Thursday, June 9, 2022

Wicked Crazy Empress Kate

What dies Kate Middleton think she is doing?

First, she got the kids jumping around on the balcony disturbing the Queen.

Then she tries to say Hi and gets snubbed.

Then she just goes on smiling and smiling.

As if she did not have a spoiled childhood.

A by product of an airline stewardess and an airline controller.

Or so they say.

She acts as if she is the Queen of Sheba.

Is she some movie stars daughter left behind in baggage?

Really the airs this little one has are quite quite extraordinary.

And then there is all those slumming trips she has to take abroad.

Really the couple became rich overnight with a book of the month club in their garage.

Or was it one of those home decor kits, crafts by the month, something.

All she wants is to rock all night in a glass tower of death and live it to the extreme.

She has all the signs of drug abuse including her weight and those shoes.

Poor little toes, where all the needle marks go, have to have extra large shoes to cover them.

Little Louis was just blowing his horn.

He stuck his tongue out at his mother.

He gave her the turkey hand, only learned by proper toddlers in a real nursery school.

Not taught by nanny's.

And then he covered her mouth with his hand.

The young prince wants none of what she has to offer.

Not one word.

He is the boss and he has the strength to show her his stuff in another little dance jig he has learned.

And not at fancy Eton.

He knows hes the boss because he has been trained by her to be naughty.

And on purpose.

No nanny did that performance.

It was mommy all the way.

She wants to be the center of attention.

And all the time.

She made him into the little monster he put on the show for just show she could be seen.

As pathetic?

As needing another nanny?

She does most of the mothering herself, doesnt she?

William is a charm and a bit of getting used to but he still knows which side of the aisle to sit.

Kate is still trying to get her way in a place bigger than her own backyard.

And it is getting obvious that the Empress is a little bit impatient.

After the Pandemic what else can go wrong with her plan.

Oh, another Jubilee! 

How many more of these do we have to have anyways, just get it over with, Mum!

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