Friday, June 2, 2023

Now, Hunter

Now Hunter,

About your father

Tuck that insurance policy

To the back 

Of your desk

And go get him

A new set of wheels

Do you remember

The first time he gave

Some wheels?

He needs to have a modern

Set of wheels.

They have these things

They come in all different 

Sizes and shapes

They are called

Mobility scooters

He is over 60

There is no shame

In having to have his legs

Get a break 

From all of that standing

And walking

And climbing

These scooters

Are not the ones you had

But full sized adult vehicles

For those with a little bit

Of trouble not falling down.

Please, we know you love him.

Spend a little on your old dad

Keep him from breaking

His hip or worse

Jill has her hands full

With two full time jobs

And being the mother and grandmother

As well as the first lady.

She just does not seem to notice

His falls.

Be a good son

Get him something 

He will thank you 

This Gatsby is a nice one

They can put the official President seal on it

And paint it any color they want.

Imagine your dad 

With this impressive 

Scooter running around 

At least the home area

Although there are smaller ones

Compact to store in your trunk.

And then there are those 

Pope mobile types

With a full glass windshield

And over the top 

Metal hood

To keep out the elements.

Of course,

They also have three wheels.

No more sandbag jokes!


Elsewhere in the world

Guadalajara has a problem

Those nasty guys

Have been at it again.

They were looking for seven

Individuals who had disappeared

There are 100,000

People who have gone missing

In Mexico

Those guys just capture 

Busses or other vehicles

And take the persons


In the past,

It  meant ransom

But these guys are so rich

They can just dump the bodies

They were finding them 

In the trunks of their own cars

Or refrigerated vans

Were doing the rounds

Of neighborhoods

But they were not selling ice cream

But collecting bodies

Here they found 45 bags

Full of human remains

Forty five people

Went missing and then were dumped

Did anyone notice?

There are those families 

Who keep asking what happened 

To their college students

About 43 of them

Boarded a bus for Mexico city

Going on a field trip

And then they vanished

Into thin air

No one has found them

But they know they are now dead.

Wonder who these ones are?

Perhaps their families

Can stop digging up graves 

In Vera Cruz

Where they have been planting them.

What happened to all the free

Independence of Mexico?

They did not want Spain

Telling them what to do

Nor allow the Americans

Who had paid and been promised land

To live in peace

Pancho Villa 

And all his terrorists

Have now bloomed

A generation of gun men

Who have no respect

For others nor for their property

May as well list

Chuey among those 

Who take the life's of others

After robbing them of their goods

And then just dumping them.

In a ravine 

Outside a tourist town

Built and paid for by Americans

Are you aware 

That Howard Hughes

One of the richest men

Resided in Guadelajara?

His money helped build 

The community into a tourist mecca.

It is now along with Veracruz

A land of the dead

Full of dead bodies 

Not even buried properly

As most Catholics would not dare

But treated as animals with no rights.

Please don't stop those migrants

They also paid for thier trip

To the border for a new life.

Stop those vans at the border

Who are just going for a  drive

To sunny and scary 

Land taken over by 

Communists and convicts

They don't need mobility scooters

No one lives past the age of 40

Without being in danger

Of being to old!

Just as most American doctors

Believe your life is over

And they no longer need to care 

For your needs 

Once you turn 40

Too old! Too Old!


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Three times loser

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