmatically if the answer is prison when things go wrong.

And things go wrong all the time.

With all the cry and hue, it is doubtful he Trump intended someone to be killed in the stand off even though that would be a logical answer in the case of an insurrection.

Just as a coup is not pretty on either side of the border or a civil war we don't understand. 

Oh, George where did the little Cherry tree go?

Ulysses get off and walk your horse!

Stop stuffing the ballot boxes or beware- handcuffs.

There it is said and done or is it.

Lets wait and see, what the public wants and what the Justices are willing to carry out. 

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