Saturday, June 18, 2022

Cuban crisis all over again!

How now Boris!

How any little toys did you leave behind?

Did you tell him he has to return them when his done?

You Boris are beginning to resemble a man named Winston.


As anyone knows, anything that goes up must come down.

And anything that turns counter clockwise can also be reversed.

Are you aware of the circumference of those digital things in your own direction?

The Pope has already declared world war three.

And no end in sight of all those free handouts.

This is not the  middle of a desert but the very apex of the Europe.

Just as Cuba sits at the foot of East coast range with DC so does Kiev sit with most of the Monarchs.

It is so easy to switch the tide towards those old enemies once more.

And here we are all done with war.

No more Afghanistan nor Iran not even a word about Israel.

We want no more war is the chant of the post ww ii generation.

Why now do we want to start up another generation in europe.

Has Europe not seen enough?

All those wars sent the Puritans scurrying to our shores across the Atlantic.

Americans were not willing to engage previously with this type of destruction.

Here we are with all that friendliness.

No one liked the Soviets.

But they played with  them, they ate with them, they even went to bed with them.

Whose to know who anyone is anymore.

What we want to know is the little Jewish boy with the very foolish wife a good guy?

Or is a smart one!

His wife should have left town a long time ago instead of staging another Hollywood scene.

I am sorry dear, I do feel the pain of the poor and improvised but you are not one of them.

Your children should have been sent to grandmas.

And grandma and grandpa should have had a retreat to stay instead of a beach hotel.

All those millions of your people who got up and walked out on you.

They did not stay to see what was going to happen.

They either do not know nor do not care.

You are on your own.

You helped stage this war of yours and all for the sake of a few extra votes?

Those Donbass people wanted their freedom, why did you not give it to them!

Your children might not know how unkind and cruel you are to sit in an air-conditioning building

With a friendly African woman and camera crew

Whom you did not invite on your little air raid.

The others dears, are hot and tired, and dirty and hungary, walking and walking with no where to hide.

Maybe the women should not be put at risk.

Maybe spoiled daughters such as Ivanka should not be given a chance to show her spite.

After all she married the wrong Jewish guy.

This one came with all the accomadations of a first lady even in times of trouble.

Imagine Ivanka back in her mothers country quietly sitting through a siren.

Do you think she would have invited Robin in for lemonade?

It is hard to know what to do when young when everything is obvious.

The world does not work on right and correct nor obvious.

Many have bought into wars and then found out they were just children's playgrounds.

Here we are once again with an angry villain.

And a harmless family who have the wrong religion and ethnicity.

But who is kidding whom?

My Grandparents were told to take teh kids to the beach on teh west coast during Cuba.

Others built bunkers or tree houses or planned trips araound the world.

None of us knew how close we are were to going to the moon together.

It is a consideration that at least America will not have to worry this time.

We can sit back and sip our ice tea or coffee and watch you fools.

We have had our fill of close neighbors with nukes.

We finally made friends with Fidel Castro and his olive outfits.

His university mind and his intellectual buddies who just wanted world domination.

We will still be here when the dust clears, unless you gave him a really nasty one.

And we can go and see if any of your children survived.

Unlike the London blitzes where they were sent across and none of them wanted to go home.

Oh, and we still have your German refugees, maybe you could ask them to come back to make room for our new ones from Russia.

Your wife and kids should do fine by the way, no one blames them for anything.

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