Sunday, June 4, 2023

It happens sometimes

Did you know that Jimmy?

Has the same birthday as

The Zodiac Killer?

Winter solstice is 

Dec 21 0r 22 

He was born three days

Before it and than 

Assumed Christmas day

As his b-day

Believe me he has made 

That clear on many occasions

His father show

Would hold a Christmas party.

Where he would sit there 

Explaining that the presents 

Were his even when

He hand them out to others

Then he would go by and collect them

In fact, sometimes

He would make kids

Pick certain items 

Just so he could have them.

What he did with his toys

I dont know as he always  hid

Them away from my mother.

Anyways he was born

On December 18 1956.

The Zodiac killer

Which terrorized California

With his impossible code

Destroying the lives

Of just abaout everyone

Involved in the solving the riddle

Made a phone call once

In which he claimed that day

Was his birthday to the person

He was speaking to just before

Christmas on Dec 18.

Jimmy was often thought 

Of in those days as a 

Possible killer 

From his behavior 

And constant threats.

He could arrange people

To die he said to his doctors.

My little sister died

On Dec 18 in an auto accident

Where the woman driver also died

He hates women. 

Especially those in authroity

Women were not supposed to get

Behind the wheel of a car!

Those are old words

Bu they still ring wrong.

A week before christmas

Is usually what we say 

If asked about it as to why

There is so much frustration

With our family

She was just special enough

To have an affect on all of us.

It was also the day before 

My parents anniversary

They were married again

On December 19 1959

He had gone to Korea

And she played around some

They had grown up together

And then sought differnt lives

But in the end they came back

Together again.

As they did after the divorce

In 1980.

I was so tired of dealing with her 

Antics especially making me 

Be the wrong girl

But then they got sad about 

Thier lives and were almost. 

A couple again

After I had gone to college

And was working on a career

It is not that I hated my mother

I just could not stand dealing with her

And demand to always have things wrong.

Worse than Alice and the Looking glass

Anyways. it is a reminder

That some do purposefully

Cause trouble for others

And have a way of getting others

To do it for them as well.

Just as two trains collided

Why was one on the wrong track?

Why did they not know about each other.

Even in India it is odd.

To not have communication

That is what train travel caused

Communication development

Originally, they did use flags.

But also had a series of ways

Of telling each train stop 

Ahead of time,

Then they went to Morose code

By way of machines 

Communicating by wires 

This went to radio

And short wave devices

Then along came the phone

And of course wifi devices

It is almost impossible.

To think that no one had 

A working device this past week.

It is hard to even imagine

The horror of the situation

I have been through a few accidents

Train, plane, bus and auto mobile

It is a terrible shock to wake up 

Alive when your driver is dead

Or to be thrown out of the way

Only to find your companions

Are never going to go home.

Highway robbery

It is to have an airline controller

Give up the idea  he does not know

What is going on out there

Unless Jimmy is the one in the tower

Or a distraction occurs.

It happens sometimes

So fast one has to consider

Where they were and 

What they were doing

At a specific time and day

To thwart an attack

Or to know one is coming

I am not going to go quietly

Into a gentle sleep 

Which is not my own.

Jimmy cant just have a violent

End to his life for all the trouble  he has caused.


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