Friday, June 9, 2023

A'fraidy cat...cant go back to the way it was before


He was just sneaking through the woods
To kill the indian chief
When he woke up

The French Indian war
Was long over 
And he was no longer fighting

For the Whites rights to reside
In this new nation 
But had proceeded onto 

Not wanting to pay taxes
For stamps of all things
One just wrote a letter

And slipt it into a box
It always got delivered
In the old country

Not they want money for it 
To be put on board a ship
How much room could one letter 

Make on board 
When there were thousands 
going across the  Atlantic

And then the tea prices
Were out of this world
So he join up for this patriot 

Thing going on in America
Thought he might become a lord
Or something and then everything 

Went wrong
They actually sent redcoats
From old England

And German Hessians
While all they had was a bunch
Of squirrel hunters 

And old squaw men
Who took those indians
To men with them 

Only to want thier hunting
Ground left alone
Well, he signed up he did

And got to become part
Of the elite groups 
From his past experience

To the Life Guard
As it became known
He was protecting the new King

George Washington
No one knows where he came from
His family were well enough known

But the kid had spent time in the Bahamas
And some say he made it to Rome 
As well, so educated

No one expected this guy
One had only heard about
To step off his horse

And still be standing
Head above everyone else
Six feet plus!

How were they supposed to protect
A giant!
He was nice enough to get along

But had his own rules 
And when his wife showed up
Tiny under five feet

With her servants and sweets
She spent a miserable winter
Taking car of the needs

OF those in the lower ranks
Who were these people!
Anyways he could not handle it

Appearantly they are not going
to get anything but land when they are done
Serving this guy 

As it was he wanted a bit more
His name was Hickey
He wanted to make a name for himself

Which he did do
His tactics should not have been caught
But on one of those nights

He thought he would sneak up
On a sleeping giant
Only to be tackeled

By his own men
They were not supposed to be up
But they had been fore warned

If he ever found the guy
All he was going to do was slit
His throat as he had done the chief

All those years ago
Thats all and then it would be over
This war was never going to be won

Not on this turf
And with those tough guys
He couldn't handle it 

Going on and on'
It was going to be over 
Then they could go back 

To the way things were before
Instead he woke up this morning
Dreaming of being the hero

All those years ago.
It was short lived
George made sure of it

The hanging in front of the men
Was for them to know 
There was no going back

They had entered a war with the king
They could not be his subjects again.
Even Franklin

Who had become a British 
Overnight with his musings
Came under the eyes  of the magistrate

He had to run for his life.
Jumping into the Thames
In order to get his self and skin

Out of the hands of the jailers
They put out an arrest warrant
For the American Ambassador

Who was so famous
The King even questioned 
Not meeting with them

Perhaps he could have become 
A President or Senator
But in his later year

He preferred lighter  jobs
Sleeping on the benches
Of the Philadelphia halls

Then go out to gain the audience
Now he was a wanted man in
England and probably all of them

Had papers waiting to be served
He knew if he lost this war
His head would be on the block

There would be a general 
Warrant issues and even those
Not know to be at the front

Would all be under arrest
And possibly hauled
Back to London for a public hanging.

He made sure this guy
The head of his guard
Got the first real hanging

He would go down in history
For attempting to murder him
George knew more than most

Being a younger unfavored son
He had been sent out of his family
Who had their own golden boy

Now  he was defending a life
That most did not know 
Was thier only one

There was no going back 
To England or Germany
They had to fight and to the end.

Gibbs because the new head 
Of the elite group protecting 
The General of the American army

Later they would become 
His body guard once he agreed
To become President of the new nation.

They say King George 
Never got over loosing his colonies
But others did not mind

It was Howe and the others
Who had no idea to become
Captured when loosing

To the American General
Only to not be hung
Or quartered

But sent home as Arnold
Had on ships to the Thames
Jumping ship sounded just about right

What to do once they got back.
No one was going to be inviting them
To Christmas nor Ester

It was the end for the British
Who did have to go back 
these people were willing 

To live with the indians
And the new terrain
Without a king to protect them.

When the Bodyguard
Became the Secret Service
The files of all the men who had been

One of the best or closest
Were burned as a favor to them
Keeping those files of all those men

Whose families did not know
Unless a plaque was found
With their relatives 

Name on it 
As one family did 
Frederick Braun

Changed his name to Brown
They say they were Rouens 
Once fighting the great crusades

But he was from a family 
Who had gotten caught
In the aftermath of he Charlemagne
Holy Roman empire
On the wrong side 
Really they were French 

Not German but he did his best
Served his new country
became one of the elite guard

So the plaque claimed
His descendants were in Pennslyvania
And most of them waned to be in Canada

French Quebec was their target
But this guy signs up to protect
The General who would become president

The first one and he carried 
Alot of weight 
Educated in the old style

Where crimes were for criminals
Not the first to cross a line
But not for the sake of dealing 

Unkindly with others
Just as mot current guys
Have no way out of getting

All thier information 
On the clock but take some home
What would George have done

If his files and boxes had been found?
Turned himself in I imagine
To arrest, convict and execute

The man who needs to know 
How to deal with the too many people 
Who come through his office 

Is a wonder if the same convicts
Continue to be allowed t  make phone calls
Much less deny others the right to faire trail

Or even a life with out wrong accusations.
Defamation of character and Malicious lying
Is all I have experienced 

Maybe Trump will find a jury
Who know they will wake up 
In the middle of the night 

Dreaming of what America 
Was prior to this horrible dead
It is not if he is guilty or not

Or if he was wrong or not
Or that his office is not above the law
It is that it will change everything!


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Three times loser

  Seen as the leader Of the pack Le Pen  Who has already Lost three times With those fickle French Has been seen as the Front runner of the ...