Thursday, June 1, 2023

A what?

A Spelling Bee
First ever attempt to provide evidence

The National Association of Education
To provide evidence of thier worth.

Education had grown up
Prior it was required by the founding fathers
All kids had to attend school

Little House on the Prairie 
One room school house
Produced farmers and merchants

Few went to college
Unless their families had already gone
Mostly it was the teachers school

Nursing and typist 
In cities were needed
There were places to learn

How to do metal welding
And other pre industrial arts
Then the cities became overburdened

With immigrants from Europe 
And rural people
With little chance of learning

Beyond the Fourth grade level
Which is what newspapers 
Are printed for in order to cover

The main clients of the locality
Politics and Economics
The things of business men

Who did not get past 
The Eighth grade.
Modern era the schools 

Needed to present
Thier report cards 
At national conventions

They began to have little examples
Science projects for inventions
Mathematics competitions

And they invented the spelling bee
For those who showed signs
Of intelligence 

Why should all kids go to school
Instead of staying at home on the farms
Or going to work in the factories?

Child labor laws became an issue,
Now they have essay competitions
As well as science competitions.

Was one of her winning words
13 years old 

Eighth grader
The first winner 
Spelling bee held in America

The Scripps National 
Now hosts the biggest 
Competition of spellers

But in1908
Marie Bolden
Was the first to win this new 

Instead of reading off the states
Or the multiplication table

She was African American
And pretty as a picture
She went on to marry

Producing children her knew nothing
Of her accomplishment
An old newspaper clipping

Told her grandson
She was a champion
As most early winners

They go forgotten
Unless the make it into the hearts
Of the media

Perhaps she could receive 
Having passed High school

More than most
Do nowadays
Where the teachers 

Are afraid to correct
A mistake
Or else they will 

Pull out a gun
Even at the age of six.
Schools have changed?

It would be a long time
Before another female
Would be the winner

And longer for another african.
I was noted for  having won

The nationals
I went to DC
To compete in front of the President

I was not yet 13
Nor was I African
But Native American

I also got a newspaper clipping
Almost everyone else used 
My little competition  

For themselves
For years 
Jimmy would show up

With the little clipping
Showing a girl
But claiming it was his win.

He told my mother 
When I was finishing high school
That he had graduated 

From Harvard
Cum laude
Wearing a Doctor Kildare

Halloween outfit
With the old lamp mirror
On his head 

Haven't' seen one of those 
In fifty years.
And in just three years

Usually it takes ten.
But not Jimmy.
Who did not spend a day

 Longer anywhere
Than was necessary.
Never finished High school either.

But a white man
With blue eyes
And a lying tongue

Always taking credit
For others accomplishments
While the ones who work hard

Are not even given
The time of day
Everywhere we went

My family was congratulated
Then the question of college came up
My parents and grandparents

Had gone to college
It was assumed I would be going
As well.

My mother had heart attacks 
Over the idea of me 
Being the one to go

Instead she had others
Go for me
None of them really

Knowing what they were doing
Almost all failing 
In the later years 

Only one or two 
Made it.
Such as Demi Moore

Who wore a store bought
Knit dress
To reperform my win.

For crocheting.
Fancy work 
Such as embroidery

Not seen anymore
The tedious hand work.
But common boring store bought.

Who was just one of the dance
Performers at bigger event
It is not that she won a dance event

But that she was selected
To be presented
As part of the newer presentation

They wanted kids to go into 
The arts.
Theater, Music, dance

The old stuff
Forgotten in effort
To promote education

Instead of vocation
Or normal understanding
Of Poetry or performances.

I had to do dance competitions.
And mathematics
Got a scholarship

For math and Science
Also there was that new ugly
An essay was added

To Qualifications 
For High School graduation
I was part of the first group.

We had been prepped
After all those book reports
And other types of writing

We had to learn a new thing
Which is all they teach nowadays
A paper on a subject

Such as a piece of artwork
Is produced in essay format.
That day when I walked in

On the first California essay
In the Eighth grade

Was the subject matter
We had to present a draft

My choice was horse back riding
It was rejected
Not a hobby

On the clock 
I had to come up 
With an additional subject matter

Hobby, hobby
I had several crafts 
In my head 

But could not think of a hobby
Such as painting 

Was what I ended up
Writing about
On the clock

A new subject matter
Of something I knew
And could present 

As if I actually enjoyed it
My grandmother and her sisters
Did not knit

They crocheted
There is a difference
They were more sophisticated

Then all those plain janes
I finished on time.

Made it through 
The other exams
To find out I was being mocked

About my choice
All the others
Had chosen sports

Such as skiing and surfing
What was horse back riding?

Poor little Rudolf 
And the mockery 

Then I was told I had not passed.
But I had also gotten 
The check mark 

I had completed 
All the new requirements
For High school

All I had to do was pass
The one where Jim 

Said  he could not spell.
A plus B equals C
He could not do the formulas

I had passed the math exam
Only to find myself presented
With one of those stupid teachers

Who attend college
But dont pass
But are allowed to work

In the field 
In an effort to provide jobs
For those unemployed

What sacrifice 
Of the kids?
Either they learn the math

Or they dont.
Our final was a check book
I complained 

What did checking 
have to do with formulas?
 I had spent hours 

Learning all those formulas
We were fourteen
What did we need to know

How to correct our checking?
I was missing a page

It was a 12 page
Of deposits

And checks out
Ending with a final count
That was missing a quarter

25 cents 
I was off by a quarter
I only had eleven pages

I protested
It was not fair.
I lived with this through

High School
Having already gone to college
Passed all those entrance exams

Including algebra.
I also  made it through 
The Financial institutions

Training to become a bank teller
Lost that job as well.
Could not get past 

That missing page on that final.
Also heard I had not passed 
The essay exam.

But I clearly recalled
Going to the National conference
In the District of Columbia

Where three of us had presented
Our essays
And provided evidence 

We knew our subject
The skiing girl
Had her ski outfit

And skis she had never used
The surfer
Was in his swim trunks

With wows and woos
He had a good enough body
I walked out in a hand made

Crocheted outfit
A skirt and jacket
As done by my mothers aunt

Who also knitted but 
We wont discuss that
I was in the middle of an oral

Which I had also passed
As a speaker 

Having qualified 
But forever after
Was a little bit too nervous

My mother walked on stage
And hooked my skirt
Then she stood there 

Unraveling my outfit
In front of over a thousand people!
I finally fled 

As she got to my thighs
I had a pair of jeans
The new normal

In the back which I slide 
Into as she continued
Rolling her ball of yarn

My sweater had a tank top
Under it not a camisol
I knew better than show

Up without a backup
There was the time 
I was the Brides maid

Noticed the dress was too big
But put on a slip underneath
Only to have it pulled offf

My head when I got to the front
Turned around and fled
Straight into the arms

Of the uncle of the bride
Who laughed at the slip
Returned in jeans and blouse

To wait out the proceedings
The bride had a meltdown
And that dress just got passed

Around the congregation
Finally arriving
On the person of my mother

Which is fit perfectly.
That day I simply
Went back to my oral presentation

Only to have her start in on the jacket
My buttons popped off
Before I was done reading.

The judges collected them.
Then decided upon the winner.
The boy ended  up going to Hollywood

As a singer and theater actor.
He did not make it through
He now sits in parks 

Playing a guitar 
For donations.
While the girl did make it to college.

Only to end up being a manager
Of a hotel,
Instead of a business owner

I made it through all the repetitions.
To earn a PHD in sciences.
Just when my mother 

Decide to drive off 
A cliff with a car full 
I awoke in the hospital

With a bill for my car
Hitting a submarine
Knowing I would not hear 

About this achievement
But be told to go to school
For the first time

At thirty five
I went to three graduations
For High school.

She died of brain cancer
Eighty percent 
Of her brain was gone.

Too late 
To save even 
Her own sons.

I finished a Masters of Arts
At Fifty
My buttons should be popping!


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