Thursday, June 29, 2023

The Tyrant


Napoleon Bonaparte

Came from North Italy

Worked for France

The Great General

For the people of France

After the French Revolution

There was so much corruption

And disregard of the people

By the others who just

Wanted to eat bread

They stormed the Bastille

Freeing the convicts

Who had just petty crimes

The real ones were executed

And then took on Versailles

As well

It appears there was an issue 

With flour

They did not have enough to bake

Thier bread for their meals

Whereas the King 

Had a huge supply

For all of those guests

Who would just stop by

And stay and stay...

Anyways, the Queen

Hated cake

It is all they served

For those quests

Who had no other place

To go after they traveled

All the way to Paris

So tired of dieting

Those little babies 

Took a toll on her waistline

She had to actually stand around

And pretend she was not hungry

Cake! Where were the vegetables?

Let them eat the damn cake....

Wrong words to say 

To a crowd hungry for food

All that fish was hard to swallow

And the cheese 

Really they wanted to chew

White flour 

Is where it all started

To get the Kings flour

Meant for cakes and tarts

Whereas the bread

Was made with various flours

Unfornately they almost all

Now have some sort of allergy

To the products of wheat

Including beer and even vodka

Sad story 

So many lost their heads

And then the guys

Just wanted to cause trouble.

For everyone else.

Along came this hero.

Who worked for the people,

Leading great wars

Came back from Moscow.

A little bit quieter 

Decided to make himself.

Emperor of the nation

He no longer served them.

They served him.

He at least did not keep.

Them from eating

That is all they did.

And at extraordinary prices

They even wanted to be paid.

For carrying the food 

From the Kitchen to the table

It is not that far!

Tips for the waiters

Went to tips for the bar guy

And now if a person 

Even smiles at you

As you walk by a restaurant

They chase you down

And take the tip

Right out of your wallet

The tyrant is what he became,

They exiled him twice.

And he escaped as well

Finally, his nephew was shot.

In Mexico City for no reason 

Except a bunch of guys 

Wanted fire works.

All those guns and powder

The new guy had brought over.

With him was too much for them.

However, his second wife's child

Did marry into royalty.

So his seed is there 

In Europe even though

He is not anymore. 

Known as anything. 

Except a man who took 

On too much

Became known as a Tyrant

Instead of  a Hero.

Who will fill his shoes?

We hear of a tiny war

About a restaurant bombing

What were they doing outside?

Why were they not all hiding?

In their bunkers

Where does their money come from?

They cant afford their own arms

They have to send a Diva

To beg and pan handle for them

Then they jump on planes

And go to live in expensive places

Such as America 

Where there are lots of homeless

Living on the streets

But they can afford 

To go out to eat!

What is the complaint?

Now they have masterminded.

A plot to overthrow someone

This is what it is about 

Is it not

Not wanting to do anything.

Except sending their daughters

To America to be good prostitutes

So they can bring their younger daughters

Along to teach them as well

So many of those women could

Have put a stop to the soviets

But they wanted was sex

Not god.

It does not matter whether

Or not one believes in god

But what they do with their lives

Freedom is what they wanted.

What they got was more rulers

From the locals 

Who are no better than the last guy

Using convicts to do their dirty work

Not allowing their neighbors

To have their freedom

If they don't want a safe 

Government then let them go

And kill each other.

But no it is hired mercenaries.

Just so they can spend money

At a fancy restaurant

After standing in line

For all that free stuff 

Handed out by those aid workers

Who did not check their wallets

Where does the money come from


They can afford a lot of things

Except for new war missiles

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