Sunday, June 25, 2023

The day, time stopped in its tracks.


Time stands still

In times of crisis

When the unexpected occurs

Montana is known

For many things

Yellowstone for instance

Here we have a new series 

On the origins of a National park

And then a bridge collapses

Causing an environmental catastrophy

Alarming reports are all around us

We cant get over one thing

Before another one strikes

Just as Job sat there hearing

About the demise of all ten children

He had done nothing but 

Caught the eye of the Devil

He suffered until it was brought to an end.

Russia has a long history 

Of troubles throughout

Its long history

Everyone has an opinion

Of how to run the country

But the people are not Europeans

Even those who make it to

America stand out 

How they are different

Is an issue for others

To discuss 

But yesterday

There was that moment

When time stood still

The unthinkable 

Had occured!

Or had it?

It is inevitable

That someone wants to be boss

After all there is no real authroity

The Duma is an older institution

Than Congress and its say

Is stronger than ours

The Tsar often meet 

Resistance if his policies

Were not in line with the Dumas

They even assissanted a few of them

Then came the Soviets 

Who had no business running the country

But the Presidents cant get 

The West to leave them alone

And get on with business

They keep making false claims

That he is trying to undermine


How? What has he done

But kept a coutnry 

Known for its ruthlessness

Out of hteir hemisphere

They are the ones who wanted

To run over and introduce

Prostitution and drug addiction

Not that they were not already

Known but the West 

Just had to encourage 

Capitalism through filth

And treachery

Now we have a guy

Who is a mercenary

Leading an army of convicts

While the past political prisoners

Were considered sympathetic

These guys are hardened criminals

They get out by agreeing to kill

Thier contracts dont allow 

Them vacations nor homestays

If they leave they will be killed.

So they have an army of treacherous

Men running around the border

Having all sorts of bad luck

Then the guy in charge

Who was also in prison

For petty crimes

But got out and went honest

With a hotdog stand!

Then became master chef

And owner of multiple resturants

That the big guy

Enjoyed bringing his out of towners

After all the guy grew up

In his neighborhood

How bad could he be?

After all in the story

Of Joseph and his dreams

It is the baker who is beheaded

And the cup bearer 

Who goes back to his job

Similar to what a Butler

Does, double checking 

The bottles of wine

For poison or worse

A restauranter caterer

Was expected to be his loyal

Friend who just wanted 

To expand into mercenary work

What went wrong?

When the Pharoah got suspicious

He sent the two trusted men

To jail until it was proven innocence

What is Putin to do with his best man?

The war has gone badly

And then the guy was complaining. 

About his men who are just convicts

Not regular army.

Suggestions have been there 

For awhile that he was not 

Satisfied with his lot

Now a Billionaire himself

He does what he should not do

Decides to march on the Moscow

He said he was going for the defense

Ministry not the President

But they left their designated area

And were getting close

The Mayor of Moscow 

Was not amused 

And set up road blocks

And warnings

Then the call came 

He could not take

He stopped in his tracks

What did it say?

His wife and daughter

Were about to be executed?

His men were going 

To be target pracatice

With one of those nuclear bombs?

Or that he would immediately 

Be shot by the first city guard

That saw his shiny head?

Any past misadventure

Not unknown?

Well, stopped time

An aggressive manuveur

Towards his boss

Is not taken lightly

What happened?

He says his men will stand down

But will they?

More troubles on the border

While he goes into exile

Hmm, Camp David 

Was in use this weekend.

Wonder if he has a good view

Of the Potomac?

Or is it the Thames?

Tea drinker

Might prefer the British...

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Three times loser

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