Monday, July 3, 2023

Let there be fireworks!


Li Tian
A Chinese sorcerer
Who stuffed bamboo shoots

With gunpowder
In order to scare off
The evil spirits....

Fireworks were invented
In the seventh century
For ulterior reasons

Not for warfare
Nor to save humanity
As in case of plague

But to get rid of the bad
By a man who might have lost
His entire hand

And then there would
Be no fireworks display
The official welcome

Of many events 
Is the over loud
Boom in the sky 

Of these entertaining things
So real that they used them
In the Hobbit film

Where everyone is just happy
To have a Wizard drop by
But really where would

We be without the fourth of July
Show at the local park or beach
And now they too have been 

By artificial intelligence

Run by a person 
On the ground
Elevate to the sky

Synchronized to form 
Patterns of light
Instead of stalking a person

As I was in my youth
Being attacked by a metal 
Flying object is not fun.

But these little guys
Go up in the thousands
Just to spin around

And delight with
Thier messages 
And images.

Another story about 
And yes he has set things on fire

With fireworks
Just not my heart.
There was a ride

I recall so many years ago
That it is just a fog now,
By a beautiful young woman

A car full of kids 
All being quiet 
Out of fear

Because we had seen
Something unbelievable
He was well known

In those days for scaring
People for real 
With his antics

He was supposed to be twelve
But really he was fifteen
Which is what caused

The problem
He was seen driving
Later on he would go through

The Drivers Education
At a local high school
Which he failed 

He failed everything
Including driving
What teenage kid fails

Especially the summer
They have announced
A movie is being made in town

And they were hiring extras!
American Graffiti
Who knew what it was going to be

But all the kids were trying
To get into the damn thing
Even the Judds 

Got a cameo 
And they were from a different county.
Anyways he never passed

Never got a drivers license
Uses my fathers 
Which he stole off the counter.

But five years earlier
He was spotted 
Occasionally behind the wheel

Who taught him and where
But they were never around
He would be alone and starring

Straight ahead as if he wasn't real
That day we had been out
Christmas things

Got put in a different car
The last minute 
When the driver

Who was from a different state
Noticed and recognized him
She had done a number of interviews

He could never leave a pretty thing 
Alone, going all googly eyes on her
He just wants to be the man

To sit next to you
The rest of your life.
It is not a term of endearment

He is not being passionate
Nor happy
But furious about something

These girls had something
He wanted 
Power through their association

They were married to powerful men
Or something similiar
He did the same thing

With Diana later on
Not that he had not met her
He was not interested in 

Just an honorable 
But that is another story
Or is it

He dropped her and then
Found out she was going 
To marry Charles

The hier to the throne
Would not leave her alone
Even showed up at the hospita

To take the baby for a walk
That was not his but left
Sitting on a bench

Poor redhead has never known
What he could have been
If it was not for his meddling

As I said he had dropped her
Then she married 
He forced her into the situation

With his anger until
He caused her to divorce 
Her husband whom he would

Have liked to kill 
But instead choose her
To die with the paparazzi

Following her around
Deliberately to get her upset
She had gone out of her Christian

Faith for a Muslim
Against jimmies rules
She had to die

What a horrible thing to live
With but Harry is not alone
There were another set of boys

Who only knew
Some crazy kid
Had stolen a tractor

And was chasing them 
Throw the lanes
Attempting to kill them

She also had noticed 
A number of people 
Following her around

Some of them might 
Have been journalist
But most of them were 

Evil ones who enjoy
Causing misery
She wanted to call her husband

Jimmy had shown up 
Before her wedding
For some reason 

It might have been 
Because her father was rich
But so was his 

Or it might have been 
To get an enemy in trouble
Anyways this guy wanders 

Into the pool area 
Just as he was sneaking 
Up on her while she lay there

This joe guy comes along
And steals her 
The whole enchilada

He goes and marries her 
He could not stand that
Tried to stop the wedding

And for what?
All she knew was to tell
Her husband he had been spotted

She had no idea the girl
In the back seat
Was also afraid of him

Had tried to rape her
A few times
And she was only a child

They slide past the stop sign
She was not paying attention
The whole car quiet and moving 

In slow motion
There it was coming towards them
A huge semi tractor

They all stared at it 
As the car simply pushed
It self forward past it

So close to disaster
Shaking her head 
She decided to make a run

For it, instead of playing
Cat and mouse
Putting the car into ahigh gear

She went sailing down
The lanes attempting
To reconnect with the highway

When out of nowhere
He had nailed them

A nice chunk out of the drivers
Side and he got a plus
The girl was in the car 

He saw her at the last minute
He climbed out of his thing
Went over to make sure 

Then he pulled the girl out
Onto the pavement
And cut off her head

With the saw he had with him
He was going to do it
To pretty Neilly

But he had time for one
The other one was there as well
She woke up to see him moving

Checking those around her
She discovered the driver
Was dead and her baby

Was not going to make it
While she told the boys to get out
She crawling over to her sister

To find her dismembered
She sat there trying to hide
It from the boys

They were angry and frightened
They had seen him as well.
So weel known for his meanness.

Hours later they were taken 
To a hospital
Where the boys disappearead

Her sister was put into a morgue
And then the man showed up
While this was going on

They reconstructed the seen
She heard them talking about it
Later when they did not know

Everyone assumed that a girl 
Had died and therefore she was not known
Her sister and her were raised seperately

Only for holidays were they together
And here now they were laughing
About how the poor kid 

Had run into an empty car
They had to flag down 
Some dumb guy in a truck

And then relay him
While they pushed the car
In front of his truck

Then Betty A
Hit him on the head 
So he would wake up 

With this car in front of him
They laughed and laughed
It was all Suzie's doing

As usual she had taken charge
They were protecting their Jimmy
He was an asset in that he could 

Go where they could not
That night seemed to be over
In a flash

And yet eternity
As a concussed child
Wondered what was going on

Everything the adults
Said was wrong
They had gotten through

That intersection
But there was no one
To back her up

Those two were too little
And Joe got sworn in anyways
Despite his wife being murdered and all

Jimmies demise not knowing
That would happen
Well he has being following

The family making sure
Those boys never tell the truth
If they can even remember it

While she was given several
Chances with drugs to forget
But she keeps surfacing wondering

Wondering what went wrong
With her parents world.
Things were taken for granted

There would be an end
They thought
But instead he has been

Controlling them 
All of them
The day he crawled 

Into the back of a CIA van
Running ops in DC
He found a way inside

His threats and designs
His own father threw him
Into mental facilities

The authorities
Convicted and incarcerated him
He just walks out when he is done

He is not done yet
But she sat there in her own car
Having been hit head on

Not ten years ago
With that feeling
She was alive but she knew

It was the end of her world
It took them an hour 
To cut her out

She could not feel her legs
But could feel her back
It turns out they pulled 

Her out paralyzed from
The waist down
A fractured hip where the door

Had smashed her in trapping
Her against the middle console
While her head and neck

Have never been the same
She knew it was not fate
Nor was it over...

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