Thursday, July 20, 2023

"A denarius for a quart of wheat", Revelations 6


The apocalypse is upon us!

Revelations is being fulfilled.

Don't harm the oil or wine...

According to learned people

This means that the vines of both

Grow deep into the ground

It would take a deep drought

To cause the wine grapes 

To dry up and whiter

As the olive trees

Only in California 

Have we seen entire grove

Of avocadoes shrink 

Like those Amazon heads

Causing the land owner 

The inability to pay his land tax

For at least a decade or so

Unlike the ripe rich fields of wheat

Which are surface fruit

For those who live off of cereals

For their subsistence

A denarius was a days wage

Which used to mean a lot

But now most minimum wage 

Earners drive fancy cars

And buy expensive phones

But the idea that one could not eat

For a day or two

Was catastrophic in those days

When it was thought that humans

Needed a loaf of bread a day

To subsist until richer foods

Were available 

Such as the French revolution

When the scorching of the fields

Had caused a shortage of flour

Now Europe is going to meet

It head on as a continent

No wheat flour

For all those bakeries 

Which used to have a variety

Of types of pastries and breads

But now it is all wonder bread

Too bad for those with an allergy

Who cant even taste something

Without the plague hitting them.

Don't worry Europe 

It just caused diarrhea in the end.

Stomach troubles develop

Over time for most white people

It is a grain of the Mediterranean

And Africa whose stomachs tolerate it 

But not cows milk 

Lactose intolerance is common among

Those children in Africa whose mothers

Are nothing but slaves

To the nipple ...

Anyways Mr. Biden

Has upset Mr. Putin

Mr. Putin has to offer

Mr Zelensky is nothing 

At all in the way of grain

Being shipped from those

Fields just like Montana

Across the rural Russia

Just because he attacked

His bridge to Crimea


Now his ships are targets

And he just cant take 

The chance of all that 

Grain and cereal

Going down 

In a drone attack

And sinking

Just like the Titanic

Too bad, too bad.

Officials will just have

To deal with the aftermath

Of causing so much trouble

After all he was not responisble

For kindapping and holding hostage

For ransom those children

Who decided not to keep their kids home

From school when there is 

A war being fought 

On their front door steps

Anyways what ever the situation

Is that those kids are alive

And being feed their wheaties

But the kids in China

Are working sweatshops

For those Nike shoes

And other Macys clothes

Bankruptcy has occurred 

So many times for that company

But we all love the Macys day parade

Which was featured for a Natalie Wood

Film as well as a modern one

Where my little sister got to be in it

Along with Jimmy

Who still insists they got married

By Santa Claus!

Not bad work by the way

Keeping those men on their toes

No more wheat for the Jewish guy

Who does not want orthodox priest

To remain in their homes...

Thier is oat flour

And rice flour

The old staples 

I have some in my fridge 

Just in case there is a reason

To need it.

Really who keeps 

Taking out a needed bridge?

Our coastline train

Has been dealing 

With land slides 

Due to the ongoing 

And never ending drought

They have repaired the tracks

Again for travel from Los Angles 

To its southern neighbors

But no one is going to come 

Visit me as in the old days

They would prefer 

I be dead than alive

All those years of dealing

With mom and her dementia

Only to  have everyone rob me

Only my enemies show up

With their hands out for more 

While jimmy keeps sticking

His dick out at me.

Never going to grow up

In a world that expects 

A woman to give up her

Rights to her body.

Good job Vladimir

Let Volodymir eat

No wheat at all

Then America will feel

The pain of this crisis

Sending those toys to him

Now they are going to have

To provide foodstuffs 

As well as military tech

Californians wont worry

All they eat is yogurt

And salads 

Whereas New Yorkers

Need that bagel in their hand

Pizza eaters be happy

They now have a cauliflower crust

Just like my great grandmother 

Used to make 

Available at Dominos

And fine pizza joints.

My family line is so old

That it does go back to europe

And people used to have 

Things on doors and gates

To symbolize the family origins

My family symbol was

Three sheafs of wheat

Symbolizing they were 

Well enough off to have

Three separate fields

Or communities

In which to live and grow

Wealthy they must have been

To grow wheat but not eat it

Anyways our name is not 

Really Wheat but something else

Like those millers who were

From somewhere else

But ended up on the French side

Of the Holy Roman empire

They could be almost anybody

All in a days work

To look up ones surname

And find the real meaning

Such as Jimmies mothers name


Wonder what that means

It is British 

Anyone from England 

Cant tell us what his family

Were called before they immigrated

To my land ?

Native Americans existed without white flour long ago....

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