Friday, June 16, 2023

By the way, Father...

She sat queittly waiting,
Checking her watch 
She wore around her neck.

It was bought specail 
For her by her husband
His family had lost their land

During the Schwelig wars
Between Germany and Denmark
They had been old Danes

Now his family were immigrants
To America living off 
Thier old banks and new properties

She had been one of those introduced
To Queen Victoria
Old Saint Petersburg elite

She could have married
Almost everyone they said
With her beauty

Instead she married her heart.
She had inherited 
These titles from the West

Those crazy uncles had gone
To get their riches
Gold rush of California

And the West dreams
Riding horese with a shotgun
And  making friends with Indian

Crazy old fools.
There was little left 
When she was finally old enough.

1907 she left on a boat
For Canada to take a train
Into the West

Idaho is as far as she got
Before they caught up 
With her and her fiance

And her got married 
At the Justice of the Peace
They were waiting for San Francisco

Which they found 
Was still putting itself 
Back together after the 1906

Earthquake and fires.
Ten years had gone fast
Finding more abandoned homesteads

While he was in a new religion
That required tithing
And wanted to know their bank records

He would end up loosing most 
Of his life but kept a few or the farms.
They had their own wine label

And trees that produced 
Nuts and fruits
That would sale to anyone 

Who had money for the transport
Now she was back looking
For a distant relative

The revolution had hit her town
Leningrad is now its name.
Here she was sitting in a forest

They used to take parties
Into the woods with picnic baskets
Instead she had brought a small boy

Out of the war torn city
In her hamper
They were waiting for his father

He was bored with this situaiton
He had been through it before
He might remember his mother

But maybe not
He knew he had been in the woods
With a crazy lady

Who said she was his mother
Kept him from going to school
That got her in trouble

With the locals
The country was different 
They all  had to cooperate

With the Soviet leaders
Who had appeared to be friendly
With the Americans and the French

In order to get away from the Nazis
They had burned and pillaged
The lands all the way to Moscow

Where they starved out the locals
But in the end they left
Just as Napoleons men had

Back to where they came from.
They were no longer being freindly
With either America nor Britian

Instead they took over Berlin 
And most of the Western small nations
In order to build a buffer zone 

Between themselves and the others.
Now the people inside this zone
Were under fire if they don't 

Show full cooperation
He had seen a couple shot
When he was only two years old.

Her friends did not arrive
But she had shown him the necklace
He had not known she had.

It was a trifle to him
But he knew they would want it
And would cut her throat 

In order to get it.
When they came instead
He acted as if he was cooperating

Thugs and worse
They were this gang of thiefs
They had her as quick as they could

She did not have a chance
He worked with them 
Until the sounds of the other approaching

Then he turned the tables on them
Freeing her from being kept 
As a kidnap victim

After the money was paid
They would always kill the victim.
He knew this even though he was

Not yet seven years old
Too young to fight a group
Too small to get away from them.

She was ungrateful to him.
Why did you not fight.
He shook his shoulders 

And said it was not the time.
Then he handed her the item
They really wanted

A time piece on a gold necklace.
She had no idea how much
That one item meant to those men.

He had seen her as well
The woman who had held him
Hostage when he was younger

Amongst the group
She had promised him he would 
Not see her again.

Had she lied to him?
Instead, the new people 
Were telling her that they could

Not remove the child from the country
There was too much trouble
She went along with them

To Leningard
Where they found an old couple
Who had lost their children

During the siege.
She nodded her head ever so slightly
But holding his hand firmly

She walked him to the ferry
She told them she would be back
First she was taking him somewhere

He was the son of a relative
Who had not been seen for a long time
Now the hier had been found

She made her way through
Having been an old citizen
To first Stockholm 

And then Mexico city
She told him she had to have
Him put his feet down

In Baja before he decided 
What he wanted to do.
He found himself 

On the West coast 
With the water as far as 
One could see.

There were horses to rid
And boats to play with
As well as a working orchard

He was glad it was not one 
Of those places they see in the news
Hay and cows and men in hats

Who spit out their tobacco.
Instead he learned the nicety 
Of being in a Capitalist country

He had begun at a school
To train them to become
Real Communist

Instead of those self serving
Ones who  spoke out of the corner
Of their mouth

But did not support 
The rest who were under Lenin
They came for her out their as well.

He recognized the son 
Of the rogues from the forest
They were not nice

They threatened to burn down 
The town she was hiding
She had thought if they did not go

To America they would not get caught
Most of their properties had been confuscated
Except for the ones her sons were living upon

The ones who had not died
In the two wars she had not known
She would have to face
Her husband was gone now

So she stayed on the Baja prperty
As the safest from all those
Crauts they were rescuing 

From Germany
Fools they were the worst
The ones who were not 

Going to support any coutnry
But here they were 
And her waiting for her granddaughter

To be married and take over this place
Instead she had sent him to Korea
Another war for her to cry over

At least she was on hand
She made the quick decision 
To flee down the street

Where reinforcement came 
They told the angry ruffians
To get lost which is not what 

They did.
But getting the law to come out
Meant he was discovered.

Now she had to go to court
She won her case of adoption
But they still took the boy 

Back to Leningard
Where the chef who had befriended
Her husband took the boy

Home to his son and wife
They were now childless.
The boy tried not wish he had 

Been better behaved
It was too late for that.
He had to endure one more family

He spent his time learning
Got into law school.
Visiting her occasionally

In her holiday retreeat
As they called it in order for him to visit
Where it had been raided over and over again.

He granddaughter did marry a nicer man
Than she deserved as she was hysterical
Finding there might be anther one.

Long days in the sun
Where now spent  in doors
He barely remembered his days

In the woods nor the forest
He wished she had not been so old
That day sitting their with her watch

Maybe they could have escaped
And not been followed home.
When she died the little girl

Arrived with the watch
To tell him that it was over.
His life there had only been 

For her the woman who had rescued him
From the horrors of an abducted life
Where they never tell you the truth

But always have you working
Fraudeleant things
Out right thiefry and murder.

He was a good citizen
Who married a woman
Who was not in love with him.

She was sad the little one
The Sorrowful lady
She was called amongst others

She could niether come and stay
With him nor live in her families homestead
Her mother had been captured and tortured

Now she was just plain crazy
They had even killed her twin sister
The same group 

Three generations 
After the family that had gone through
Germany in order to serve

Thier new country.
The father was similar to him.
He had been traveling from London

Where he was left behind 
By his mother once she had married
The man she was already married 

Somehow, he kept getting lost
His mother had been thrown from a train
When she pregnant with him

They lived in Geneva
Until they were found
Her husband having been told 

She was dead.
What a mess that had made.
He became the heir but it was already

Gone the things they had been
Told would be his when he was old enough
He went off to unviersity to get a degree

In anything scienctific
As he did not believe in god.
Now his son was being dragged 

Down through Meixco
His wife had forgotten 
Not to get him in trouble

While he was at school
They did not allow married men
The boy was  put with a rich family

In London who then had lost 
Anyways they were now together
At this laboratory with the new thing

They were going to build a bomb
To destory Germany 
Than the world would be at peace

As these bad people
Were not going to stop
Until they controled the whole 

Of humanity to thier demsie.
She travled from Quebec
To New Orleans

With the boy in order to get him
Away from anyone who was seeking him.
Then she went into labor

She had to go back 
For just a few days
The baby would be his brohter

They would grow up together
And have fun in the sun
With peace at their disposal.

Instead, she died afterwards.
They said blood poisoning.
But it was probably what his dad 

Was working on
Nuclear fusion or something
She came for him when he had not expected

Grace was beautiful. 
But took him araound with her
Her husband was a loyal America

Having fought through both wars 
On a ship in the Pacific
Then he retired with his nephew

As his only child.
Poor kid had never meet
His mother who died.

At some point in high school
After he had already been to training
His eyes had to be replaced

They did not tell him 
But they think his mother and him
Had gotten too close

To one of the explosions
He had learned to read 
After he had been taught

By oral the numbers
And other things he could learn
Without seeing

What he was now seeing
Was another kid who looked
Just like him

He did not know whom to talk 
To about it as he was supposed to have died
The baby she was carrying.

His memories of his mother
Were scant but he recalled the train tirp
Here  now was a kid who looked 

Well, his real dad showed up
As he was going off to war.
He would not acknowledge teh kid

At first but did speak to him 
About were he had been
He had been raised in Louisiana

Could it be the two boys
Had been switched?
He had gone t o court 

Over his newborn disappearing
Then this one showed up 
At his brother in laws.

Wonders never cease
In tims of war
And then peace

Where the threat to your 
Family is real enough
But one does not think

They will steal them
Nor kill them
Little Albert

Did not have  long to live
He married a girl 
The descendant  of the Conquistadors

From Texas then she divorced him.
He liked the little girl
Who kept calling him father.

But one day he and the other gy
Met, it was not pleasant
Then he finally got it 

His brohter had lived
Now to tell his father
But then he was dead

They were shot at.
Would it never stop
Those people who keep after one

Long after a war is done?
Now she had an uncle and a sister
Gone to the graves

Soon her greatgrandmother 
Would follow
And then the grandparents

Who were the only ones
Who knew what had happened
Had their lives shortened

She fought for her uncles
To survive and live
Happily among them

But her parents lost thier way
The boys were removed 
Taken to other places

They were to get together
Again one day 
But  it was venver going to be the same

All things kept leading her back.
Now her parents are gone as well.
Then they swooped in to take the properties

That  had been guarded 
The only things left of the old ones
Lives after leaving Europe

At the height of the troubles
All their treasures have been 
Distributed as well 

The bad guys just did not
Want them to have anything at all.
Too many false ones came forward

All she his is the watch.
Not her name nor her life
They have taken everything 

Even her eyes were removed
She had worked hard 
As the heiress whom 

Was to take care of the rest
Those who were still alive
Had gone a long time ago.

To their own rewards
Not knowing the battle is still not over
For them it will be a figh to the finsihs

She intenad sto be the last one standind
She does not blame her farther 
For his failing eyes sight

But wished here mothers brain
Had not been tampered
She is going to kill 

Every last one of them
Before it is over 
For not knowing when 

Enough is enough.
By the way father
Mother lied to you

I am the other one
Not Dawne
But Aurora.


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