Tuesday, June 27, 2023

The Founder


Prince Dolgoruky
Founder of Moscow
A Rurik of Kiev

Married Romanov
From Ottoman Empire
Including Suleyman

The Magnificent
The lineage is incredible
This one humble guy

To venture of the grid
Far above Kiev
The Capital of the Russ

Into the north a city 
Upon the hills
Far from everything

Or was it once a thriving 
Trade center?
So many old routes

Circumvented those 
Horrible Barbarians
Now called Germans

Most likely a route
Towards the Silk route
The Mongols took over

Everything south 
And then ventured
West into Germany

So many with those 
Features of square faces
And non round eyes

The Founder has a few
Descendants of note
One of them is of course

The Late Prince Philip
He was one of the last 
Real Romanovs 

King Charles III
Can trace his line to this man
Whose statue in Moscow

Is still standing 
Despite the current 
Uprising of a mercenary group

Who thought they would march
With armed nuclear devices
Towards a city that has survived

Being burnt down 
More times than 
Rome and or London

They have resist the Mongols
Bonaparte and Hitler
But not Jimmy

His wife Ludmilla
Did damage enough
To cause people

To think twice about it
With all the problems
But the residents were willing

To defend their city
If not their country
No comment 

Towards this situation
But civil war is never nice
As for the man in the hot seat

He is also a descendant
Of this man 
The Founder of Moscow

Through one of the girls
Who married outside
Perhaps a preacher man

Or a merchant
Thier line goes in contrast
With the Tsars who came into

Thier own here in Moscow
The city of Mosques
As the originals were

Muslim or Ottoman
Then they converted
To Christianity

As the rest of Europe 
But chose thier own 
Destiny through the Eastern

Orthodox of Constantinople
Founded by Constantine
Now they are all Russian orthodox

Except for a few protestants
Meanwhile, the guy who refused
A civil war in Moscow

Which Red Square 
Was so famous 
Of the former uprisings

Is himself directly
Descendant from the Dolgoruky dynasty
Vladimir Putin

Is of a family
Who survived the Soviet
System without getting caught

Having an ancestry
At all as so many
Rejected thier families past

But there it is to follow
Straight up the route of 
The female line of his fathers line

And on his mothers side
Are those brothers 
Who were Queen Catherines?

Favorites to be Generals.
She is well known for her
Unorthodox fashion of ruling

Living almost entirely
In Saint Petersburg
The city built on a marsh

Not owned by Russia
But no one has attempted
To take it back

Kiev seems to have been lost
To the Prima Donnas 
And Pirates who just 

Want to have their way
No mater the cost
Of others lives. 

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Three times loser

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