Friday, June 23, 2023

All is calm along the Potomac


Should we tell them 

The truth?


Mother, should we go ahead

And crack that little nugget



Or should we wait

A little while longer?

Never is her answer

From inside.

She has no plans 

To tell them at all.

Meanwhile, at the White House

Along the Potomac

All is calm...

The Prime Minister of India

Is visiting and without a wife.

I have to look it up

Does he have a wife?

He is in a long line

Of Inidans of India

Who choice to lead a country

Who are ungrateful for thier doing so.

All those years of conflict

The truth is they want their way

In all things 

At least the American Indians

Don't attempt to provide 

Any reason for seeing them 

As anything but Kings and Queens

Leading them to freedom 

Was a cry for many

And yet they are just

As difficult to rule over.

No meakness on thier part.

Just a very important

Location in between

China, Russia and Europe.

I do hope Jill enjoyed herself.

The French had another school 

Blown up from a gas leak.


And then the results

Of the submarine

With five dead men 

Who should not have

Gone into the water 

Without their lifejackets.

Can you imagine

The Titanic was known

For not having enough boats

Nor life jackets

And these guys went in

Without any emergency supplies

No life jackets

No air device

And no way out

Of their tiny tomb

Once something went wrong



I still dont believe the guy

Who went around threatening

Everything and everyone

And actually did set fires

And leave behind faulty gas connections

Is now being allowed 

To wear a suit

And pretend his limp dick

Has anything to do with anything

At all.

One day someone will take 

Aim at him 

And they wont miss this time.

Then there is that other thing

Going on in Moscow

Appearently there is a coup

Going on  or is it mutiny?

Mutiny is one of the things

The Indians were constantly

Having to deal with.

Many British military 

Mutinied as well as locals.

Indias independence came at a price

Now the Wagner group leader

Has been accused of mutiny

He does not want to fight this war

To free the neighbors 

Of Donbas

It is said he has sent his tanks

Into Moscow.

Will he attempt a Coup?

Or is it the end of his reign

Of terror?

So much has gone wrong

And now they are threatening

A nuclear bomb or something.

While the French talk climate control

The Russians are having infighting

Then there will be all those sad ones

Who dont get to go to the Olympics in Paris.

Another dream of mine 

Gone to the wind.

I did make it all the way to the capital

I saw the President heading 

In the opposite direction

Probably because of Jimmy

Who sitll just wants to sit down

At the desk that will give him power.

He is a fraud in all things.

But should we tell the others


Did you and Father ever discuss

Your little issue with infanticide?

By the way little brothers

You might want to double check

Your documents

Because Candance 

Has a thing about removing them

And replacing them

As her daughter Lisa Gordon 

Belives I am going to fall for her

Being my daughter at the age of 6

Maybe at 15 I might have 

Been able to have a child

But then I already had a tumor

Growing in my Uterus 

It is now the size of a grapefruit.

Or a large Broccoli

My surgery was canceled.

Quality of Life

Has been endangered. 

By nurses who just want

To spy on you to see if 

You are eating junk food

While they sip their Starbucks

Full syrup and sugar drinks

Oh Jimmy!

We need to talk 

About your future 

If anything happens to you know who

You will no longer have a voice

All those close calls seen around the world

While you whittle away  my life over your ....

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