Monday, June 19, 2023

And then there were none...


What were they thinking?

Building the largest cruising ship

Actually a multi steam engine 

To cross that little pond

The Pilgrims made it all stuffed inside

The Vikings and others did it by canoe

But these people could not handle

A little thing as an ice berg

Didn't even see it coming

Maybe it was never there 

The rip in the vessel

Was done by something else

It is mainly the stories

Of survival which were so well known

And how many rich people went down

Such as the Astor's.

A new trophy wife on his arm

And pregnant, lucky man

Got her out but knew 

Did he not that they would not be coming?

It is an issue with old world knowledge

They often knew when there was hope

And when faith was needed instead

Such as the Woolworths

They created the original 

Franchise system

Of building stores across 

America and then suppling 

Them with trained managers

Instead of owners 

To run the stores 

Who catered to the everyday

All those necessary items 

But not in gold  nor silver

Macys has gone into bankruptcy

Half a dozen times

But Woolworths was part of the American 

Landscape until a brave couple

Stood there arm and arm

Refusing to leave each other

And they were old!

Older than is necessary

According to the modern thinkers

Really if you get to social security age

Such as Jimmy who is now 63

You are too old to be of any use anymore.

So one of the riches couples 

Went down with a ship 

That should not have sailed

At least not with all that cargo

Wonder what really was on board?

Missing bullion perhaps?

Well the riches family 

Today in America 

Are the Walton's

That is Walmart to most of you

And they are somewhere in the area 

Of a half a trillion dollars 

Worth of cheap items made in America

Where as China supplies Macys

They are a necessity

And their franchise business

Includes owners as well as managers

They even carry that fraud

Pioneer woman's flower power

Imagine someone living on a cow ranch

In Texas claiming to be an heiress

To those recipes and those designs.

Well on to more interesting topics

As in anything else 

The tourist trade is always

Coming up with new ways 

Of endangering the public

Thank god the one that went 

To Space came back down

Hate to have to send a rescue

Mission out there with such a wide search area

Unlike Florida where they are always loosing

People and boats

That poor woman with her boys

Who were parasailing

Until the captain cut them loose

Why loose his boat 

Instead of the paying customers?

Now the Titanic has taken 

A few more lives

Tourist excursions to the bottom

In a mine submarine

Have been operational

For awhile and there it is 

Missing for over 24 hours!

Has a few more days of oxygen 

Left to keep them alive

But will they be able to float

To the top?

Lets send out an expedition 

To Africa to find the  missing

Greystroke family

What a mess that was 

And it lead up to enslaving

People from various tribes

All because they found out about 

The boats that could take them away

Captured and sent away 

From their ancestral lands

So the other might benefit

From their losses.

Only to have just one guy return

And give it all away

Who was that guy 

Who wrote Roots?

And they come by the airplane loads,

Everyone want to come and explore

And get eaten by tigers and worse

Tough when a family goes missing

Even if they were under the impression 

They were part of that Peace Corps

Somewhere there is a washer and dryer

Still running under the villages

Center tree and water hole

The family were unimportant

They just wanted to wash their clothes.

Well best to the missing submarine

Some people go missing

In America and are never found

My family had to move my sisters 

Body so many times

Because someone was always after it.

She was just six years old.

But no it was Jimmy 

Who just wanted to violate her 

Tender frame now that she could not resist

Him anymore.

If I hear one more story about

Sweet innocent Dawne....

There are going to be heads rolling

Really I am into decapitation's 

Leave her alone!

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