Wednesday, June 21, 2023



Summer Solstice...

Is the longest day of the year?

It is also when the earth. 

Is at its furthest tilt.

23.44 degrees

Any further and we might 

End up topsy turvey

Or worse

The earth can only tilt 

So far before it alters 

Everything back at home

The ancients always made 

A journey to one of their 

Special places 

In order to encourage 

The Earth not to fall over 

Backwards of something

Maybe they knew something 

We don't know now.

Were those old sights.

The locations of apexes?

You know when a car 

Or boat begins to lean

Due to something such as a bridge

Or wave causing it to go


Everyone over to this side

Hold, Hold, 

Okay breathe

We made it!

We wont every know 

Will we without evidence

The Moors were on a warpath

Against knowledge

As were the Romans before them.

Did you know they used to navigate

Through the desert by the stars

As if they were out on the ocean?

Anyways, today is one of those days

Everyone I believe ran to the beach

For once I could not walk

I got this close.

And then the inflamed hip joint

Said not another step

What it means not to have 

A primary doctor anymore

Just because Jimmy wants to tell them

That I am his wife

Having to endure 

The Miss Wheat 

Nonsense until is evident

They believe I am a Mrs. Wheat

It is Jimmy who is not a Mister Wheat

Nor am I married to him

Nor will I ever be

Not even in Heavan nor hell.

As for the Windsor's

Who seem to have reversed?

To Mountbatten Windsor

Mr. Mountbatten had to go by

His wife's designation

Of Mr. Windsor

But now with Charles 

Being the next one on the throne

He gets to have both his fathers and mothers names

Now Jimmy who is known 

By his fathers name 

Robert James Keshan Jr.

Is also called 

Benito Bullocks

I have heard him called both

By his mother and his father

The Royal ascots

Are running their course

Those horses mean more than 

One might think.

Just as the old Chess games

 Played out with humans moving

To the different spaces

And the old Knights challenges

These races have politics 

At their back 

Too bad Jimmy 

Did not decide to jump

On a plane to go visit

They would appreciate the new man

Who is just really the old teenager

With no improvements

I would like to know the results

But America is consumed. 

With the little sub 

Who could not make it

Back up from the depths

Of the Titanics demise

One hopes and also does not expect

Would one trouble god

With such a thing?

It is their wish to go down

Into the places

They can't be brought. 

Back up from.

But then it is odd 

Another Jimmy

He liked to alter the steering column

Causing the thing to go left

Instead of right or vice versa

How many times do the pull

Up on the controls of a plane

Why does he want to know?

I caught him using the automatic pilot

And then jumping out of the plane

With a parachute.

The plane landed with great effort

But it had to run out of gas first

That plane that turned itself 

Around on automatic pilot

Could have gone down 

On or near Long Island

Where there are a lot of people

But instead crashed in a location

Almost impossible to find

Much less investigate.

They still have not told 

Us about the condition 

Of the bodies of the three passengers

Plus, one pilot although they had seen him.

Now we have five people

With a trained pilot 

Gone to far to be recovered

If they cant be found

Before the pinging goes silent

Then we will never know 

What really happened on board

When they lost contact 

With the surface 

Causing a massive world wide effort

To find them before the air runs out.

It has cost money but not lives

Wonder if they will get them

Even dead would help

It is a one of a kind ship

Its loss will be felt

Just as Brosnan who went 

Up to space with his new 

Adventure only to go bankrupt

Closing down the tourist portion

But only after William Shatner

Got a chance to feel space

One does wonder what 

Would have happened?

In the Furious movies 

They made it not back 

In there converted car

But were found by others

Out there doing their own thing

It is not like the Jetsons

Where one leaves the child

At a signpost 

And it is found by the neighbors.

In the case someone from 

Another continent

Would the Russians help out 

They did actually already do that

In fact, they have been known

To put their ships out to help recoveries

But the Americans are more reluctant.

Well, we know we wont get help from

And by the way, there was a gas explosion.

In France, Rue Saint Jacques

My poor kitten has run under 

The couch for that is his name

Jacques after my grandfather

Who was a real war paratrooper hero

Not a fake boy seeking revenge

And is still an adolescent. 

In all his actions

Does he really believe the authorities

Are bound for him to make me

Be his wife and perform for him?

He just keeps drugging me 

So i cant complain

Each time he removevs

 Another privelege

That should have gone to him instead.

Every apartment or house

I have been provided he has seized.

Including this one but 

Maybe the police are getting tired

But it is the FBI 

I want to get excited about his behavior.

Well, the ancients believed. 

They had to go to the place 

Of the summer solstice

Perhaps to provide a human sacrifice

I volunteer Jimmy!

He is taking up too much oxygen

And maybe the world will tilt

Back to its correct position in politics....

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