Thursday, June 8, 2023

Where there is smoke...


Can you imagine?

The Pope had to have surgery

Will wonders never cease?

Really, the man represents god

He is supposed to heal others

And yet he developed an ulcer.

It happens sometimes

The very person one expects

To be there to take care of things

Is also the one who cant 

Be there everyday

He had surgery today

It took three hours

And it is over

I wonder if he has diabbetes?

I had my surgery canceled

I have waited three years 

To finsih the job of the Uterine

Tumors growing inside me.

I was hemorriging everywhere

I could not even count on shaking hands

With someone without a huge amount 

Of blood gushing out at any moment

Not to mention the uncomfortableness

Of the other  problem

Urine tends to sneak out when one 

Is not feeling well enough to control it

This situaion was finally taken care of

And now I am too old to finish the job.

Really I am not seen as necesary in this world.

Over fifty and not wanted by anyone.

I remember growing up that my mother

Made it clear I was not wanted

It made everyone uncomfortable

To be around me

Except for the queers

I am polite about peoples choices

I am not gay nor do I encourage it

But my father and agrandfather 

Could not understand what to do

They both understood but could not get

Her to release them from promises

Now I see my grandfathers hat

Which I bought because his was stolen

In Moscow in winter time.

It was not real fur but affordable

He wore it with pride

And this one was not stolen 

Off his head.

There it is on sale 

Online because my religion

Cant understand how to keep

Themeselves from other peoples

Business, things, and monies

They have evry sigle girl

Convinced she is the real princeess

So they can proceed to take what ever 

They want because they dont know 

Any better then to keep lying

To those not wanted but

Dont know to keep showing up

So they make them the mark

For everyone else to take advangtage

They call it marking

The idea that someone has an issue

But is not actually committing a crime

Nor a sin but it upsets them

So they mark you and 

then they get to hace thier way

Destroying your life

On purpose

Just because

I have a grapefruit

Instead of amoth ball

My turmo is hte size of a grapefruit

Not that anyone wants to leave me alonge

they had to discuss grapefruit juice

As if my little proble

Is laughable.

Turmors are not funny

And they are not your fault

it is supposed to be benign

Which means if i get cancer

And die 

I can sue each and everyone

Of these bitches for their laughter

One of them or maybe all of them

Fat and lazy 

They want me not to eat

Thier food which is everything

They see on my   basket

Which brings me to the dietician

Of the Vatican

how did a man who has some

Quality of life prior

Begin to eat over much

To the point he develeoped

An  ulcer?

Or was it not his fault.

One never does know

I do not have diabetes

I have been to court preveiouslyu

And they got in trouble last time

This time they denied me the right

To be a woman without a medical

Difficulty out of my control

They also will not treat me for

My thryoid condidtion

Just dont eat.

That is all i get from all of them.

Thyroid or diabetes

Just dont eat 

They think they are funny

Knowing your businesss

Because the staff cant be trusted

To keep it to themselves

Or in house

They blabb and dont know

How to trate a human being.

I don't blame the Pope.

I do hope he understands.

That after the Nazi one

He is going to be the last 

Of the great whites

The next one will come out

Of those overlooked

Even Italy has their large

Population of Africans

Yes, sir it is going to happen.

Just because 

The next Pope

Will be an African Cardinal

From somewhere in the world

Probably Ukraine

They have all gone Catholic.

So don't die to soon

It might send the Protestants.

To their graves


What have we done

Just wanted to be friendly

Did not know they would have. 

To put up with their own grandchildren.

Bless him and wish him well...

As for New York

Unbreathable air quality

New York, New York

The top of the heap

According to old blue eyes

Frank Sinatra.

They made it to the top 

Of the list of worst 

Air quality

And it is not their fault

Either but their neighbor

Has caused the situation

Imagine the neighbors

Poor Quebec,

They lot control of a little fire

A fire bug got it in his head

To burn down the town 

Or the entire country

The fires have caused a massive

Amount of smoke creeping

All the way down the east

Now the lady cant barely be seen.

Inviting all those immigrants

Who then will become homeless

Just like those Ukrainians

What did they expect?

They blew up his bridge

Sunk a few of his ships

They even caused a fire

In the Kremlin 

Which they denied

But then went back 

To Moscow with their drones

Now they have a damn 

That has been damaged.

All those people 

Being evacuated

And no place to go

Like much of America

In times of distress

They lose their homes.

And have no place left

Can't even plant their dead

In the ground without 

A stupid glass tower

Being erected 

With at least twenty feet down

Being dug up for no reason

They are going to come down 

As well as damns or bridges

No one is immune. 

To this worlds plights

If the world leaders

Would just agreee

For once that they might 

Be wrong

And not be slave owners

There might not be 

Homeless condition

On those people 

Who have nver experienced

Such trajedies in thier lives

A little bit of bombing

They cry and run away.

Now their money is gone.

And they have no place to go

Just like most of America.

Well, at least there is something

To look forward

The Paris Olympics

Are a year away 

And they are getting ready.

For a really big show

With a boat armada

Wish I still had a house boat.

Wish I was not here.

But over there were I could 

Do what I wanted

Really, really wish...

I could put an end. 

To this Jimmy and 

All his stupid bitches.

Where there is smoke

There is usually fire.

Get out of the way


Before you get your head blown off...

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