Wednesday, June 14, 2023

By the way, mother...

Did you tell me
Thar Jimmy told to you

A story?
About having graduated
From Harvard cum laude

In the 1980's?
What happened to affirmative action?

The next thing you will be telling me
Is that he is the dead born
Arabella Kennedy in 1956

We always argue 
Over little things
Because you wont let me

Have my way 
With my medical treatment.
For your information

Maria Shriver 
Had to go to Ohio
For a degree in Journalism

Or was it just English?
Anyways she was not even allowed.
As a Boston native

To go to Harvard
It is a school in Massachusetts.
Not Hollywood

He could not have been accepted.
In the eighties at Harvard
Unless he was a female 

Without the extra appendage
Or of color
Such as Japanese 

Or something else
And we both know he did not
Graduate from high school.

Even you wont get out of that one
What did he do?
Steal Rebecca Deraney's diploma?

She did graduate from Highschool.
Didn't she?
Of course, she said she was born

In France instead of Santa Rosa 
Anyways, your non son
Could not have gotten 

Into Harvard in the 1980s
Much less lived in Boston
For three years 

While he pretended to attend
Classes for the basic instruction
And then a premed bachelor

Only to have interned 
In any hospital for any time
Without being caught 

As a complete imbecile!
It takes about ten years
To complete a MD! 

Not three 
Nor does one walk on to
The set of some Soap Opera

Wearing an outdated uniform
Introducing oneself as a medical doctor
Without permission from the State Board

He would have had to pass 
An actual exam 
And been licensed

And him with convictions 
On him as well as a state board
Insistence he not pretend 

He was anything else 
Nor to use the last name 
Of anyone but his own real dad

How often I had to sit and hear
Him get upset when i referred 
To your husband as my father

Now he is going around 
Acting as if he is my husband
And wants me in a mental ward

Just because 
I refuse to have sex with him.
He is impotent !

He is never going to experience
Anything but mental illness
And I am not swallowing that!

Now about your little 
Misundestanding with me
Who kept going to different high schools

And colleges
Until one day they added up
All of my credits 

Causing me to actually 
Receive a Bachelors of Science
While I was trying to get 

A Literature or history degree
To pursue Archaeology
In the end with all those things

I did on the side with various 
Humanitarian groups
I got a Forensic applied to my name.

Just wanted to be a writer
Or a traveler 
Who explored the ancient sites.

Now mother why do you
Sometimes call  me Patricia?
It is not because the Kennedys

Had a baby i 1963?
Jimmy may have been born in 1956
But he is not a girl!

Nor is he dead
Not even now 
With all hell breaking loose.

Did you know a few more
Accidents have occured
A few more mysterious deaths

All of them somehow 
Related to you going into hospital
Over depression from having

Gotten pregnant again
And given birth to a baby boy
Instead of accepting the girl

Who was forced to sit with you
There was even a Duma
Thats the Russian version

Of congressman
Who was stabbed by his housekeeper
And then put in a plastic bag

Then put under the house 
In Moscow!
How many times did Jimmy

Bury another dead pet
He accidentally ran over
With his non car

As he failed his drivers exam
In high school
Along with everything else

He was always putting things 
In plastic and dumping them
I even caught him with my father

In a black plastic bag
At the old stables 
Of the old homestead

Down south
He went for horse shit
To pour on top of my father

I happened to be taking a night time walk
Never can sleep at night
Too much going wrong in the world

There he was playing at the barn
Turns out it was not a dead horse
But my father who was still alive!

I had to help him walk down to the beach
But Jimmy was in hot pursuit
When we did get to a hospital

He was stolen from me
By another one of those lying
Jehovah's Witnesses

Who keep claiming 
Without a birth certificate
That they are the real relative

Just because
In their new system
After Armeggoddon

They have presumed
That they will be the only ones left over
Does not mean they get to go around now

And demand that everything 
Already belongs to them
What happens if they stumble 

Over something and fail
To survive!
After all even Moses 

Was denied the right 
To the promised land
Never being allowed to cross 

The Jordan 
After leading those miserable
Rats from Egypt for forty years

Who knows who they were
All those midwives 
Pretending the Jewish women

Could not give birth 
But were dying in the effort
Replacing their own children

For thier own
Like Miriam who told the Princess
Of Egypt 

That the baby in the weeds
Could be nursed by her mother
When in fact she was his mother

All those stories
Just because
Jimmy thinks he can become king

Do you remember the day 
He climbed into one of thsoe
Construction things

And his inability 
The big scoop in front
Swung through three old historic

Brown stones in Manhattan?
Now the Trump tower sits there as tall 
As it can be with all the other fabricated buildings

Instead of a historic section
Just as this city is also losing 
Each and every house

That signifies it existed
Before Jimmy was born
In 1956.

Ha, you admitted it.
Not 1960 at all.
He is not the one

You gave birth to dead.
Meanwhile, back at home
One does get frightened to think

A housekeeper could walk in
On an important man
In a hotel or a home

And do away with him.
All those girls just want
To have easy work

In really nice places
Instead of digging in the ground
Or digging up the dirt

On an individual 
Who might do harm 
To more than one individual

By the way 
It is Mr. Trumps birthday
And he had to show up in court

Where he was fingerprinted
And pleaded not guilty. 
To 37 charges.

Imagine if Jimmy had 
To be fingerprinted!
I once had two different sets

Of fingerprints handed to me
As Jimmies and asked 
Which one?

How the hell should I know
He is not a relative of mine
Just because he used my family name!

Enjoy the roses mother
I might not have made a promise.
But I did give you a rose garden. 

To wait for your promised paradise.
Unless you want to go back to the 
Sound of Music dreams of freedom...


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