Monday, June 12, 2023

Wanted Writers: employment section of the New York Times


Arcangelo Antonucci

Who is a believer?
Who is a winner/?
Who is going to remember?

Fifty years after Secretariat
Won the Triple Crown
Another one comes forward

Third at the Kentucky Derby
But got across first at the Belmont stakes
Not a triple crowner but one for the history books

A female trainer versus owner.
Who knows the difference?
What does it matter

A horse of a different color
Or name would not do.
Now the world knows that women 

Do know what they are doing
No longer need a man to hold their hand
Nor tell them how to spend their money

Goodbye Jimmy
The world has changed
It actually going back to the way it was

Something impossible to occur
But there was a time when women
Were not the humble maid servants

Of the big male ego
But had thier own ways of doing things
Expected to be able to market

Thier produce if they were domesticated
Or to work the farm or train thier own son
To raise a weapon of war in defense

Life has altered quite a bit
They keep telling us this is a first
It is not the first time 

But the men forget what came before
Their euphoria of being war heroes
Caused the whole world to forget

The women who were also present
Women were always present in times of war
They were the arm bearers 

The horse caretakers
The battle scavengers
Women have always had a part in the world

They were just ignored by modern humans
Now we have another first
A Tonys presentation 

Without a script 
And introduced by an African female
In her underwear

That is certainly a first
If not for the Tonys 
For something else 

Wanted writers!
No one knows what to do.
They even brought out the two white guys

Nathan and Michael
Both past hosts of the performance
But this year it was just like

Walking into an all African neighborhood
Something went wrong along the way
I am not an anti Semitist 

Nor a hater of Africans
It is just weird that all
They they tend not to share 

The stage with others 
And then all those Jewish 
People won awards instead

Poor Angela 
Laying interned in a glass coffin
Waiting for that Oscar 

That was hers 
Everyone said so,
And then an Asian chic 

Stooled it for an outrageous 
Sci-fi flick
Yes, I finally got to see it.

Wonder if I will ever get to see
Looks interesting 

But so did a number of the others
Presented even though they did not have a script
I once went to school

In a place called Roseland
Of a city named Santa Rosa
With a girl who boarded everyday

Then stood in the playground
Until the bell rang
She never talked to anyone

And made it clear we were not welcomed
To her world.
She appeared to be ninety years old.

She had the rare disease
Where they age superfast
She was no more than twelve years old.

Alone in the world 
Not defiant 
But accustomed to getting too much attention

From the wrong type
No boyfriends either 
Not wanted nor needed

She died before the schools end.
Sadly she had not much to look forward
But wanted to belong 

And while I was in a coma 
For my kidney disease
She went and did something she shouldn't have

I thought of her when in High school
I went into dialysis
Almost died

No one had been kind to me 
That year when I awoke
Who was I to survive 

While she died before her first prom?
A bad kidney or poison
I was always under the impression

My family were being poisoned 
Or something 
The kindest people would do things

Only to have it undone
Like water for instance
They would bring us bottled water

In a time when it was rare to find
And then the plastic bottle would spring a leak
Everyone of them

Don't drink the tab water
Nor the milk.
It is contaminated with things

Anyways I did survive
And got my dead sisters kidney
As a reward for being resilient 

Not the present I wanted 
For Christmas 
From the one who died a week before

It is now failing as well
Stage three 
According to the blood results

If one can trust them 
Which I don't trust at all
But at least I read them

Unlike my doctor 
Who is too busy getting waxed
Or something for their swimsuit

Photo of something
Back to the Tony's 
It was actually not to bad a show

I did enjoy the singings and dancing
The customs could use 
A little bit  more ….coverage

Grey but not wise
Those two white guys
What happened to hair color?

My mother used to buy it by the carton
Having to sit there and apply it
Causing my asthma to go off

The one thing I cant get
Is a lung transplant!
By the way

If there are any of those girls
Who still believe I am their mama
Without a birth certificate

Or any other evidence 
My mother has been dead 
For fifteen years

Don't put her on the phone
And I want your organs
Put me down on any document

And I will sign you up 
For the donors card
I will be  checking all of the boxes

So take care of those damn things
They save lives 
And don't require blood!

Bitchs actually believe
I am going to fall for that 
Amnesia stuff

That I don't remember being 
Raped nor pregnant
For nine months!

Then then they slid out of me
In mass, because there are a lot of them
At least two hundred....

Poor Brooke,
So Beautiful and yet 
She has never hat a single one 

Of the wrong person
Approach her and tell her
I am too your daughter....

Long story.
Lets get back to that 
Back breaking war story

Mr. Zelensky's mummy
Was a soviet engineer
Who knew the art of interrogation

Probably learned from 
Her Fascist leaning father 
What rank was  he during WWII?

My grandfather would like to know
The Russians were supposed to be friendlies
And the Jews not accepted by the Reich

Except for their leader 
Of Course
Adolf Hitler 

Who was born a Jew
Died a Jew.
Alois Shicklgruber

Never heard of him.
Neither has god 
No matter which religion.

Also never heard of is
Israel Ulinov
Also know as 

Vladimir Lenin
Really these guys 
Changed their names

Just so go would not recognize them
While they gave up their own religion
Persecuting those of the ethnic background

To the point that their names
Have gone down in history 
At least the ones they made for themselves

After divorcing themselves
From their own peoples and families
By the way Jimmy

We are also divorced 
Still doesn't meant I cant have 
Half of your social security 

Or anything else I might desire
With your name on it.
Robert James Keshan Jr.

Not James Wheat.
That is  my family name.
Also known as Benito Bullocks

Poor kid was Captain Kangaroos
Extra child from a woman
Who was not his wife

She was someone else wife
Gave birth to him in Germany
His birth certificate reflects her name

But his father gave him a legal name
Which he choice not to use.
The one he made for himself 

Has caused my family 
Enormous amounts of trouble.
My father is now dead.

And so is his war hero father.
While jimmy lives on incredibly
Despite having been executed

And a n umber of other attempts 
Made in behalf of humanity
In order to get rid of him

Someday you will loose your head,
Jimmy so don't hang it down too low
Because there are many who want it.

Congratulations to the winners
And by the way.
If they are looking for writers

I have a few bachelors
And a number of awards
Including for writing!

Unemployed former journalist
What got stuck in one of those 
Places where they let the kids 

Pretend they are the ones in charge.
But doing nothing for anyone.
Just want to play games,

With other peoples lives. 
Almost lost the world to a Pandemic.
Now we are all at war,

Over a border dispute
Instead of being concerned for a small group,
Being refused their freedom!

Excuse the mess.
I have acquired a kitten.
An unwanted Russian blue.

He keeps giving me his catnip mice
In exchange for my computer cords
He likes the sizzle,

They have inside them.
I just don't want him
To light up like a Christmas tree!

Phantom of the Opera...
Might have heard of it.
Anyone remember 

Fiddler on the roof?
Or Leonard Nimoy?
Or is he long forgotten?

Harry Belafonte...
Will be missed by all
Of us!

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